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File metadata and controls

21 lines (21 loc) · 1.73 KB


lib is a library loader designed to make loading the example libraries as well as your own libraries a lot easyer.
You can call lib via the following code:
RUN lib("[library_1],[library_2],[library_n]","[where to save the log]").
RUN lib("gui_box,navball","examplelog.txt").
When you type in the library names, leave away the lib_ prefix and the .ks suffix the program will add them automatically.
Both arguments can be left away. If the NAMES argument is left away, the program will load all known example libraries. If the LOG argumet is left away, the program will save the log to "liblog.txt".
The logs are saved directly in the archive (0) while libraries are loaded from archive/library.


log is a program written, to print the logs from lib directly to the kOS console.
You can call log via the following code:
RUN log("logname_1,logname_2,logname_n").
RUN log("liblog.txt,examplelog.txt").
log will print out all the log entries in plain text.
log's arguments can also be left away, it will the try to load "liblog.txt"


For lib to work, the libraries should be saved under: KSP/Ships/Script/Library/ AKA: 0/Library/ and the name should be build up like this: lib_[name].ks
lib and log themselves should, for convinience reasons, be saved directly in: KSP/Ships/Script/ AKA: 0/ but it can be saved generally everywhere.
lib and log do not have a file ending to simplify calling them.