:obj:`~yami.Check` objects allow you to control the context in which your command can be invoked. A lot of useful ones are built into the library, but you can make your own custom checks as well.
- :obj:`~yami.Check` decorators must be placed above
Head over to the checks reference to see all the available built in checks.
async def add_cmd(ctx: yami.MessageContext, x: int, y: int) -> None:
"""Adds two numbers together."""
await ctx.respond(f"{x} + {y} = {x + y}")
@bot.command("slap", aliases=["smack"])
async def slap_cmd(ctx: yami.MessageContext, user_id: int) -> None:
"""Slaps the user with the given id."""
await ctx.respond(f"<@!{ctx.author.id}> slapped <@!{user_id}>!")
@bot.command("subtract", aliases=["sub", "minus"])
async def slap_cmd(ctx: yami.MessageContext, x: int, y: int) -> None:
"""Subtracts y from x."""
await ctx.respond(f"{x} - {y} = {x - y}")
async def ban_cmd(ctx: yami.MessageContext, user_id: int) -> None:
"""Bans a member from the server."""
# NOTE: there is not yet a bot_has_perms check which could
# cause problems here.
await ctx.rest.ban_user(ctx.guild_id, user_id)
except Exception as e:
await ctx.respond(f"Something went wrong: {e}", reply=True)
await ctx.respond("Done!", reply=True)
Custom checks are the great way to exert a little more control over who can run your commands.
A custom check is considered to fail if it returns False
, or
raises an exception. If the check returns True
or any other
value (including None
) without raising an error, it will pass.
Subclassed checks work a little different, see below for more info.
There are a few ways to create custom checks:
- Using a lambda function:
@yami.custom_check(lambda ctx: ctx.guild_id is not None)
async def guild_only(ctx: yami.MessageContext) -> None:
await ctx.respond("Yep were in a guild!")
- Using a sync/async callback function:
async def guild_check(ctx: yami.MessageContext) -> bool | None:
if not ctx.guild_id:
return False
@yami.custom_check(guild_check, message="This command is guild only!")
async def guild_only(ctx: yami.MessageContext) -> None:
await ctx.respond("Yep were in a guild!")
- Using your own :obj:`~yami.Check` subclass:
- If you subclass :obj:`~yami.Check` it is required that your
subclass has an async method called
that accepts one parameter, a :obj:`~yami.MessageContext`. - If the
method does not raise any exception, it is considered passed. Make sure you raise an exception if you want the check to fail.
class MyGuildCheck(yami.Check):
async def execute(self, ctx: yami.MessageContext) -> None:
if not ctx.guild_id:
raise yami.CheckFailed("Were not in a guild!")
async def guild_only(ctx: yami.MessageContext) -> None:
await ctx.respond("Yep were in a guild!")
Now go make sure your community isn't banning each other via your bot! :D