- 🔭 I’m currently working with CloudPay
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Vue.js,Node.js,AWS,Kubernetes
- 📫 How to reach me josuerojasvega@proton.me
A playground repo for Kubernetes learning process
A Java annotation processor that generates a full REST API, handling entity persistence using Spring, Javapoet, JDBC, etc
Contact book web app using Mongo, Express and Node (MEN stack practice)
Forked from KennethS0/Data-Warehouse
Working with SQL Server, Firebase & Mongo database and .csv, .json, .xml data
JavaScript 1
Forked from KevinFallas03/Laberinto_Threads-Forks
A maze solver that reads a maze from a text file, using a walker that finds the target using threads and forks to look in other directions (called process mirroring) with C on Linux.
A mini compiler with lexical, syntactical and semantic analyzer to compile a C subset using JFlex & Cup to generate TASM code
Java 1