#Designed after the docs at Google Material Design
- Customization including message, action message, action color, message color, background color, action click handle, animation duration, and animation interpolator
- Tablet support
- Swipe to dismiss
- Callbacks for the different SnackBar states (started, actionClicked, finished)
- One Message at a time
- Support for Api version 8+
#Using SnackBar
SnackBar.show(getActivity(), R.string.hello_world);
SnackBar.show(getActivity(), R.string.hello_world, R.string.undo,onClickListener);
SnackBarItem sbi = new SnackBarItem.Builder().setMessage("Message")
.setInterpolator(new OvershootInterpolator())
// Called when the SnackBar begins to animate
publc void onSnackBarStarted(Object object){
// Called when the action button is pressed
public void onSnackBarAction(Object object){
// Called when the SnackBar finishes with its animation
// Will be called if the action button is pressed
public void onSnackBarFinished(Object object){
#Including in your project To include SnackBar in your project, download the appropriate aar (snack_bar_api8.aar for support for Api 8+ and snack_bar_api11.aar for support for Api 11+). Place the aar into the libs folder of your project and add the following to your projects build.gradle file
repositories {
flatDir {
dirs 'libs'
dependencies {
// For api11+
compile(name: 'snack_bar_api11', ext: 'aar')
// For api8+
compile(name: 'snack_bar_api8', ext:'aar')
Maven support coming soon...
#Contribution Pull requests are welcomed and encouraged. If you experience any bugs, please file an issue