Why is the Julia Pkg manager trying to shell out? Window's doesn't have a shell.
julia> Pkg.add("Cairo")
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Downloads\julia-05c6461b55\
Git\bin\sh.exe: *** fork: can't reserve memory for stack 0x490000 - 0x690000, Wi
n32 error 0
0 [main] sh 2604 sync_with_child: child 2848(0x32C) died before initializa
tion with status code 0x1
238 [main] sh 2604 sync_with_child: *** child state waiting for longjmp
sh: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
ERROR: failed process: Process(`sh -c "cd 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrat
or\.julia\.cache\BinDeps' && git rev-parse --git-dir"`, ProcessExited(128)) [128
in pipeline_error at process.jl:476
in success at process.jl:468
in readbytes at process.jl:430