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Periodic kernel #61

andreaskoher opened this issue Apr 9, 2021 · 12 comments

Periodic kernel #61

andreaskoher opened this issue Apr 9, 2021 · 12 comments


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Hi @willtebbutt,

From the ToDo list #59 I have tried to go ahead with the periodic kernel as proposed by Solin & Särkkä (2014). The periodic kernel is approximated by a Taylor series and I imagine there are multiple ways to implement the idea. One is to implement the approximated periodic kernel directly as a SimpleKernel but, here I chose to build it up from a sum of elementary oscillators (I am absolutely not sure which approach is more efficient though). Also, I assumed that the kernel takes only a one dimensional input as done in the paper, but probably this can be extended. Finally, I also had to modify lgssm_components(k::KernelSum ...) in order to allow for more than two kernel components.

struct OscillatorKernel{T,I} <: KernelFunctions.SimpleKernel
struct ApproxPeriodicKernel{T} <: KernelFunctions.Kernel

ApproxPeriodicKernel( k::PeriodicKernel{T}; n=3 ) where T =
    ApproxPeriodicKernel{T}( sum( OscillatorKernel{T,i}( 1/(4*only( k.r )^2) ) for i in 1:n ) )
#the parametrisation in the paper is slightly different from KernelFunctions: l -> 2r
ApproxPeriodicKernel(; r=1.) = ApproxPeriodicKernel(PeriodicKernel(r=[r]))

function TemporalGPs.to_sde(k::OscillatorKernel{T,I}, s::SArrayStorage{T}) where {T<:Real,I}
    F = SMatrix{2, 2, T}(0, π*I, -π*I, 0)
    q = convert(T, 2*besseli(I, k.l)/exp(k.l))
    H = SVector{2, T}(1, 0)
    return F, q, H
function TemporalGPs.to_sde(k::OscillatorKernel{T,0}, s::SArrayStorage{T}) where {T<:Real}
    F = SMatrix{2, 2, T}(0, 0, 0, 0)
    q = convert(T, besseli(0,k.l)/exp(k.l))
    H = SVector{2, T}(1, 0)
    return F, q, H

function TemporalGPs.stationary_distribution(k::OscillatorKernel{T,I}, s::SArrayStorage{T}) where {T<:Real,I}
    q = 2*besseli(I,k.l)/exp(k.l)
    m = SVector{2, T}(0, 0)
    P = SMatrix{2, 2, T}( q, 0, 0, q )
    return TemporalGPs.Gaussian(m, P)
function TemporalGPs.stationary_distribution(k::OscillatorKernel{T,0}, s::SArrayStorage{T}) where {T<:Real}
    q = besseli(0,k.l)/exp(k.l)
    m = SVector{2, T}(0, 0)
    P = SMatrix{2, 2, T}( q, 0, 0, q )
    return TemporalGPs.Gaussian(m, P)

function TemporalGPs.lgssm_components(k::KernelSum, ts::AbstractVector, storage_type::TemporalGPs.StorageType)
    n = length(k.kernels)
    As_l, as_l, Qs_l, emission_proj_l, x0_l = TemporalGPs.lgssm_components(k.kernels[1], ts, storage_type)
    for i in 2:n
        As_r, as_r, Qs_r, emission_proj_r, x0_r = TemporalGPs.lgssm_components(k.kernels[i], ts, storage_type)
        As_l = map(TemporalGPs.blk_diag, As_l, As_r)
        as_l = map(vcat, as_l, as_r)
        Qs_l = map(TemporalGPs.blk_diag, Qs_l, Qs_r)
        emission_proj_l = TemporalGPs._sum_emission_projections(emission_proj_l, emission_proj_r)
        x0_l = TemporalGPs.Gaussian(vcat(x0_l.m, x0_r.m), TemporalGPs.blk_diag(x0_l.P, x0_r.P))
    return As_l, as_l, Qs_l, emission_proj_l, x0_l

TemporalGPs.lgssm_components( k::ApproxPeriodicKernel{T}, t::AbstractVector, storage_type::TemporalGPs.StorageType{T},
) where {T<:Real} = TemporalGPs.lgssm_components( k.kernels, t, storage_type )

a simple usage example:

f = GP( 10*transform(PeriodicKernel(r=[.5]), 1/50) )
x = RegularSpacing(0.0, 1., 365)
fx = f(x, .0001)
y = rand(fx)

f_naive_approx = GP( 10*transform(ApproxPeriodicKernel(r = .5), 1/50) )
f_approx = to_sde(f_naive_approx, SArrayStorage(Float64))
f_post_approx = posterior(f_approx(x, .0001), y)
y_post_approx = rand(f_post_approx(x, .0001))



However, I ran into an issue with Zygote again, when calculating the gradient:

function objective(θ)
    f_naive = GP( 10*transform(ApproxPeriodicKernel(r = .5), 1/50) )
    f = to_sde(f_naive, SArrayStorage(Float64))
    return -logpdf(f(x, θ), y)
Zygote.gradient(objective, .1)

Need an adjoint for constructor SVector{2, Float64}. Gradient is of type Vector{Float64}

