gcloud - Google Cloud command-line SDK. See Installing Google Cloud SDK for more information.
Create the GCP role and permissions required to create F5XC GCP VPC site.
gcloud iam roles create <ROLE_ID> --project=<GCP_PROJECT_ID> --file=f5xc_gcp_vpc_role.yaml
- The id of the custom role to create. For example:f5xc_gcp_vpc_role
- The project of the role you want to create.
Create the GCP service account.
gcloud iam service-accounts create <SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME> --display-name=<SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME>
- The internal name of the new service account. For example:f5xc-gcp-vpc-service-account
Get the IAM internal email address for the above-created service account.
gcloud iam service-accounts list | grep <SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME> | awk '{print $2}'
- the service account name used in the previous step.
Attach the role created on Step 1 to the IAM service account email address received from Step 3.
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding <PROJECT_ID> --member='serviceAccount:<SERVICE_ACCOUNT_IAM_EMAIL_ADDRESS>' --role=projects/<PROJECT_ID>/roles/<ROLE_ID>
- the output of Step 3.PROJECT_ID
- the project ID.ROLE_ID
- the Role ID used in Step 1.
Create the service account key.
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create --iam-account <SERVICE_ACCOUNT_IAM_EMAIL_ADDRESS> key.json
- the output of Step 3key.json
is the output of the above command and will be used to createGCP Cloud Credentials
onF5XC Console