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-# AcadHomepage: A Modern and Responsive Acadamic Personal Homepage
-AcadHomepage is a modern and responsive acadamic personal homepage.
AcadHomepage: A Modern and Responsive Acadamic Personal Homepage
+[![](https://img.shields.io/github/license/RayeRen/acad-homepage.github.io)](https://github.com/RayeRen/acad-homepage.github.io/blob/main/LICENSE) | [中文文档](./docs/README-zh.md)
Some examples:
- [Demo Page](https://rayeren.github.io/acad-homepage.github.io/)
- [Personal Homepage of the author](https://rayeren.github.io/)
## Key Features
-- Automatically update google scholar citations: using the google scholar crawler and github action, this REPO can update the author citations and publication citations automatically.
-- Support Google analytics: you can trace the traffics of your homepage by easy configuration.
-- Responsive: this homepage automatically adjust for different screen sizes and viewports.
-- SEO: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps search engines find the information you publish on your homepage easily, then rank it against similar websites.
+- **Automatically update google scholar citations**: using the google scholar crawler and github action, this REPO can update the author citations and publication citations automatically.
+- **Support Google analytics**: you can trace the traffics of your homepage by easy configuration.
+- **Responsive**: this homepage automatically adjust for different screen sizes and viewports.
+- **SEO: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)** helps search engines find the information you publish on your homepage easily, then rank it against similar websites.
## Quick Start
diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml
index c345acccad7..562a5add954 100644
--- a/_config.yml
+++ b/_config.yml
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ include:
- _pages
- files
+ - docs
- "*.sublime-project"
- "*.sublime-workspace"
- .asset-cache
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+[![](https://img.shields.io/github/license/RayeRen/acad-homepage.github.io)](https://github.com/RayeRen/acad-homepage.github.io/blob/main/LICENSE) | [English README](../README.md)
+- [样例页面](https://rayeren.github.io/acad-homepage.github.io/)
+- [作者的个人主页](https://rayeren.github.io/)
+## 主要特点
+- **自动更新谷歌学术引用**: 借助谷歌学术爬虫和github action功能,本仓库可以自动更新作者的引用数和论文引用数。
+- **支持谷歌Analytics**: 你可以通过简单的配置来实现使用谷歌Analytics跟踪网页的流量。
+- **响应式的**: 此主页会针对不同的屏幕尺寸自动调整布局。
+- **搜索引擎优化**: 搜索引擎优化 (SEO) 帮助搜索引擎轻松找到您在主页上发布的信息,然后将其与类似网站进行排名,并获得排名优势。
+## Quick Start
+1. Fork本仓库到`USERNAME/USERNAME.github.io`,其中`USERNAME`是你的github用户名。
+1. 配置谷歌学术引用爬虫:
+ 1. 在你的谷歌学术引用页面的url里找到你的谷歌学术ID:例如,在url https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=SCHOLAR_ID 中,`SCHOLAR_ID`部分即为你的谷歌学术ID。
+ 1. 在github本仓库页面的`Settings -> Secrets -> Actions -> New repository secret`中,添加`GOOGLE_SCHOLAR_ID`变量:`name=GOOGLE_SCHOLAR_ID`、`value=SCHOLAR_ID`。
+ 1. 在github本仓库页面的`Action`中,重启`Get Citation Data` action。本action将会谷歌学术引用的统计量数据`gs_data.json`到本仓库的`google-scholar-stats`分支中。
+1. 使用 [favicon-generator](https://redketchup.io/favicon-generator)生成favicon(网页icon文件),并下载所有文件到`REPO/images`。
+1. 修改主页配置文件[_config.yml](_config.yml):
+ 1. `title`: 主页标题
+ 1. `description`: 主页的描述
+ 1. `repository`: USER_NAME/REPO_NAME
+ 1. `google_analytics_id` (可选的): 谷歌Analytics ID
+ 1. SEO相关的键值 (可选的): 从搜索引擎的控制台里获得对应的ID (例如:Google, Bing and Baidu),然后粘贴到这里。
+ 1. `author`: 主页作者信息,包括其他网页、Email、所在城市、大学等。
+ 1. 更多的配置信息在注释中有详细描述。
+1. 将你的主页内容添加到 [_pages/about.md](_pages/about.md).
+1. 你的主页将会被部署到`https://USERNAME.github.io`.
+## Debug Locally
+1. 使用`git clone`将本项目克隆到本地。
+1. 安装Jekyll的构建环境,包括`Ruby`、`RubyGems`、`GCC`和`Make`。可参考[该教程](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/#requirements)。
+1. 运行 `bash run_server.sh` 来启动Jekyll实时重载服务器。
+1. 在浏览器里打开 [](。如果你修改了网页的源码,服务器会自动重新编译并刷新页面。
+1. 当你修改完毕你的页面以后, 使用`git`命令,`commit`你的改动并`push`到你的github仓库中。
+# Acknowledge
+- AcadHomepage incorporates Font Awesome, which is distributed under the terms of the SIL OFL 1.1 and MIT License.
+- AcadHomepage is influenced by the github repo (mmistakes/minimal-mistakes)[https://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes], which is distributed under the MIT License.
+- AcadHomepage is influenced by the github repo (academicpages/academicpages.github.io)[https://github.com/academicpages/academicpages.github.io], which is distributed under the MIT License.
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