openedon Jun 23, 2020
Short version: as protection against invalidation (and possibly "code quality" in general), perhaps we should consider some kind of nanosoldier test on the count of backedges of poorly-inferred MethodInstance
s. Also an update on progress (& regressions) from 1.4 to master.
There are two things that bother me about my recent work on improving inferrability of Base, Pkg, REPL, etc.:
- it's all package-specific: I care about PkgX, so I search for and stomp on invalidations that it triggers, but that may or may not help users of PkgY. Worse, is there any risk it could make things worse for PkgY?
- it's easy to imagine regressions. The fixes I've been making only rarely have a consequence that can be caught by
, as many methods return a known type even if their internals are not well-inferred.
For these reasons, I've begun to wonder whether we can & should add some tests that look for "problematic" MethodInstance
s and tally their number of backedges. The goal would be to develop an absolute measure of our vulnerability to invalidation: at-risk MethodInstances
that have the most backedges can cause the most invalidation. If we can reliably measure our vulnerability, then we could also introduce some "hold the line" tests, which prevent our vulnerability from increasing above a certain level. I recognize that there are serious downsides in adding such tests---someone wants to add cool feature X but it's blocked because it's not easy to do that inferrably---but there are also quality-concern risks with not having such tests. So, I thought I'd begin by at least trying to come up with some kind of overall measure of our vulnerability.
At the bottom of this I present a couple of scripts that seem useful. What they try to do is pull out MethodInstances
that seem possibly problematic, in the sense that they fit patterns that I've seen while studying invalidations. Overwhelmingly, they involve abstract types, but many methods with abstract types seem reasonably OK, so I've tried to accommodate that in some specific ways. I should say right from the outset that I'm not at all confident that I've made the selection well, but at least it does pull out a lot of MethodInstance
s that have featured heavily in my invalidation work (as well as many that haven't). For more detail you should really just open up the code below.
The output of the analysis is a scatter plot, comparing where we were on Julia 1.4.2 vs where we are now on master. Each dot represents one possibly-problematic MethodInstance
signature. Magenta is for exported names, green for non-exported names:
You can see that overall there seems to have been some improvement, at least if you restrict yourself to exported names: there's a strong tendency for magenta dots to be near or below the diagonal. Until I saw this, I had no idea how far we were towards "done," or even whether it's possible to ask that question in a reasonable way. While I've put a lot of time into hunting these invalidations down, overall this result makes me think that efforts to improve our code-quality are worth it, and that we're mostly not living in a world where #35844 is our only hope (CC @c42f). Time will tell...
It's worth noting that the scripts below generate an interactive plot, where you can click on individual dots and it will print the corresponding signature to the REPL. So running it locally can be an informative exercise. How informative it actually is comes down to how well I've selected "problematic" MethodInstance
s, of course, so take all this with a big grain of salt. (Quite a few of the dots on the plot are nothing to worry about, e.g., setindex!(::Vector{Any}, ::Any, ::Int)
is perfectly fine. Others, like notify(::Base.GenericCondition{Base.Threads.SpinLock},::Any,::Bool,::Bool)
seem to be at low risk for being extended by packages.)
Some cases where we've made a lot of progress are in various ==
, !=
, and isequal
methods, a small handful of convert
methods, some obscure yet surprisingly-important methods like +(::Ptr{Nothing},::Integer)
, and several string-generation and manipuluation methods (e.g., repr
, thisind
, lastindex
, isempty(::AbstractString)
, getindex(::String, ::Any)
, ^(::String, ::Integer)
, Base.isidentifier
, and Base._show_default
). Interestingly, there are also a handful of significant regressions since 1.4, mostly in path-handling (we've had a huge increase in backedges for basename(::AbstractString)
, isfile(::Any)
) but also a small number of others like in(::Any, ::Tuple{Symbol})
, +(::Int, ::Any, ::Any)
, and Base.split_sign(::Integer)
. It is possible that some of these are consequences of inference fixes (e.g., basename(::AbstractString)
seems better than basename(::Any)
), but these would be worth digging into.
Based on this result I'm beginning to think that it probably would be worth introducing some "hold the line" tests in Base. But I'd be very curious about other folks' thoughts on this matter.
This script saves the data to a log file. Run once on each Julia version you want to analyze:
