This Docker Compose / k8s configuration allows you to quickly set up and run Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Logstash with security features enabled.
Accessing the Kibana server deployed through Kubernetes via NodePort, this setup allows visualization of Python error logs logged in Azure Storage Blob by the
script. After signing in with the username/password set in advance on Kubernetes, please note that in this repository, Azure blob logs are ETLed to Elastic using logstash plugins. However, you are free to customize the logstash.conf to connect to your preferred log infrastructure.
Before you begin, make sure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your machine.
The application processes within the red border are Kibana, Elasticsearch, and Logstash, which we are currently creating here. Please confirm the outbound communication from Kibana to Elasticsearch, and note that Logstash does not have communication dependencies with any other process.
it's creating components for Kibana, Elasticsearch, and Logstash as services. While allowing outbound communication from Kibana to Elasticsearch, Logstash performs outbound access to the internet.
pls check How to read the graph of my favorite repository
about each diagrams.
# you create python log
## check repo:
## NOTE: if you'd like to use other log infra, please execute it and accordingly customize k8s/config/logstash.conf
python ./
# navigate to k8s dir
cd k8s
# Step 1: Delete the Kubernetes namespace "eskibana"
kubectl delete ns eskibana
# Step 2: Start Docker Compose
docker-compose up
# Step 3: create k8s/config/logstash.conf like below
input {
storageaccount => "<your storage account>"
access_key => "<your access key>"
container => "<your container log>"
# as you like, you customeze grok pattern👍
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} %{USERNAME:username} %{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} %{GREEDYDATA:message}" }
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["https://<your-elasticsearch-container-name>:9200/"]
index => "<your-any-index>"
cacert => "/usr/share/logstash/config/certs/ca/ca.crt"
# User with Elasticsearch role to control the Elasticsearch index
user => " <your-elastic-search-username> eg. logstash_internal"
# User's password
password => "<your-elastic-search-password eg. logstash_internal>"
stdout {}
# Step 4: Export configuration data(config/**) to "./manifest/01-configMap.yaml"
# export config/ data to ./manifest/01-configMap.yaml manifest
4. kubectl create configmap es-certs-configmap --from-file=config/certs/ --from-file=config/certs/ --from-file=config/certs/instances.yml --from-file=config/certs/es01/es01.crt --from-file=config/certs/es01/es01.key --from-file=config/certs/ca/ca.crt --from-file=config/certs/ca/ca.key --from-file=config/kibana.yml --from-file=config/logstash.conf --from-file=config/logstash.yml --dry-run=client -o yaml > ./manifest/01-configMap.yaml
# Step 5: Create the Kubernetes namespace "eskibana"
5. kubectl create ns eskibana
# Step 6: Apply manifests within "./manifest" to the "eskibana" namespace
6. kubectl apply -f ./manifest -n eskibana
# Step 7: access to localhost:<k8s kibana server nodeport>
7. kubectl get svc kibana -n eskibana --output=jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?(@.port==5601)].nodePort}'| xargs -I {} sh -c 'python ./ && start http://localhost:{}'
# navigate to k8s dir
cd single-node-multicontainer
# Step 1: edit ./.env for your preferrence
# Step 2: Start Docker Compose
docker-compose up
# This command will start Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Logstash containers.
docker-compose ps
Open your browser and go to http://localhost:5601
to access Kibana.
Log in with the following credentials:
Username: <your-elastic-search-username eg. elastic>
Password: <your-elastic-search-pass eg. elastic>
🎊🎊 Finally we start sending logs to Logstash and explore your data in Kibana!! 🎊🎊
Additional Information Elasticsearch is accessible at https://localhost:9200. Logstash is used for data-exporting internally. Feel free to customize the Docker Compose file and configurations based on your specific requirements.