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andreaskoher commented Apr 12, 2021

Alternatively to the above, the approach below is somewhat simpler as it directly constructs a SimpleKernel following Arno's implementation in GPStuff.

struct ApproxPeriodicKernel{J,T} <: KernelFunctions.SimpleKernel
    l::T # length scale as defined in Arno's text book 

# assuming length( k.r ) == 1
ApproxPeriodicKernel(k::PeriodicKernel{T}; degree_of_approx = 3) where {T} = ApproxPeriodicKernel{degree_of_approx,T}( 2*only(k.r) )
ApproxPeriodicKernel(; r=1/2, degree_of_approx = 3 ) = ApproxPeriodicKernel(PeriodicKernel(; r=[r]); degree_of_approx = degree_of_approx)
# k = ApproxPeriodicKernel()

function to_sde(k::ApproxPeriodicKernel{J,T}, s::SArrayStorage{T}) where {J,T<:Real}
    D  = 2*(J+1)
    w0 = 2π
    F  = kron( Diagonal(0:J), [0 -w0; w0 0])
    H  = kron( ones(1, J+1),[1 0])
    Fs = SMatrix{D,D,T}(F)
    q  = T(0)
    Hs = SVector{D,T}(H)#SMatrix{1,D,T}(H)
    return Fs, q, Hs

function stationary_distribution(k::ApproxPeriodicKernel{J,T}, s::SArrayStorage{T}) where {J,T<:Real}
    D = 2*(J+1)
    q = [ j>0 ? 2*besseli(j, k.l^-2)/exp(k.l^-2) : besseli(0, k.l^-2)/exp(k.l^-2) for j in 0:J]
    P = kron(Diagonal(q), Diagonal([1, 1]))
    m = SVector{D, T}( zeros(T,D) )
    Ps = SMatrix{D,D,T}(P)
    return Gaussian(m, Ps)

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Sorry for the slow response.

I think this second approach is probably better for now -- I'm not sure how useful the oscillator kernel is likely to be outside of the context of approximating this stuff.

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Regarding the Zygote + StaticArrays problems -- this is something that needs fixing.

I'll have a hack at a general solution this evening.

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Actually, looks like it'll have to be tomorrow unfortunately.

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no worries. I completely agree with the second approach

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@andreaskoher how's it going with this? Is there anything blocking it that I could assist with?

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thanks for the reminder :)
With the second definition of ApproxPeriodicKernel, I ran into the following problem with Zygote as mentioned in #65:

const x = RegularSpacing(0., 0.01, 1000)
const y = rand( to_sde( GP( ApproxPeriodicKernel() ) )(x) )
function objective(θ)
    k = θ * ApproxPeriodicKernel()
    f = to_sde( GP(k), SArrayStorage(Float64))
    -logpdf(f(x), y)
Zygote.gradient(objective, 1.)

no method matching iterate(::Nothing)

It references the list comprehension in stationary_distribution(k::ApproxPeriodicKernel{J,T}, s::SArrayStorage{T}):

q = [ j>0 ? 2*besseli(j, k.l^-2)/exp(k.l^-2) : besseli(0, k.l^-2)/exp(k.l^-2) for j in 0:J]

I can fix the problem by iteratively applying vcat in order to construct q as follows:

function TemporalGPs.stationary_distribution(k::ApproxPeriodicKernel{J,T}, s::SArrayStorage{T}) where {J,T<:Real}
    D = 2*(J+1)
    q = [besseli(0, k.l^-2)/exp(k.l^-2)]
    for j in 1:J
        q  = vcat(q, [2*besseli(j, 1/k.l^-2)/exp(k.l^-2)])
    # q = [ j>0 ? 2*besseli(j, k.l^-2)/exp(k.l^-2) : besseli(0, k.l^-2)/exp(k.l^-2) for j in 0:J]
    P = kron(Diagonal(q), Diagonal([1, 1]))
    m = SVector{D, T}( zeros(T,D) )
    Ps = SMatrix{D,D,T}(P)
    return TemporalGPs.Gaussian(m, Ps)

It looks somewhat inefficient to me but, I am also no expert on good coding style. In any case, with this fix, I can correctly infer the parameters:

# Declare model parameters using `ParameterHandling.jl` types.

params = (
    s = positive(10.),
    l = positive(1/20),
    v  = positive(.01),

function build_gp(ps)
    k = ps.s* ApproxPeriodicKernel()  ScaleTransform(ps.l)
    return to_sde( GP(k), SArrayStorage(Float64))

# Generate some synthetic data from the prior.
x = RegularSpacing(0.0, 0.01, 10_000)
y = rand(build_gp(value(params))(x, value(params.v)))

# Construct mapping between structured and Vector representation of parameters.
flat_initial_params, unflatten = flatten(params)

# Specify an objective function for Optim to minimise in terms of x and y.
function objective(flat_params)
    params = value(unflatten(flat_params))
    f = build_gp(params)
    return -logpdf(f(x, params.v), y)

