- 🔭 I’m currently working on a migration of a Safety Management System from a PHP Framwork to a Java Framework & a React Front End. Also working on a Fitness & Sports social App in React/Native and Java Spring
- My most recent accomplishment: Developed a React Native Expo app (with a Java Backend) that helps farmers purchase farming supplies on credit basing on their credit score and integrated it with the MTN Mobile Money API. The app won the hackathon.
- Undertaking a masters degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering with a focus on Software Engineering, Data Analytics and Machine Learning
- ☎️ I’m on the look out for remote software engineering and analytics opportunities
- My next learning goals leveraging AI and ML in software engineering
- 💬 Ask me about anything in 🚗 Formula 1
- ⚡ Fun fact: I am a 🌲 plant Dad
Skills | Technologies, Languages & Tools |
Front-End | JavaScript, Typescript React, React Native/Expo Redux, HTML5, CSS3, Tailwind CSS, Figma |
Back-End | Java (Spring Boot), Python, C, PHP Symfony, SQL |
Other Languages | Embedded C |
Testing | Jest, React Testing Library, ESLint |
Tools & Methods | Agile/Scrum, Git, GitHub, git-flow, RESTful API, JWT API authentication, Swagger API documentation, CI/CD, Docker, Kubernetes |
Professional | Remote Pair-programming,Teamwork, Mentoring, Best Programming Practices TDD, DRY, YAGNI, KISS, SOLID |