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2019-05-16 |
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State of the Art Natural Language Processing at Scale. David Talby - April 13, 2020
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Spark NLP: State of the art natural language processing at scale. David Talby - 4 Jun 2020
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What is Spark NLP. John Snow Labs - 30 Jul 2019
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Apache Spark NLP Extending Spark ML to Deliver Fast, Scalable, and Unified Natural Language Process. David Talby - 6 May 2019
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Natural Language Understanding at Scale with Spark Native NLP, Spark ML &TensorFlow with Alex Thomas. Alex Thomas - 26 Oct 2017
![News](/assets/images/Article_4.jpg)[Introducing the Natural Language Processing Library for Apache Spark]( Talby - October 19, 2017
![News](/assets/images/Article_1.jpg)[Improving Clinical Document Understanding on COVID-19 Research with Spark NLP]( Kocaman, David Talby - 7 December, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_1.jpg)[Topic Modelling with PySpark and Spark NLP]( Obedkova - May 29, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_2.jpg)[Installing Spark NLP and Spark OCR in air-gapped networks (offline mode)]( Kocaman - May 04, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_5.jpg)[Cleaning and extracting text from HTML/XML documents by using Spark NLP]( Lori - Jan 13, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_5.jpg)[A Google Colab Notebook Introducing Spark NLP]( Kocaman - September, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_1.jpg)[State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing at Scale]( Talby - April 13, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_2.jpg)[How to Wrap Your Head Around Spark NLP]( Aytuğ Kaya - August 25, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_3.jpg)[5 Reasons Why Spark NLP Is The Most Widely Used Library In Enterprises]( Choudhury - May 28, 2019
![News](/assets/images/Article_4.jpg)[My Experience with SparkNLP Workshop & Certification]( Maria Leigh - August 17, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_5.jpg)[Out of the box Spark NLP models in action]( Trambitas - August 14, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_3.jpg)[Get started with Machine Learning in Java using Spark NLP]( Price - August 27, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_4.jpg)[SPARK NLP 3: MASSIVE SPEEDUPS & THE LATEST COMPUTE PLATFORMS]( Panahi - March 25, 2021
![News](/assets/images/Article_1.jpg)[SPARK NLP 2.7: 720+ NEW MODELS & PIPELINES FOR 192 LANGUAGES!]( Talby - January 05, 2021
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"Python's NLU library: 1,000+ Models, 200+ Languages, 1 Line of Code" by: Christian Kasim Loan - 18 June 2021
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John Snow Labs NLU: Become a Data Science Superhero with One Line of Python code. Christian Kasim Loan - November, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_1.jpg)[1 line to GLOVE Word Embeddings with NLU in Python]( Kasim Loan - January 17, 2021
![News](/assets/images/Article_2.jpg)[1 line to XLNET Word Embeddings with NLU in Python]( Kasim Loan - January 17, 2021
![News](/assets/images/Article_4.jpg)[1 line to ALBERT Word Embeddings with NLU in Python]( Kasim Loan - January 17, 2021
![News](/assets/images/Article_4.jpg)[1 line to COVIDBERT Word Embeddings with NLU in Python]( Kasim Loan - January 17, 2021
![News](/assets/images/Article_5.jpg)[1 line to ELECTRA Word Embeddings with NLU in Python]( Kasim Loan - January 17, 2021
![News](/assets/images/Article_5.jpg)[1 line to BioBERT Word Embeddings with NLU in Python]( Kasim Loan - January 17, 2021
![News](/assets/images/Article_5.jpg)[1 Line of Code, 350 + NLP Models with John Snow Labs’ NLU in Python]( Kasim Loan - September 21, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_4.jpg)[Easy sentence similarity with BERT Sentence Embeddings using John Snow Labs NLU]( Kasim Loan - November 20, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_3.jpg)[Training Deep Learning NLP Classifier Tutorial]( Kasim Loan - November 20, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_2.jpg)[1 Python Line for ELMo Word Embeddings and t-SNE plots with John Snow Labs’ NLU]( Kasim Loan - October 24, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_1.jpg)[1 line of Python code for BERT, ALBERT, ELMO, ELECTRA, XLNET, GLOVE, Part of Speech with NLU and t-SNE]( Kasim Loan - September 21, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_4.jpg)[1 line to BERT Word Embeddings with NLU in Python]( Kasim Loan - September 21, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_2.jpg)[Question answering, intent classification, aspect based ner, and new multilingual models in python’s NLU library]( Kasim Loan - February 12, 2021
![News](/assets/images/Article_3.jpg)[Intent and action classification, analyze chinese news and crypto market, 200+ languages & answer questions with NLU 1.1.3]( Kasim Loan - March 02, 2021
