Sun Version 7.0
Based on YurOTS and Servfull 3.0
Features: new npcs and quests, based on Colex scripts and forums.
Instruções: descompacte esses arquivos na sua pasta do ot, FORA DA PASTA "DATA", e substitua poe tudo o que estiver dentro. Lembre-se de fazer um backup do seu server antes de dar este upgrade.
Copyleft de 1900 e nada
GM commands:
/a x jump forward x squares
/B msg broadcast Yurezssage to all players
/b nick ban player on ip
/ban nick ban players character
/c nick teleport player to gm
/clean remove portable items from the ground
/closeserver only gms can enter
/down teleport down
/getonline list players online with levels
/goto nick teleport near player
/goto x y z teleport to position
/i id count create item
/info nick show info about player
/invisible switch gm invisibility
/kick nick kick player
/max x set max number of players online
/m name place monster
/openserver everyone can enter
/owner nick set owner of the house you are in
/owner clear owner of the house you are in
/pos shows your position
/premmy x nick give player x hours of premium account
/promote nick promote player
/pvp x set pvp to no=0, normal=1, enforced=2
/s name place npc
/save force server save
/send nick, x y z teleport player to position
/shutdown m shedule server shutdown in m minutes
/summon name place summon
/t go to temple
/up teleport up
/bc Talk in Colors (ex: "/bc white Testando..", ai vc fala em branco)
Player commands:
!exp show exp for level
!mana show mana for magic level
!online show players online
!house reload house rights
!frags show unjustified kills
!report msg bug report to hoster (nao eh usado, por ter o NPC Reportador)
!uptime show server uptime
!premmy show premium time
Guild Master keywords:
found founding a new guild
invite invite player to e guild
kick, exclude exclude player from a guild
join join guild that invited Yurez
leave leave my guild
pass pass leadership to another Yurezmber
vice promote player to vice-leader
member denote vice-leader to regular Yurezmber
nick, title change Yurezmber's nick
House spells:
aleta gom edit owner (can be only one)
aleta som edit sub-owners
aleta grav edit door-owner (standing near door)
aleta sio edit guests
alana sio "Name kick player from a house
alana sio kick myself from a house
- guilds and houses are saved during server save, not when player logouts,
- if you want to place boss use /m, because /summon makes him your summon (no loot),
- items 1740,1747,1748,1749,1770 are for quests and cannot be moved nor picked (attribute questbox="1" in items.xml),
- ip ban lasts until server restart, character ban lasts until you set banned to 0 in player's file,
- when you switch ring from ground with ring on you the one from you still glimYurezrs on the ground (no side effect),
- when you change light item (torch, candle, etc.) you lose effect of light spell,
- plague-, magic-, flame- and poisonthrowers are causing debugs (don't use them).
Known bugs:
- when you jump into player while beeing /invisible he gets debug,
- when you change world type from pvp to no-pvp players that have selected target earlier can still attack (until they lose target),
- soYurez edges dissappear under blood splashes.