- Cupertino, CA
- http://blog.bogojoker.com
JavaScript implementation of a subset of the DataCache API
👨🚀 buzz, A small/lightweight statically typed scripting language
TextMate is a graphical text editor for macOS 10.12 or later
JosephPecoraro / stylus
Forked from stylus/stylusExpressive, robust, feature-rich CSS language built for nodejs
Expressive, robust, feature-rich CSS language built for nodejs
My patches to WebKit Inspector. No longer updated.
sprintf for node (based on php.js's implementation)
JosephPecoraro / jspec
Forked from airportyh/jspecJavaScript BDD Framework. DOM independent, async support, 50+ matchers, non-polluting, tiny, highly readable, core jQuery support
JosephPecoraro / commander
Forked from tj/commanderThe complete solution for Ruby command-line executables
JosephPecoraro / pomo
Forked from tj/pomoRuby Pomodoro app for the command-line (time / task management)
JosephPecoraro / lawnchair
Forked from brianleroux/lawnchairA lightweight clientside JSON document store,
Implementation of all of the optional features in the ECMA-357 specification.
Ruby Pomodoro app for the command-line (time / task management)
The HTML5 Specification - specification editing and generation tools
Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.
JosephPecoraro / whenever
Forked from javan/wheneverProvides clean ruby syntax for defining messy cron jobs and running them Whenever.
My first Rails project for a Quotes repository.
Moved to https://github.com/nodejs/node
Turn a Markdown File into a Fully Functional Tutorial with an automatic and dynamic Table of Contents
Simple system to manage templates for files I typically create.
Take back your $LOAD_PATH. Deprecated and unmaintained.
Less Ruby — now at http://github.com/cowboyd/less.rb