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Windows IoT Distributors |
TerryWarwick |
twarwick |
02/22/2024 |
article |
windows-iot |
iot |
Windows IoT Distributor Information |
Windows IoT Enterprise, Windows Sever IoT 2022, Distributor, Windows IoT |
Distributors can apply their Windows IoT development experiences, and knowledge, to help you build secure and connected Windows IoT solutions. If you would like to work with one of our distributors, select a distributor in your region and contact the distributor directly for more detail.
Contact Updates: To update your contact information, submit a request to IoTDistributorList@microsoft.com.
Location | Distributor Name | Contact Name | Contact Phone |
Brazil | Softline International BRASIL COMER | info.brasil@softlinegroup.com | +55 11 5188 8100 |
United States | Advantech Corporation | iot.software@advantech.com | +1 425-922-0721 |
United States | Arrow Electronics INC. | Ken Marlin Windows Champ on YouTube Henry Castillo Microsoft Champion WindowsChamp@arrow.com |
+1 (830) 365-7024 |
United States | Avnet INC. | Software@Avnet.com | +1 480 643 7055 |
United States | Bsquare Corporation | Info@bsquare.com | + 1 425-519-5900 |
United States | Dell, INC. | Jordan Wright embeddedsoftwaresales@dell.com |
+737 227 1602 |
Location | Distributor Name | Contact Name | Contact Phone |
Australia | Advantech Australia PTY Limited | Susie Chen Susie.Chen@advantech.net.au |
+61 3 97970101 |
Australia | Avnet Electronics Marketing Australia Pty Ltd | Wayne Leong Wayne.Leong@AVNET.COM |
+612 9585 5520 |
Australia | MDS Pacific PTY Ltd. | Haeli An haeli@mdspacific.com |
+61 2-9888-7715 |
China | AVNET(Shanghai) Limited | Jack Xu jackwuhan.xu@avnet.com |
+86 18627083759 |
China | Beijing Advantech XING YE Electronics | Zicheng Yan zicheng.yan@advantech.com.cn CuiCui.Ding CuiCui.Ding@advantech.com.cn |
+86 15818585213 +86 18565739591 |
China | Shenzhen Comtech Limited | Selina Gong selinagong@comtech.com.cn |
+86 15986642886 |
China | Dell (China) CO. Ltd. | Gao Defeng dell.emb.os@dell.com |
+86-592-8182210 |
China | MDS(Shenzhen) Technology Co., Ltd | Adam Yi adamyi@mdspacific.com |
+86 18565885612 |
China | Lanxiang Technology (Shenzhen) | Becky Wang beckywang@synnex.com.tw |
+86 13417570375 |
China | WT Microelectronics (Shanghai) CO., | Sun Liang liang.sun@wtmec.com |
+86 18600933866 |
Hong Kong SAR | Advantech Automation Corp. | Zicheng Yan zicheng.yan@advantech.com.cn CuiCui.Ding CuiCui.Ding@advantech.com.cn |
+86 15818585213 +86 18565739591 |
Hong Kong SAR | Avnet Technology Hong Kong Limited | Jack Xu jackwuhan.xu@avnet.com |
+86 18627083759 |
Hong Kong SAR | Comtech International (Hong Kong) | Selina Gong selinagong@comtech.com.cn |
+86 15986642886 |
Hong Kong SAR | MDS Tech China Holding Co. Limited | Adam Yi adamyi@mdspacific.com |
+86-19917267583 |
Hong Kong SAR | Syntech Asia Limited | Becky Wang beckywang@synnex.com.tw |
+86 13417570375 |
Hong Kong SAR | WT Microelectronics Ltd. | Sun Liang liang.sun@wtmec.com |
+86 18600933866 |
