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Top 100 Stars in MATLAB

Ranking Project Name Stars Forks Language Open Issues Description Last Commit
1 deep-photo-styletransfer 9985 1406 MATLAB 29 Code and data for paper "Deep Photo Style Transfer": 2021-08-02T01:07:44Z
2 OpenFace 6890 1842 MATLAB 329 OpenFace – a state-of-the art tool intended for facial landmark detection, head pose estimation, facial action unit recognition, and eye-gaze estimation. 2024-06-01T00:44:07Z
3 PRMLT 6011 2159 MATLAB 0 Matlab code of machine learning algorithms in book PRML 2020-03-04T13:50:30Z
4 vrn 4512 745 MATLAB 6 👨 Code for "Large Pose 3D Face Reconstruction from a Single Image via Direct Volumetric CNN Regression" 2022-07-26T00:06:01Z
5 DeepLearnToolbox 3789 2276 MATLAB 69 Matlab/Octave toolbox for deep learning. Includes Deep Belief Nets, Stacked Autoencoders, Convolutional Neural Nets, Convolutional Autoencoders and vanilla Neural Nets. Each method has examples to get you started. 2018-10-13T18:08:01Z
6 Book-Mathematical-Foundation-of-Reinforcement-Learning 3588 481 MATLAB 0 This is the homepage of a new book entitled "Mathematical Foundations of Reinforcement Learning." 2024-10-01T01:28:15Z
7 Stanford-CS-229 3330 851 MATLAB 3 A Chinese Translation of Stanford CS229 notes 斯坦福机器学习CS229课程讲义的中文翻译 2022-03-01T05:11:19Z
8 Math_Model 3189 682 MATLAB 2 数学建模、美赛、美国大学生数学建模竞赛、全国大学生数学建模竞赛、华为杯研究生数学建模、国赛LaTeX模板、美赛LaTeX模板、mathorcup、电工杯、华中赛、APMCM、深圳杯、中青杯、华东杯、数维杯、东三省数学建模、认证杯、数学建模书籍、常用matlab算法、国赛评阅要点、软件模型算法汇总、智能算法、优化算法、现代的算法 2023-12-01T04:43:53Z
9 MTCNN_face_detection_alignment 2812 1004 MATLAB 46 Joint Face Detection and Alignment using Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks 2022-10-11T07:35:47Z
10 faster_rcnn 2704 1216 MATLAB 139 Faster R-CNN 2018-07-26T04:26:32Z
11 eviltransform 2430 475 MATLAB 9 Transport coordinate between earth(WGS-84) and mars in china(GCJ-02). 2024-01-15T01:44:21Z
12 rcnn 2370 978 MATLAB 52 R-CNN: Regions with Convolutional Neural Network Features 2017-04-03T16:16:14Z
13 Algorithms_MathModels 2103 535 MATLAB 2 【国赛】【美赛】数学建模相关算法 MATLAB实现(2018年初整理) 2022-12-25T17:27:52Z
14 OpenTLD 2093 1271 MATLAB 33 OpenTLD is an open source library for real-time 2D tracking of a single object in video. This repository is no longer under development. For latest version see: 2022-05-18T19:06:49Z
15 Machine-Learning-homework 1900 665 MATLAB 0 Matlab Coding homework for Machine Learning 2020-04-28T02:45:57Z
16 CAM 1841 466 MATLAB 20 Class Activation Mapping 2022-09-13T14:02:02Z
17 MCM-ICM 1640 316 MATLAB 1 2004-2020美赛O奖论文 2024-04-09T09:04:33Z
18 PlatEMO 1591 465 MATLAB 71 Evolutionary multi-objective optimization platform 2024-09-05T01:24:29Z
19 matlab2tikz 1561 318 MATLAB 246 This program converts MATLAB®/Octave figures to TikZ/pgfplots figures for smooth integration into LaTeX. 2023-10-23T16:48:16Z
20 Coding-Guide 1458 188 MATLAB 0 自己随手记录的东西 2022-07-12T04:03:24Z
21 DnCNN 1435 535 MATLAB 39 Beyond a Gaussian Denoiser: Residual Learning of Deep CNN for Image Denoising (TIP, 2017) 2021-10-09T22:04:36Z
22 awesome-low-light-image-enhancement 1430 211 MATLAB 2 This is a resouce list for low light image enhancement 2024-07-27T04:39:55Z
23 omniglot 1354 361 MATLAB 0 Omniglot data set for one-shot learning 2023-02-01T21:28:32Z
24 crfasrnn 1339 460 MATLAB 46 This repository contains the source code for the semantic image segmentation method described in the ICCV 2015 paper: Conditional Random Fields as Recurrent Neural Networks. 2019-11-30T13:17:39Z
