SudokuImageSolver Public
Locates a Sudoku puzzle within an image, interprets the digits using a CNN, and solves the puzzle using several candidate elimination algorithms
HouseholdSoundClassification Public
Four machine learning pipelines for filtering and classifying the audio signals from 5 classes (music, microwave, blender, vacuum, alarm).
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 9, 2019 -
Nutribyte_JavaFXApplication Public
Dynamically calculates a nutritional recommendation for a user, given their profile inputs. Then has the user search and select grocery products to fit the diet. The dietary information of the prod…
UpdatedMay 24, 2019 -
DS_and_Algos_Projects Public
Contains 6 Java projects I completed for the Data Structures and Algorithms class at Carnegie Mellon (Spring 2019)
Java UpdatedMay 22, 2019 -
M_A_HW_Git Public
Forked from daniel-lesser/M_A_HW_GitGroup 2 HWs
MA_HW2_MovieReleases Public
Analysis of movie topics using LDA to determine the date in which to release a movie
Homi_DFP Public
Forked from Ajcaico/Homi_DFPHomi App for Data Focused Python
Python UpdatedDec 8, 2018