India | Advantech Industrial Computing | Praveen B Praveen.B@advantech.com |
+91 9845071709 |
India | MDS Pacific India Pvt Ltd | Sreejith Krishnan sreejith.krishnan@mdspacific.com Prajwal Shetty prajwal.shetty@mdspacific.com |
+91 78 4784 8412 +91 80 4123 9727 |
Indonesia | Advantech Co. Singapore PTE Ltd. | Daren See Daren.See@advantech.com |
Mobile: +65 8800 0938 DID: +65 6413 8724 |
Indonesia | MDS Pacific PTE Ltd. | Edmund Foo edmund.foo@mdspacific.com Stacey Leaw Stacey.leaw@mdspacific.com |
+65 6297 2800 |
Korea | Advantech KR Co., Ltd. | Zesty Lee Zesty.Lee@advantech.co.kr |
+82 2 3660 9220 |
Korea | MDS Tech Inc. | Sungwoo Park sungwoo@mdstech.co.kr |
+82 31 602 2026 |
Korea | VOICEYE Co., Ltd. | Young Seung Ko ysko@sgacorp.kr |
+82 10 3333 4187 |
Malaysia | Advantech Co. Singapore PTE Ltd. | Daren See Daren.See@advantech.com |
Mobile: +65 8800 0938 DID: +65 6413 8724 |
Malaysia | Avnet Asia Pte Ltd | Catherine Wong Catherine.wong@avnet.com |
+65 9681 9211 |
Malaysia | MDS Pacific PTE Ltd. | Edmund Foo edmund.foo@mdspacific.com Stacey Leaw Stacey.leaw@mdspacific.com |
+65 6297 2800 |
New Zealand | Avnet Electronics Marketing Australia Pty Ltd | Wayne Leong Wayne.Leong@AVNET.COM |
+612 9585 5520 |
New Zealand | MDS Pacific PTY Ltd. | Haeli An haeli@mdspacific.com |
+61 2-9888-7715 |
Philippines | Advantech Co. Singapore PTE Ltd. | Daren See Daren.See@advantech.com |
Mobile: +65 8800 0938 DID: +65 6413 8724 |
Philippines | Avnet Asia Pte Ltd | Catherine Wong Catherine.wong@avnet.com |
+65 9681 9211 |
Philippines | MDS Pacific PTE Ltd. | Edmund Foo edmund.foo@mdspacific.com Stacey Leaw Stacey.leaw@mdspacific.com |
+65 6297 2800 |
Singapore | Advantech Co. Singapore PTE Ltd. | Daren See Daren.See@advantech.com |
Mobile: +65 8800 0938 DID: +65 6413 8724 |
Singapore | Avnet Asia Pte Ltd | Catherine Wong Catherine.wong@avnet.com |
+65 9681 9211 |
Singapore | Dell Global B.V. (Singapore Branch) | Shree Vidhya Shree.Vidhya.Aj@dell.com |
+91 9739096714 |
Singapore | MDS Pacific PTE Ltd. | Edmund Foo edmund.foo@mdspacific.com Stacey Leaw Stacey.leaw@mdspacific.com |
+65 6297 2800 |
Taiwan | Advantech CO., LTD. | Grace Chen Grace88.Chen@advantech.com.tw |
+886 2 27927818 ext. 9292 |
Taiwan | Chander Electronics Corp. | Fransky Liu fransky_liu@chander.com.tw |
+886 2 2218-6500 EXT 861 |
Taiwan | Synnex Technology Internationals COR | Nicole Wu peiyinwu@synnex.com.tw |
+886 912830162 |
Thailand | Advantech Co. Singapore PTE Ltd. | Daren See Daren.See@advantech.com |
Mobile: +65 8800 0938 DID: +65 6413 8724 |
Thailand | Avnet Asia Pte Ltd | Catherine Wong Catherine.wong@avnet.com |
+65 9681 9211 |
Thailand | MDS Pacific PTE Ltd. | Edmund Foo edmund.foo@mdspacific.com Stacey Leaw Stacey.leaw@mdspacific.com |
+65 6297 2800 |
Vietnam | Avnet Asia Pte Ltd | Catherine Wong Catherine.wong@avnet.com |
+65 9681 9211 |
Vietnam | Advantech Co. Singapore PTE Ltd. | Daren See Daren.See@advantech.com |
Mobile: +65 8800 0938 DID: +65 6413 8724 |
Vietnam | MDS Pacific PTE Ltd. | Edmund Foo edmund.foo@mdspacific.com Stacey Leaw Stacey.leaw@mdspacific.com |
+65 6297 2800 |