25 robotics-toolbox-matlab 1275 441 MATLAB 81 Robotics Toolbox for MATLAB 2023-01-01T21:23:11Z
26 export_fig 1269 365 MATLAB 32 A MATLAB toolbox for exporting publication quality figures 2024-05-09T10:31:59Z
27 MATLAB-Simulink-Challenge-Project-Hub 1247 272 MATLAB 0 This MATLAB and Simulink Challenge Project Hub contains a list of research and design project ideas. These projects will help you gain practical experience and insight into technology trends and industry directions. 2024-10-07T15:12:41Z
28 R-FCN 1245 542 MATLAB 30 R-FCN: Object Detection via Region-based Fully Convolutional Networks 2017-05-05T15:50:59Z
29 matlab-schemer 1199 276 MATLAB 13 Apply and save color schemes in MATLAB with ease. 2023-12-13T03:58:36Z
30 tiny 1133 319 MATLAB 5 Tiny Face Detector, CVPR 2017 2020-03-21T02:04:30Z
31 machine-learning-coursera-1 1126 907 MATLAB 0 This repo is specially created for all the work done my me as a part of Coursera's Machine Learning Course. 2019-07-28T13:49:39Z
32 Coursera-Machine-Learning-Stanford 1115 767 MATLAB 2 Machine learning-Stanford University 2023-04-04T13:28:55Z
33 BPL 972 307 MATLAB 0 Bayesian Program Learning model for one-shot learning 2015-12-28T20:48:56Z
34 Gait-Tracking-With-x-IMU 970 413 MATLAB 22 None 2023-10-14T12:00:26Z
35 convnet-burden 917 114 MATLAB 5 Memory consumption and FLOP count estimates for convnets 2019-01-17T11:15:00Z
36 activityrecognition 915 351 MATLAB 1 Resources about activity recognition-行为识别资料 2019-08-20T05:46:37Z
37 quadrotor 856 277 MATLAB 9 Quadrotor control, path planning and trajectory optimization 2024-05-05T00:36:38Z
38 machine-learning-octave 845 247 MATLAB 0 🤖 MatLab/Octave examples of popular machine learning algorithms with code examples and mathematics being explained 2020-07-08T05:58:17Z
39 toolbox 845 499 MATLAB 32 Piotr's Image & Video Matlab Toolbox 2019-05-06T18:46:16Z
40 fieldtrip 839 719 MATLAB 97 The MATLAB toolbox for MEG, EEG and iEEG analysis 2024-10-04T06:49:56Z
41 VAD 838 233 MATLAB 30 Voice activity detection (VAD) toolkit including DNN, bDNN, LSTM and ACAM based VAD. We also provide our directly recorded dataset. 2021-06-09T07:28:56Z
42 lrslibrary 826 376 MATLAB 2 Low-Rank and Sparse Tools for Background Modeling and Subtraction in Videos 2023-03-15T11:54:14Z
43 Octave 823 506 MATLAB 5 my octave exercises for 2011 stanford machine learning class, posted after the due date of course 2021-07-02T19:34:38Z
44 edges 819 364 MATLAB 17 Structured Edge Detection Toolbox 2019-12-02T22:40:33Z
45 Image-Fusion 788 130 MATLAB 9 Deep Learning-based Image Fusion: A Survey 2024-09-26T14:05:42Z
46 MIMO_OFDM 764 274 MATLAB 1 《MIMO-OFDM无线通信技术及MATLAB实现》随书源码 2018-05-11T06:28:47Z
47 Image-Harmonization-Dataset-iHarmony4 758 100 MATLAB 0 [CVPR 2020] The first large-scale public benchmark dataset for image harmonization. The code used in our paper "DoveNet: Deep Image Harmonization via Domain Verification", CVPR2020. Useful for image harmonization, image composition, etc. 2024-06-06T01:33:42Z
48 Total-Text-Dataset 748 140 MATLAB 6 Total Text Dataset. It consists of 1555 images with more than 3 different text orientations: Horizontal, Multi-Oriented, and Curved, one of a kind. 2023-10-05T05:13:30Z
49 NTURGB-D 742 175 MATLAB 22 Info and sample codes for "NTU RGB+D Action Recognition Dataset" 2022-02-18T07:49:02Z
