- A real-time chat-room application with socket.io and Node.js.
- Users can send the geographical location to other users in the room if permission is granted.
- The page automatically scrolls down upon recieving a new message.
[Can see the project over here](https://jyoti-node-chat-app.herokuapp.com/)
- Live Site URL: Chat-App💬
I have learned a lot of concepts while building this project like now I am confident with:
- Node.js Architecture
- Node.js installation
- NPM (Node Package Manager)
- JSON File
- Node.js Basics
- File System
- Events
- HTTP Module
- Frameworks
- Databases
- Node.js with socket.io
- Node app deployment
- Websocket Protocol: The WebSocket protocol supports real-time bi-direction communication, which makes it a great fit for this chat application.
<h1>Nodejs Chat-Application💬</h1>
const socketio = require("socket.io"); 😍