REST / Spring Boot / JPA / HSQL
Graduation Project of Topjava Intership
This Java project offers a RESTful API
with basic authentication for admin and regular users.
Voting system for deciding where to have lunch. Only one vote per day per person, a person can change his vote until 11 a.m. User chooses restaurant based upon today's dish.
Here you can find task and project requirements
Technology stack:
- Spring Boot
- Spring Security
- Spring Data JPA
- Maven
- JUnit
How to use this program
1. Clone a repository:
git clone
2. Open the project using the IDE
3. Execute initial script to create database schema, see src/resources/init_hsqldb.sql
4. Run your program or just execute it with Maven:
mvn spring-boot:run
5. Use Postman to test this API, you can add it from Google Chrome Web Store or use another REST Client Tool on your own. See also examples of curl commands