#Show what files are changed, staged etc
git status
#Add files that are new, updated etc
git add <filenames>
Tip: git add . adds all files in the current directory.
#Commits files added with a message ready to be pushed.
git commit -m "add message here"
#Display record of commits made
git log
#List branches.
git branch
#Create a new branch.
git branch <branch name>
#Creates branch and changes to it.
git switch -c <branch name>
git checkout -b <branch name>
#Change to specified branch.
git switch <branch name>
git checkout <branch name>
#Change to last branch used.
git switch -
#Show tracked repos.
git remote -v
#Push changes to the default remote repo.
git push
Tip: you can specify the name of another tracked repo after "push".
#Pull changes from default remote repo and merges them into local.
git pull
#Pull changes from default remote repo but do not merg into local.
git fetch
#Roll back and reset the last staged commit.
git reset HEAD~1
Tip: The number specifies how much commits to reset by, git reset HEAD~2 rolls back 2 commits etc.
#Squash multiple commits into one commit.
squash last 4 commits:
git rebase -i HEAD~4
Note: This command will open up default editor then replace "pick" on the second and subsequent commits with "squash".
#Squash all commits:
git rebase --root -i
Note: This command will open up default editor then replace "pick" on the second and subsequent commits with "squash".
#Stash the current state of the working directory
git stash
#Remove the stashed code and apply it in the current working directory
git stash pop
#Remove all stashed entries
git stash clear
#Remove new/existing files from staged files
git restore --staged <file_name>
#Cherry Pick enables arbitrary Git commits to be picked by reference and appended to the current working HEAD.
cherry pick a commit on to main branch:
git cherry-pick commitSHA