using MethodAnalysis
# Analyze MethodInstance signatures and select those that seem at risk for being invalidated.
function atrisktype(@nospecialize(typ))
# signatures like `convert(Vector, a)`, `foo(::Vararg{Synbol,N}) where N` do not seem to pose a problem
isa(typ, TypeVar) && return false
# isbits parameters are not a problem
isa(typ, Type) || return false
if isa(typ, UnionAll)
typ = Base.unwrap_unionall(typ)
# Exclude signatures with Union{}
typ === Union{} && return false
isa(typ, Union) && return atrisktype(typ.a) | atrisktype(typ.b)
# Type{T}: signatures like `convert(::Type{AbstractString}, ::String)` are not problematic, so mark Type as OK
typ <: Type && return false
if typ <: Tuple && length(typ.parameters) >= 1
p1 = typ.parameters[1]
# Constructor calls are not themselves a problem (any `convert`s they trigger might be, but those are covered)
isa(p1, Type) && p1 <: Type && return false
# convert(::Type{T}, ::S) where S<:T is not problematic
if p1 === typeof(Base.convert) || p1 === typeof(Core.convert) || p1 === typeof(Core.Compiler.convert)
p2, p3 = typ.parameters[2], typ.parameters[3]
if isa(p2, Type)
p2 = Base.unwrap_unionall(p2)
if isa(p2, DataType) && length(p2.parameters) === 1
T = p2.parameters[1]
isa(p3, Type) && isa(T, Type) && p3 <: T && return false
# `getindex`, `length`, etc are OK for various Tuple{T1,T2,...}
elseif (p1 === typeof(Base.getindex) || p1 === typeof(Core.Compiler.getindex)) ||
(p1 === typeof(Base.length) || p1 === typeof(Core.Compiler.length)) ||
(p1 === typeof(Base.isempty) || p1 === typeof(Core.Compiler.isempty)) ||
(p1 === typeof(Base.iterate) || p1 === typeof(Core.iterate) || p1 === typeof(Core.Compiler.iterate))
p2 = typ.parameters[2]
if isa(p2, Type)
p2 = Base.unwrap_unionall(p2)
p2 <: Tuple && return false
# show(io::IO, x) is OK as long as typeof(x) is safe
elseif p1 === typeof(
atrisktype(typ.parameters[2]) && return true
length(typ.parameters) == 3 && atrisktype(typ.parameters[3]) && return true
return false
# Standard DataTypes
isconcretetype(typ) && return false
# ::Function args are excluded
typ === Function && return false
!isempty(typ.parameters) && (any(atrisktype, typ.parameters) || return false)
return true
# A few tests
@assert atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(==),Any,Any})
@assert atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(==),Symbol,Any})
@assert atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(==),Any,Symbol})
@assert !atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(==),Symbol,Symbol})
@assert !atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(convert),Type{Any},Any})
@assert !atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(convert),Type{AbstractString},AbstractString})
@assert !atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(convert),Type{AbstractString},String})
@assert atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(convert),Type{String},AbstractString})
@assert !atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(map),Function,Vector{Any}})
@assert !atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(getindex),Dict{Union{String,Int},Any},Union{String,Int}})
@assert atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(getindex),Dict{Union{String,Int},Any},Any})
@assert !atrisktype(Tuple{Type{BoundsError},Any,Any})
@assert atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(sin),Any})
@assert !atrisktype(Tuple{typeof(length),Tuple{Any,Any}})
function collect_mis(m::Method)
list = Core.MethodInstance[]
visit(m) do item
if isa(item, Core.MethodInstance)
push!(list, item)
return false
return true
return list
const mis = Dict{Method,Vector{Core.MethodInstance}}()
visit() do item
if item isa Method
m = item
mis[m] = collect_mis(m)
return false
return true
# Count # of backedges for MethodInstances with abstract types
const becounter = Dict{Core.MethodInstance,Int}()
visit() do item
if item isa Core.MethodInstance
if atrisktype(item.specTypes)
becounter[item] = length(all_backedges(item))
return false
return true
prs = sort!(collect(becounter); by=last)
open("/tmp/methdata_$VERSION.log", "w") do io
for (mi, c) in prs
c == 0 && continue
println(io, mi.specTypes=>c)
This script generates the interactive plot. You'll probably have to modify some file names.
using PyPlot
function parseline(line)
m = match(r"(.*) => (.*)", line)
sigstr, count = m.captures[1], parse(Int, m.captures[2])
sig = try
ex = Meta.parse(sigstr)
return nothing
return sig, count
function parsedata(filename)
lines = readlines(filename)
sigcount = IdDict{Any,Int}()
for line in lines
ret = parseline(line)
ret === nothing && continue
sig, count = ret
sigcount[sig] = count
return sigcount
function split_comparable(sigc1, sigc2)
c1, c2, sigs = Int[], Int[], Any[]
for (sig, c) in sigc1
push!(sigs, sig)
push!(c1, sigc1[sig])
push!(c2, get(sigc2, sig, 0))
for (sig, c) in sigc2
if !haskey(sigc1, sig)
push!(sigs, sig)
push!(c1, 0)
push!(c2, c)
return sigs, c1, c2
sigc16 = parsedata("/tmp/methdata_$VERSION.log")
sigc14 = parsedata("/tmp/methdata_1.4.3-pre.0.log")
sigs, c1, c2 = split_comparable(sigc14, sigc16)
mx1, mx2 = maximum(c1), maximum(c2)
isexported(sig) = (ft = Base.unwrap_unionall(sig).parameters[1]; isdefined(Main,
colors = [isexported(sig) ? "magenta" : "green" for sig in sigs]
function on_click(event)
x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata
normsqrdist(pr) = ((pr[1]-x)/mx1)^2 + ((pr[2]-y)/mx2)^2
idx = argmin(normsqrdist.(zip(c1, c2)))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(c1 .+ 1, c2 .+ 1, c=colors) # + 1 for the log-scaling
ax.set_xlabel("# backedges + 1, 1.4")
ax.set_ylabel("# backedges + 1, 1.6")
fig.canvas.callbacks.connect("button_press_event", on_click)
Note: in the plotting script, if you copy/paste the begin...end
block to the REPL and execute it, you can use the zoom features of matplotlib. For reasons I don't understand, they don't show up when you just include
the script.