A script that enables fast travel for Arma 3 (https://arma3.com/) Armaholic page (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30222)
Put the folders "scripts" and "dialogs" into you root mission file!
Add to init.sqf:
fn_ftravel = compile preprocessFile "scripts\fn_ftravel.sqf";
Add to description.ext:
#include "dialogs\defines.hpp" #include "dialogs\FastTravelDialog.hpp" class RscTitles { #include "dialogs\FastTravelHUD.hpp" };
Add this code to an action or sth. else where you want the fasttravel dialog to be opend
createDialog "ETG_FastTravelSystem_Dialog";
or add this action to any object you like...
this addAction ["Fast Travel System", {createDialog "ETG_FastTravelSystem_Dialog";}];
http://www.exilemod.com/topic/7577-update-respectpoptabs-and-save-to-database/ ---> thx to happydayz btw ;)
Go to scripts\fn_ftravel.sqf and add markernames to the _Citys Array (_Citys = ["ftravel_Athira","ftravel_Pyrgos","ftravel_Sofia"];)