- General Concepts
- String
- Math
- Boolean
- Conditionals
- While Loops
- For Loops
- Lists
- Tuples
- Dictionaries
- Functions
- Libraries
- Variables may only use alphanumeric characters and
. - Variables may not start with a number.
- Variables can use built-in function names but this will override the value.
Single variable assignment
a = 1
b = 's'
Multiple variable assignment
a, b = 1, 's'
Returns the type of the object.
type('string') # string
type(1) # int
type(1.0) # float
Casts the object to a datatype.
str(1) # "1"
str(1.0) # "1.0"
str(False) # "False"
Things to note:
- String concatentation only works with string types. You must cast objects using
to concatenate them. - Escape special characters like
using an additional back slash\
."\\n" # "\n"
- A full string can be escaped using a literal string.
r'\n' # "\n"
Ask for user input. This value will always be a string.
value = input("Please enter value: ")
Print a text.
print("first", "next") # first next
print(string..., sep=string)
print("first", "next", sep='+') # first+next
# '.2f' ; as a two point float
f"{10:.2f}" # 10.00
# '.2%' ; as a two point percent
f"{.10:.2%}" # 10.00%
# '.2e' ; as a two point scientific number
f"{10:.}" # 1.00e+01
# String with set width
f"{'Hello':25}" # "Hello "
# Left aligned string
f"{'Hello':<25}" # "Hello "
# Right aligned string
f"{'Hello':<25}" # " Hello"
# Center aligned string
f"{'Hello':^25}" # " Hello "
# Test if strings are equal
"string" == "String" # False
# Test if string is shorter
"str" > "string:" # False
# Test string alphabetical order
"a" > "b" # False
"he" in "hello" # True
"he" not in "hello" # False
# Get first index occurance of string or -1 if not found
"hello".find("e") # 1
# Get number of string occurances or -1 if not found
"hello".count("l") # 2
# If each in string is alphanumeric
"a1".isalnum() # True
"a 1".isalnum() # False
# If each in string is alphabetic
"aa".isalpha() # True
# If each in string is a digit
"1".isdigit() # True
"2.0".isdigit() # False
# If each in string is lowercase
"ab".islower() # True
"Ab".isLower() # False
# If each in string is uppercase
"AB".isupper() # True
"Ab".isupper() # False
# If each in string is a whitespace
" \n\t".isspace() # True
# If string starts with
"ab".startswith("a") # True
# If string ends with
"ab".endswith("b") # True
Strings can be iterated through as a string array.
text = "abcd"
for c in text:
# a
# b
# c
# d
Things to note:
- Strings are immutable, modification will create a new string.
- Strings can be instantiated using double quotes
or single quotes'
# String repetition
"s"*5 # "sssss"
# String split
"a, b, c".split(", ") # ["a", "b", "c"]
All values for substring are optional.
- First value is the start index.
- Second value is the end index (not included).
- Third value is the step value.
# Return string from start to end (end index is not included)
"substring"[0:3] # "sub"
# Returns string from start to end (relative from the right side)
"substring"[-6:] # "string"
# Returns string from start to end (relative from the right side)
"substring"[:-6] # "sub"
# Returns string at index
"substring"[0] # "s"
# Returns string by step value
"0123456789"[0:10:2] # "02468"
# String to lowercase
"AA".lower() # "aa"
# String to uppercase
"aa".upper() # "AA"
# Capitalize string
"aa".capitalize() # "Aa"
# Remove whitespace from left
" abc<>123 ".lstrip() # "abc<>123 "
# Remove any from list from left
" abc<>123 ".lstrip("123 abc") # "<>123 "
# Remove whitespace from right
" abc<>123 ".rstrip() # " abc<>123"
# Remove any from list from right
" abc<>123 ".rstrip("123 abc") # " abc<>"
# Remove whitespace from both sides
" abc<>123 ".strip() # "abc<>123"
# Remove any from list from both sides
" abc<>123 ".rstrip("123 abc") # "<>"
# Replace string with another string
"hello".replace("h", "m") # mello
Things to note:
- Python uses floats as the decimal type. This means you will encounter floating point precision errors.
10*2 # 20
# power
10**2 # 100
16/5 # 3.2
# casting to int will remove decimal
int(16/5) # 3
# divide without remainder
16//5 # 3
Works for both float
and int
method | description |
max(float, float) |
returns the maximum value |
min(float, float) |
returns the minimum value |
abs(float) |
returns the absolute value |
and False
condition | description |
> |
greater than |
< |
less than |
>= |
greater than or equal to |
>= |
less than or equal to |
== |
equal to |
!= |
not equal to |
if condition:
print("Print if True")
elif otherCondition:
print("Print if first False and this True")
print("Print if none above")
while condition:
print("Execute while condition is true")
Generate an array to be used in a for-index loop.
- The first optional parameter is the starting index (included). If not included it is presumed to be 0.
- The second parameter is the ending index (not included).
- The third optional parameter is the step value (default is 1).
range(int, int, int)
for i in range(0, 10, 2):
# 0, 2, 4, 6, 8
Things to note:
- Lists are mutable, the values can be changed.
