look at that build status. it red and makes us sad. lets make it green so we are happy coders
aw shucks but why is it a sad travis stauts? let's investigate! -> click the status
hmmmm looks like a build failed
Why did it fail? What does Travis say? oh okay it failed cause that test failed
let's investigate a little bit... ahhh the math is off, okie dokie time to fix it:
make a new branch...
git checkout -b [name].test-fix
make the appropraite changes...
run tests locally -> yay it works -> boo it didnt work go fix it again
Add your changes:
git add [files you changed]
Commit your Changes:
git commit -m [message]
push brnach
git push
Look at your brach on Github
13.. see that travis is a happy travis now yay
14.. booom u done go high five spence