- You play an assassin who lost their parents through the plague.
- You will find your next mission on a desk in your house.
- This mission might reveal the truth about your parents death.......
Note: This is a prototype and only the a small part of the narrative will be covered in this game.
- Find the full game concept
- in German (original): stealth-game-vr_konzept.pdf
- in English (DeepL translated): stealth-game-vr_concept_EN.pdf
- Full body VR rig
- A tutorial that introduces most of the essential game mechanics:
- Equip 4 types of different weapons on designated parts of your body
- Use weapons or stones to destroy light sources to stay hidden in the shadows
- Use weapons to fight enemies (training poles)
- Auto-aim throw mechanics:
- Use throwable weapons or stones to destroy light sources from a distance
- Use throwable weapons to fight enemies from a distance
Unity version:
- 2020.3.12f1
Required packages:
- Oculus XR Plugin (1.9.1)
- XR Interaction Toolkit (1.0.0-pre.5)
- XR Plugin Management (4.0.6)
- Animation rigging (1.0.3)
- Shadow Detect (2.0.0)
Game repository:
- Assets/
- 00_StealthGameVR/
- [Third-party/Unity assets]/
- ...
- Assets/
Starting scene:
- Assets/00_StealthGameVR/Scenes/Menu.unity or
- you can skip the intro by playing the scene Assets/00_StealthGameVR/Scenes/Demo.unity
Find the full game documentation
- in German (original): stealth-game-vr_dokumentation.pdf
- in English (DeepL translated): stealth-game-vr_documentation_EN.pdf