- List values are mutable, a list contains the references to the original values.
- Lists start at index
Instantiate lists using []
. Retrieve values using indexes.
li = ["a"]
li[0] # "a"
Iterate through items in a list using a for loop.
li = []
for i in li:
li = ["a", "b"]
# If list contains
"a" in li # True
"b" not in li # False
# Append to end of list
li = ["a"]
li += "b" # ["a", "b"]
# Repeat in array
li = ["a"]*5 # ["a", "a", "a", "a", "a"]
# Reassign in array (only existing indexes)
li = ["a", "b"]
li[0] = "c" # ["c", "b"]
# Append array
li = ["a", "b"]
li += li # ["a", "b", "a", "b"]
# Append to end of list
li = ["a"]
li.append("b") # ["a", "b"]
# Insert and shift in list
li = ["a","c"]
li.insert("b", 1) # ["a", "b", "c"]
# Remove from list (only one value)
li = ["a", "a"]
li.remove("a") # ["a"]
# Sort list
li = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
li.sort() # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# Reverse list
li = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
li.reverse() # [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
# Retrieve from index
li = ["a"]
li[0] # "a"
li.index(0) # "a"
# Get minimum value
li = [2, 1]
min(li) # 1
# Get maximum value
li = [2, 1]
max(li) # 2
# Get length
li = ["a", "b"]
len(li) # 2
Assigning a list to a variable copies the reference not value. Any changes in either list will change all the variables with the same list.
list1 = [1, 2]
list2 = list1
list2 += [3, 4]
# list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
# list2 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
Copying a list will create a new list with a copy of the references.
list1 = [1, 2]
list2 = list1.copy()
list2 += [3, 4]
# list1 = [1, 2]
# list2 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
list1 = [1, 2]
list3 = [list1]
list1[0] = 2 # [2, 2]
# list1 = [2, 2]
# list3 = [[2, 2]]
Things to note:
- Tuples are immutable, the references can not be changed.
tup = 1, 2, 3
tup = (1, 2, 3)
Things to note:
- Dictionaries can be assigned with any immutable key.
d = {'k':'v'}
d = dict(key='v')
# Check if contains key
d = {'k':'v'}
'k' in d # True
'v' not in d # True
# Change key value
d = {'k':1}
d['k'] = 'v' # {"k":"v"}
# Delete key value
del d['k'] # {}
# remove and return
d = {'k':'v'}
d.pop('k') # "v"
# remove and return or default
d = {}
d.pop('k', 'v') # "v"
# d = {}
# remove last item*
d = {'a':1, 'b':2}
d.popitem() # 1
# d = {'b':2}
# clear dictionary
d = {'k':'v'}
d.clear() # {}
*before Python 3.7 this removes a random item
d = {'k':'v'}
# iterate through keys
for key in d.keys():
print(key) # "k"
# iterate through values
for val in d.values():
print(key) # "v"
# iterate through items
for item in d.items():
print(key[0], key[1]) # "k v"
# get without error
d = {}
d.get('k') # None
# get or default
d = {}
d.get('k', 'v') # "v"
Things to note:
- Functions follow the same naming conventions as variables.
- Variables created in the function are only visible in the function.
- Variables modified in the function are only visible in the function, they will not change global variable values.
v = 1 def main(): v = 2 # outer variable is still 1 main()
- Global variables can only be modified if the function explicetly states them as global.
v = 1 def main(): global v v = 2 # sets outer v to 2 main()
Function names are defined as:
def function_name(parameters)
def function_name(parameters):
Functions are called using:
Things to note:
- Any unnamed arguments are required.
- Keyword arguments can be set in any order.
- Positional arguments may not come after keyword arguments.
def function_name(required_arg, keyword_arg=1):
function_name("required", keyword_arg=2)
function_name(keyword_arg=2, "required") # not allowed
Call a method recursively. This is not recommended as it will create a new function in memory each time. A for loop is recommended instead.
def main():
def message(times):
if times > 0:
print("This is a recursive function.")
message(times - 1)
Things to know:
- Imports can use aliases by importing them using import as.
import random as rand rand.randint(1, 10)
import random
random.random() # random float between 0 and 1 (including 0 but not 1)
random.randint(start, end)
import random
random.randint(1, 10) # random int between 1 and 10 (including start and end)
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv(r"file.csv", skiprows=1) # read a csv file skipping header row
pd.set_option("display.max_rows", 10) # display maximum 10 rows
pd.set_option("display.max_columns", 10) # display maxmimum 10 columns
df.iloc[0] # first row
df.iloc[-1] # last row (first from end)
df.iloc[0:5, 1:2] # rows 0-5 with columns 1:2
df.fillna(value = 0) # fill N/A values with default
left = pd.DataFrame({"col": ["value", "value"], "col2": [1, 2]})
right = pd.DataFrame({"col": ["value", "value"], "col3": ["another", "value"]})
merge = pd.merge(left, right) # merge on matching columns