Location | Distributor Name | Contact Name | ++Contact Phone |
EMEA | Advantech Europe B.V. | Alexander Fritsch alexander.fritsch@advantech.de |
+4989411191807 |
Netherlands, Belgium & Luxembourg |
Advantech Europe B.V. | Franky Gilhuijs franky.gilhuijs@advantech.nl |
+31402677043 |
Germany, Austria & Switzerland |
Advantech Europe B.V. | Horst Mattusch horst.mattusch@advantech.de |
+4989411191801 |
Spain, Portugal | Advantech Europe B.V. | David Ramos david.ramos@advantech.eu |
+34916688676 |
Norway, Sweden, Finland & Denmark | Advantech Europe B.V. | Tom Kiviharju tom.kiviharju@advantech.eu |
+46703328995 |
UK & Ireland | Advantech Europe B.V. | Darren Chapman darren.chapman@advantech-uk.com |
+442088369742 |
France | Advantech Europe B.V. | Carole Bahier carole.bahier@advantech.fr |
+33141197920 |
Italy | Advantech Europe B.V. | Marco Delfavero marco.delfavero@advantech.it |
+390295449643 |
Eastern Europe | Advantech Europe B.V. | David Sum david.sum@advantech.eu |
+420731175336 |
Rest of EMEA | Advantech Europe B.V. | Sabrina Lin sabrina.lin@advantech.com |
+886 227927818 Ext. 9269 |
South Africa | Arrow Altech Distribution (Pty) Ltd | Riaan van Kooten RvanKooten@arrow.altech.co.za |
+27 0 31 279 1660 |
EMEA | Arrow Europe | Tze Chiew WindowsChamp@arrow.com |
+31 (0) 61240 3476 |
Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg | Arrow Europe | Microsoft Support Team Benelux sales.ais.benelux@arrow.com |
+31 30 899 0730 |
Germany, Austria, Switzerland | Arrow Europe | Christian Hammes chammes@arrow.com |
+49 6102 5030 8268 |
Italy, Spain, Portugal | Arrow Europe | Davide Chiodi Davide.Chiodi@arrow.com |
+39 02 6612 5388 |
Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark | Arrow Europe | Microsoft Support NORDIC sales.ais.nordic@arrow.com |
+ 46 73 901 76 38 |
UK, Ireland | Arrow Europe | Microsoft Support UK&I sales.ais.northern@arrow.com |
+ 46 73 901 76 38 |
France | Arrow Europe | Isabelle Pillois Isabelle.Pillois@arrow.com |
+33 1 49 97 13 38 |
Italy | Arrow Europe | Alberto Alzati aalzati@arroweurope.com |
+39 02 6612 5535 |
Israel | Arrow Rapac Ltd. | Danny Morim dmorim@arroweurope.com |
+97 23 920 3479 |
Eastern Europe, Iberia | Avnet Silica: Eastern Europe and Iberia | Claudia Remane microsoft@avnet.eu |
+49 8121 777 299 |
Austria | Avnet Silica: Austria | Thomas Schuller microsoft@avnet.eu |
+43 1 86642 308 |
Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg | Avnet Silica: Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg | Patrick Maas microsoft@avnet.eu |
+31 76 5722 738 |
Switzerland | Avnet Silica: Switzerland | Martin Grossen mailto:microsoft@avnet.eu |
+41 62 919 55 57 |
Germany | Avnet Silica: Germany | Christine Falke microsoft@avnet.eu |
+49 151 1420 6230 |
Northern Europe, Denmark, Finland, Sweden & Norway | Avnet Silica: Northern Europe. Denmark, Finland, Sweden & Norway |
Mark Winther Mark.Winther@avnet.eu |
+45 4322 8027 |
Baltic States, Latvia, Lithuania & Estonia | Avnet Silica: Baltic States: Latvia, Lithuania & Estonia |
Mark Winther Mark.Winther@avnet.eu |
