KDAB's collection of miscellaneous useful C++ classes and stuff.
- Ui Watchdog An header-only tool to break the program when the main-thread event loop is blocked for more than 300ms.
- Qml Stacktrace Helper A function for retrieving a QML backtrace with gdb.
- Qml PropertySelector A QML Item to easily set property values based on a combination of conditions
- Model/View ModelIterator A set of (template) classes to allow iteratating over QAbstractItemModels using std algorithms
- Model/View SortProxyModel A QSortFilterProxyModel replacement that just does sorting, but properly signals moves due to sorts.
- Model/View UpdateableModel A template class to make defining a model that sends proper update signals easy
- Integrating Qt Quick 2 with OpenGL Code for Giuseppe D'Angelo's talk at the Qt World Summit 2015, QtCon 2016, Qt World Summit 2017.
This software is provided as MIT (see the LICENSE file in the root of this repository [1]).
For the "Other code snippets", which are hosted outside of this repo, please consult their own license.
[1] [License file] (https://github.com/KDAB/KDToolBox/blob/master/LICENSE)