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Jussi Saarivirta edited this page Aug 1, 2021 · 1 revision

The Blind Search Strategy is a strategy that covers the entire sky. Since we don't know basically anything about the field we need to solve, it's an expensive and extensive search. There are few parameters we can provide to limit the search, or if we have a hunch we can favor a specific side of the sky to be searched first.

Here's how it works: we define the minimum and maximum field radius for our search. If we know it's a wide field, there's no point in trying out very small fields. We then choose the preferred part of the sky to search first, East first or West first, and North first or South first. That's basically it.

With the parameters given, the strategy then forms search areas for the solver in the order of max field radius to min field radius, dividing the field radius by 2 after each set (8 -> 4 -> 2 -> 1 -> 0.5 ...)

The pattern used is meant to cover the entire sky, with a bit of overlap. Example visualization of the areas the strategy produces: