Love ascii-art? Me too! This utility converts images and video to beautiful and colorful ascii art. No explanations, just look at the example. I used default 16-color palette from cmd.exe
It's simple but beautiful. You can convert even videofiles. This is sample video converted with custom palette (not the best one).
Here is command-line syntax
Usage: aart.exe [params]
-?, -h, --help, --usage (value:true)
print this message
--charmap, --chr (value:charmap.png)
--cie94 (value:true)
use more precise but more expensive algorithm
--clr, --colormap (value:colormap.png)
--colors (value:16)
number of colors in palette mode
input file
--mode (value:image)
render mode [image,video,ansi,palette]
output file
--quantization (value:dominant)
color quantization algorithm [kmean,dominant]
--use_cuda (value:false)
use cuda backend if possible
Aart includes sample palette and mediafiles that were used for testing.
When working with videofiles, there can be problems with video encoders/decoders. Aart uses OpenCV as a backend. In my machine OpenCV writes some random codec-related errors. Nevertheless, conversion is successful.
Aart depends on OpenCV. You can provide headers and .lib
s by yourself or use vcpkg.
If using vcpkg, then type the following commad:
vcpkg install opencv4[contrib,cuda,dnn,ffmpeg,jpeg,opengl,png,tiff,webp]:x64-windows
Aart works currently on Windows only. But you can easily port it to any platform that supports OpenCV - just create CMake project or build VS solution with linux as target OS.