50 SAR-Synthetic-Aperture-Radar 740 236 MATLAB 1 合成孔径雷达 相关。研究生期间学习 SAR/InSAR/PolSAR 相关的代码和总结,毕业后已经离开这个领域了。分享出来,仅此纪念。1)SAR: 成像算法,RD,CS,Radarsat-1数据成像处理。2)InSAR: 人造场景原始回波仿真、成像及干涉处理。包括平地场景和圆锥形场景。3)PolSAR: 极化定标算法,Whitt, PARC, Quegan, Ainsworth。详见 2023-11-19T03:15:56Z
51 hctsa 728 314 MATLAB 11 Highly comparative time-series analysis 2024-10-11T23:03:53Z
52 face_verification_experiment 725 327 MATLAB 2 Original Caffe Version for LightCNN-9. Highly recommend to use PyTorch Version ( 2017-02-10T09:19:33Z
53 Awesome-Speech-Enhancement 714 149 MATLAB 5 A tutorial for Speech Enhancement researchers and practitioners. The purpose of this repo is to organize the world’s resources for speech enhancement and make them universally accessible and useful. 2020-12-01T10:20:50Z
54 IMUCalibration-Gesture 712 263 MATLAB 0 calibration for Imu and show gesture 2024-08-16T01:04:17Z
55 Matlab-Machine 711 142 MATLAB 0 None 2024-10-08T10:55:05Z
56 Mathematics 691 260 MATLAB 2 数学知识点滴积累 矩阵 数值优化 神经网络反向传播 图优化 概率论 随机过程 卡尔曼滤波 粒子滤波 数学函数拟合 2020-09-12T02:38:03Z
57 Smart-Algorithm 676 141 MATLAB 2 智能算法-遗传算法、蚁群算法、粒子群算法实现。实现版本Java,Python,MatLab多版本实现 2020-05-10T13:43:07Z
58 mexopencv 659 319 MATLAB 37 Collection and a development kit of matlab mex functions for OpenCV library 2020-10-23T01:25:05Z
59 vgg_face2 649 114 MATLAB 5 None 2020-02-18T15:30:05Z
60 cnn-for-image-retrieval 633 226 MATLAB 1 🌅The code of post "Image retrieval using MatconvNet and pre-trained imageNet" 2021-01-05T04:45:05Z
61 gptoolbox 629 166 MATLAB 57 Matlab toolbox for Geometry Processing. 2024-09-03T04:32:55Z
62 siamese-fc 621 224 MATLAB 33 Arbitrary object tracking at 50-100 FPS with Fully Convolutional Siamese networks. 2019-05-16T10:10:53Z
63 OptimTraj 618 210 MATLAB 28 A trajectory optimization library for Matlab 2023-06-06T00:37:01Z
64 ECO 613 248 MATLAB 15 Matlab implementation of the ECO tracker. 2019-10-24T11:11:11Z
65 hashing-baseline-for-image-retrieval 613 254 MATLAB 4 :octocat:Various hashing methods for image retrieval and serves as the baselines 2022-04-16T14:29:21Z
66 BeatTheBookie 612 150 MATLAB 1 Betting Strategy to Beat the Bookies at Football Games 2021-10-04T15:11:23Z
67 ICNet 605 198 MATLAB 27 ICNet for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation on High-Resolution Images, ECCV2018 2022-04-15T20:07:00Z
68 chebfun 605 142 MATLAB 153 Chebfun: numerical computing with functions. 2024-09-23T00:04:51Z
69 automated-driving-control 604 284 MATLAB 7 None 2020-12-04T13:45:46Z
70 Must-Reading-on-ISAC 604 142 MATLAB 3 Must Reading Papers, Research Library, Open-Source Code on Integrated Sensing and Communications (aka. Joint Radar and Communications, Joint Sensing and Communications, Dual-Functional Radar Communications) 2023-07-21T03:21:52Z
71 SelfExSR 603 273 MATLAB 8 Single Image Super-Resolution from Transformed Self-Exemplars (CVPR 2015) 2016-05-31T16:29:23Z
72 MATLABRobotics 596 320 MATLAB 2 MATLAB sample codes for mobile robot navigation 2018-11-10T23:36:18Z
73 IRCNN 593 172 MATLAB 11 Learning Deep CNN Denoiser Prior for Image Restoration (CVPR, 2017) (Matlab) 2021-10-09T22:03:58Z
74 eeglab 593 240 MATLAB 56 EEGLAB is an open source signal processing environment for electrophysiological signals running on Matlab and developed at the SCCN/UCSD 2024-10-03T03:33:45Z
75 refinenet 589 159 MATLAB 0 RefineNet: Multi-Path Refinement Networks for High-Resolution Semantic Segmentation 2019-06-01T05:40:49Z
