A Bot for Reddit that gets top Hot sorted picture from a given Subreddit and sets it as background.
Windows, Mac and Linux(Ubuntu, Linux Mint)
- Must have python3.6+ installed.
Download the repository by clicking the green "Clone or download" button on the top-right of the repository's main page, then click on "Download ZIP"
Extract folder to desired location
With the Reddit account that the bot will use go to Preferences -> Apps and create an app. Pick any name, choose script, and set the redirect url to http://localhost. Description and about url can be blank.
In etc/config.ini add your client id and client secret from the app you just created. Client id is the id underneath the name of the app. Client secret is labeled.
Choose one of the following methods:
- Installing in closed environment (Recommended):
Install pipenv through pip.
pip install pipenv
Open the extracted folder in terminal and run pipenv install.
cd RedditWallpaperBot-master && pipenv install
- Installing globally:
- Open the extracted folder in terminal and run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Open the extracted folder in terminal and run:
- Installing in closed environment (Recommended):
Skip this step if you installed globally
Open extracted folder and run:
pipenv shell
Run main.py.
python main.py
- Open extracted folder and run main.py script directly by double clicking.
Tests are written using the pytest framework.
Open terminal and navigate to the project directory
If you installed globally run:
If you installed using the pipenv method:
- Run the following command to install pytest:
pipenv install --dev
- Close and re-open the terminal to the project directory and run:
- Run the following command to install pytest:
- Notes: If you want to import the bot functions, it by default uses sys.exit() to exit program once an error has been caught. You may want to use bot.raise_bot_exception(option=True) to raise BotExceptions instead that you can catch.
- Wallie for Mac support.