+45 4322 8027 |
UK, Ireland, Egypt | Avnet Silica: United Kingdom, Ireland & Egypt | Mark Winther Mark.Winther@avnet.eu |
+45 4322 8027 |
France | Avnet Silica: France | Benedicte Chagot Benedicte.Chagot@avnet.eu |
+33 (1) 64 47 99 96 |
Italy | Avnet Silica: Italy | Cesare De Siena Cesare.DeSiena@avnet.eu |
+39 (02) 66092 459 |
South, West & Central Africa Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central Africa Republic, Chad, Congo, Cote D'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe |
Avnet Silica | Carl Van der Merwe Carl.VanderMerwe@avnet.eu |
+27 21 68941 47 |
Israel | Avnet Silica, Israel | Sharon Grafi Sharon.Grafi@avnet.eu |
+972 9 7780333 |
EMEA | Dell EMEA | Sukhvinder Aulak Sukhvinder_Aulak@Dell.com |
+44 141 202 5493 |
Israel | Eastronics Limited | Rivka Helfman rivka.helfman@easx.co.il |
+972508885628 +97236458635 |
Hungary | Elbacom GmbH | Zsolt Szanya z.szanya@elbacom.com |
+36 (30) 7480458 |
Romania | Elbacom GmbH | Zsolt Szanya z.szanya@elbacom.com |
+36 (30) 7480458 |
Bulgaria | Elbacom GmbH | Zsolt Szanya z.szanya@elbacom.com |
+36 (30) 7480458 |
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania | Elbacom GmbH | Zsolt Szanya z.szanya@elbacom.com |
+36 (30) 7480458 |
Poland | Elbacom GmbH | Tomasz Legat t.legat@elbacom.com |
+48 (71) 3399247 |
Czech Republic, Slovakia | Elbacom GmbH | Michal Šaštinský m.sastinsky@elbacom.com |
+421 (911) 464 089 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia | Elbacom GmbH | Uros Ribic u.ribic@elbacom.com |
+386 (70) 431288 |
Benelux | Elbacom GmbH | Danny Vermeylen d.vermeylen@elbacom.com |
+32 (479) 981303 |
France | Elbacom GmbH | Pascal Angee p.angee@elbacom.com |
+33 (6) 64404536 |
Germany | Elbacom GmbH | Andreas Ahamer a.ahamer@elbacom.com |
+49 (160) 6712039 |
Austria | Elbacom GmbH | David Kotzenmacher d.Kotzenmacher@elbacom.com |
+43 (664) 2163502 |
Switzerland | Elbacom GmbH | David Kotzenmacher d.Kotzenmacher@elbacom.com |
+43 (664) 2163503 |
Rest of EMEA | Elbacom GmbH | David Kotzenmacher d.Kotzenmacher@elbacom.com |
+43 (664) 2163504 |
Belgium | Koning & Hartman B.V. | Kjell De Clercq, Kelly Bornauw, Alida Coninx Info.be@koningenhartman.com |
+32 2 257 02 00 |
Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan | Quarta IoT LLC | Ruben Molunts sales@quarta-iot.com |
+374 77 115784 +374 99 115784 |
Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan | Quarta Technologies | mse@quarta.ru | +7 495 123 4518 |
Location | Distributor Name | Contact Name | Contact Phone |
Japan | Avnet K.K. | Toshitaka Saito Toshitaka.Saito@AVNET.COM MS Support akk-ms-support@avnet.com |
+81 3 5792 9820 |
Japan | Okaya Electronics Corp. | Hideaki Nagai nagai@oec.okaya.co.jp Software Promotion Group info_ms@oec.okaya.co.jp |
+81 45 475 1502 |
Japan | Ryoyo Electro Corporation | Toshihiko Kanazawa Toshihiko_kanazawa@ryoyo.co.jp IS MSIS Division msoem@ryoyo.co.jp |
+81 3 3546 6211 |
Japan | Tokyo Electron Device Limited | Toshinori Suzuno suzuno.t@teldevice.co.jp IoT Company Embedded Division esg@teldevice.co.jp |
+81 45 443 4422 |