76 CBIG 587 384 MATLAB 15 None 2024-08-05T08:21:03Z
77 kalibr_allan 584 213 MATLAB 8 IMU Allan standard deviation charts for use with Kalibr and inertial kalman filters. 2020-06-21T16:54:04Z
78 voc-dpm 577 308 MATLAB 19 Object detection system using deformable part models (DPMs) and latent SVM (voc-release5). You may want to use the latest tarball on my website. The github code may include code changes that have not been tested as thoroughly and will not necessarily reproduce the results on the website. 2017-04-03T16:06:41Z
79 NaveGo 574 210 MATLAB 11 NaveGo: an open-source MATLAB/GNU Octave toolbox for processing integrated navigation systems and performing inertial sensors analysis. 2024-02-24T15:09:52Z
80 TIGRE 566 186 MATLAB 83 TIGRE: Tomographic Iterative GPU-based Reconstruction Toolbox 2024-09-18T11:19:31Z
81 PIDtoolbox 552 68 MATLAB 0 PIDtoolbox is a set of graphical tools for analyzing blackbox log data 2024-10-02T17:47:03Z
82 Detect-Track 551 110 MATLAB 18 Code release for "Detect to Track and Track to Detect", ICCV 2017 2018-07-03T16:38:41Z
83 MatlabFunc 550 263 MATLAB 2 Matlab codes for feature learning 2020-10-02T15:25:17Z
84 automatic-driving-decision-and-planning-for-matlab 544 235 MATLAB 3 None 2022-08-06T16:42:56Z
85 netvlad 534 122 MATLAB 0 NetVLAD: CNN architecture for weakly supervised place recognition 2017-07-22T17:41:15Z
86 Exclusively-Dark-Image-Dataset 529 103 MATLAB 9 Exclusively Dark (ExDARK) dataset which to the best of our knowledge, is the largest collection of low-light images taken in very low-light environments to twilight (i.e 10 different conditions) to-date with image class and object level annotations. 2023-08-29T07:46:58Z
87 Exposure_Correction 527 66 MATLAB 5 Project page of the paper "Learning Multi-Scale Photo Exposure Correction" (CVPR 2021). 2023-12-24T01:15:11Z
88 Stanford-Machine-Learning-Course 527 355 MATLAB 0 machine learning course programming exercise 2011-12-25T10:04:23Z
89 CourseraMachineLearning 526 250 MATLAB 0 Coursera Machine Learning By Prof. Andrew Ng 2019-08-28T14:44:00Z
90 cfnet 523 155 MATLAB 24 [CVPR'17] Training a Correlation Filter end-to-end allows lightweight networks of 2 layers (600 kB) to high performance at fast speed.. 2018-05-31T13:59:08Z
91 SFD 521 135 MATLAB 1 S³FD: Single Shot Scale-invariant Face Detector, ICCV, 2017 2018-10-17T15:02:16Z
92 EconometricsResources 520 94 MATLAB 0 经济学相关专业资料集 2022-12-15T03:09:33Z
93 OpenCE 509 151 MATLAB 6 Contrast Enhancement Techniques for low-light images 2018-06-28T09:14:34Z
94 Signals-and-Systems-course 508 117 MATLAB 0 浙江大学信电学院2022信号与系统课程资料 2022-07-16T04:20:49Z
95 DeepXi 498 127 MATLAB 5 Deep Xi: A deep learning approach to a priori SNR estimation implemented in TensorFlow 2/Keras. For speech enhancement and robust ASR. 2022-02-17T04:28:56Z
96 AMSoftmax 486 130 MATLAB 6 A simple yet effective loss function for face verification. 2018-08-03T02:13:10Z
97 fashion-detection 484 110 MATLAB 5 Fashion Detection in the Wild (Deep Clothes Detector) 2021-10-09T02:24:08Z
98 MBeautifier 481 75 MATLAB 25 MBeautifier is a MATLAB source code formatter, beautifier. It can be used directly in the MATLAB Editor and it is configurable. 2024-02-23T17:42:34Z
99 YALMIP 480 137 MATLAB 51 MATLAB toolbox for optimization modeling 2024-09-03T10:23:39Z
100 Notes-ML-AndrewNg 472 156 MATLAB 0 Coursera吴恩达机器学习课程笔记及资源整理 2024-03-18T09:18:48Z