# Optimise using Optim.
training_results = Optim.optimize(
    θ -> only(Zygote.gradient(objective, θ)),
    flat_initial_params+rand(4), # Add some noise to make learning non-trivial
        alphaguess = Optim.LineSearches.InitialStatic(scaled=true),
        linesearch = Optim.LineSearches.BackTracking(),
    Optim.Options(show_trace = true);

# Extracting the final values of the parameters.
final_params = value(unflatten(training_results.minimizer))

# compare data to inference
f = build_gp(value(final_params))
fx = posterior(f(x, final_params.v),y)

plot!(x, fx(x, final_params.v))


The problem remains that I can still not infer the length scale r of the periodic kernel. Maybe the problem is related to the Zygote issue with besseli that you opened:

gradient(l->besseli(0, l^-2), .1)

not implemented

As a better workaround than using vcat to construct the vector q as above, we could define a function

getq(l,J) = [ j>0 ? 2*besseli(j, k.l^-2)/exp(k.l^-2) : besseli(0, k.l^-2)/exp(k.l^-2) for j in 0:J]

and implement the analytically derived adjoints as in Arnos implementation in GPStuff. What do you think?

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willtebbutt commented Apr 27, 2021

The problem remains that I can still not infer the length scale r of the periodic kernel. Maybe the problem is related to the Zygote issue with besseli that you opened:

Ahh okay -- this sounds like the kind of problem that I'd expect. We should be getting a fix for this soon.

and implement the analytically derived adjoints as in Arnos implementation in GPStuff. What do you think?

I think this would be an excellent idea for now! Are you familiar with doing this using ChainRules? Should just require an @scalar_rule if I'm not mistaken.

edit: also, sorry for the slow response time!

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no rush :)

I added the following analytical derivatives:

using ChainRulesCore
q0(l) = besseli(0, l^-2)/exp(l^-2)
δq0_δl(l) = l^-3/exp(l^-2)*(
         2*besseli(0,l^-2) -
@scalar_rule(q0(x), δq0_δl(x))

qj(l,j) = 2*exp(-l^-2)*besseli(j,1/l^2)
δqj_δl(l,j) = 
        4besseli(j, 1/l^2) / exp( l^-2 ) / l^3 - 
            besseli(j-1, 1/l^2) + 
            besseli(j+1, 1/l^2)
        ) / exp( l^-2 ) / l^3
@scalar_rule(qj(x,j), (δqj_δl(x,j), DoesNotExist()))

and checked the gradients against ForwardDiff and FiniteDifferences. At this level everything seems fine, however, the following gradient with respect to the length scale r still fails:

const x = RegularSpacing(0., 0.01, 1000)
const y = rand( to_sde( GP( ApproxPeriodicKernel() ) )(x) )
function objective(θ)
    k = ApproxPeriodicKernel( r=θ )
    f = to_sde( GP(k), SArrayStorage(Float64))
    -logpdf(f(x), y)
Zygote.gradient(objective, 1.)

no method matching iterate(::Nothing)

As before, it references the same list comprehension in

function TemporalGPs.stationary_distribution(k::ApproxPeriodicKernel{J,T}, s::SArrayStorage{T}) where {J,T<:Real}
    D = 2*(J+1)
    q = [ j>0 ? qj(k.l, j) : q0(k.l) for j in 0:J]
    P = kron(Diagonal(q), Diagonal([1, 1]))
    m = SVector{D, T}( zeros(T,D) )
    Ps = SMatrix{D,D,T}(P)
    return TemporalGPs.Gaussian(m, Ps)

I will try and dig into the issue these days

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anhi commented Jun 15, 2022

Hey there,

I was wondering if there is any progress on this issue (and #64). I tried using the above approach with current versions of all involved libraries (changing DoesNotExist() to NoTangent()), but am running into

ERROR: MethodError: no method matching size(::TemporalGPs.LGSSM{TemporalGPs.GaussMarkovModel{TemporalGPs.Forward, FillArrays.Fill{StaticArrays.SMatrix{8, 8, Float64, 64}, 1, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}}}, FillArrays.Fill{FillArrays.Zeros{Float64, 1, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}}}, 1, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}}}, FillArrays.Fill{StaticArrays.SMatrix{8, 8, Float64, 64}, 1, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}}}, TemporalGPs.Gaussian{StaticArrays.SVector{8, Float64}, StaticArrays.SMatrix{8, 8, Float64, 64}}}, StructArrays.StructVector{TemporalGPs.ScalarOutputLGC{LinearAlgebra.Adjoint{Float64, StaticArrays.SVector{8, Float64}}, Float64, Float64}, NamedTuple{(:A, :a, :Q), Tuple{FillArrays.Fill{LinearAlgebra.Adjoint{Float64, StaticArrays.SVector{8, Float64}}, 1, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}}}, FillArrays.Fill{Float64, 1, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}}}, Vector{Float64}}}, Int64}})```

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Hiya. Unfortunately I've not had time to work on this in the recent past, and I'm not entirely sure when I'm going to have the time in the near future.

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theogf commented Mar 15, 2023

I am planning to work on this issue once #90 is finished

@theogf theogf self-assigned this Mar 15, 2023
@theogf theogf closed this as completed May 9, 2023
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