![News](/assets/images/Article_5.jpg)[Hindi wordembeddings, bengali named entity recognition, 30+ new models, analyze crypto news with NLU 1.1.2]( Kasim Loan - February 18, 2021
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State-of-the-art Clinical Named Entity Recognition in Spark NLP Workshop - Veysel Kocaman
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Train your own NerDL. John Snow Labs - 7 Oct 2019
![News](/assets/images/Article_3.jpg)[State-of-the-art named entity recognition with BERT]( )Veysel Kocaman - February 26th, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_2.jpg)[State-of-the-art Named Entity Recognition in Spark NLP]( Kocaman
![News](/assets/images/Article_5.jpg)[Spark NLP in action: intelligent, high-accuracy fact extraction from long financial documents]( Addin Ellafi - May 5, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_1.jpg)[Named Entity Recognition (NER) with BERT in Spark NLP]( Kocaman - Mar 4, 2020
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Spark NLP in Action: Learning to read Life Science research - Saif Addin Ellafi. Saif Addin Ellafi - 1 Aug 2018
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State of the art emotion and sentiment analysis with Spark NLP (Data science Salon). Dia Trambitas - December 1, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_3.jpg)[GloVe, ELMo & BERT. A guide to state-of-the-art text classification using Spark NLP
]( Burke - March 16, 2021
![News](/assets/images/Article_2.jpg)[Distributed Topic Modelling using Spark NLP and Spark MLLib(LDA)]( Silveri - June 11, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_5.jpg)[Text Classification in Spark NLP with Bert and Universal Sentence Encoders]( Kocaman - April 12, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_4.jpg)[Classification of Unstructured Documents into the Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Taxonomy]( Petukhova - May, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_3.jpg)[Using Spark NLP to build a drug discovery knowledge graph for COVID-19]( Vettrivel, Alexander Thomas - October 8, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_2.jpg)[Build Text Categorization Model with Spark NLP]( Silveri - Jul 8 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_1.jpg)[Topic Modelling with PySpark and Spark NLP]( Obedkova - May 29 2020
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Spark NLP Annotators, Annotations and Pipelines. John Snow Labs - 23 Oct 2019
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Your first Spark NLP Pipeline. John Snow Labs - 23 Oct 2019
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Natural Language Understanding at Scale with Spark NLP | DSS 2020. Veysel Kocaman - December 12, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_1.jpg)[Cleaning and extracting text from HTML/XML documents by using Spark NLP]( Lori - January 13 2021
![News](/assets/images/Article_4.jpg)[NER model with ELMo Embeddings in 5 minutes in Spark-NLP]( Kasim Loan - Jule 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_1.jpg)[Applying Context Aware Spell Checking in Spark NLP]( Andreotti - May 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_4.jpg)[Spark nlp 2.5 delivers state-of-the-art accuracy for spell checking and sentiment analysis]( Lucente - May 12, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_2.jpg)[Spark NLP 2.4: More Accurate NER, OCR, and Entity Resolution]( Lucente - February 14, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_5.jpg)[Introduction to Spark NLP: Foundations and Basic Components (Part-I)]( Kocaman - Sep 29, 2019
![News](/assets/images/Article_8.jpg)[Introducing Spark NLP: Why would we need another NLP library (Part-I)]( Kocaman - October 22, 2019
![News](/assets/images/Article_7.jpg)[Introducing Spark NLP: basic components and underlying technologies (Part-III)]( Kocaman - December 2, 2019
![News](/assets/images/Article_6.jpg)[Explain document DL – Spark NLP pretrained pipeline]( Kocaman - January 15, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_3.jpg)[Spark NLP Walkthrough, powered by TensorFlow]( Addin Ellafi - Nov 19, 2018
![News](/assets/images/Article_1.jpg)[Natural Language Processing with PySpark and Spark-NLP]( Honold - Feb 5, 2020
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Advancing the State of the Art in Applied Natural Language Processing | Healthcare NLP Summit 2021. David Talby - 21 Apr 2021
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How to Apply State-of-the-Art Natural Language Processing in Healthcare. David Talby - 15 Sep 2020
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Advanced Natural Language Processing with Apache Spark NLP. David Talby - 20 Aug 2020
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Applying State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for Personalized Healthcare. David Talby - April 13, 2020
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State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing at Scale. David Talby - April 13, 2020
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Apache SPARK NLP: Extending SPARK ML to Deliver Fast, Scalable & Unified Natural Language Processing. David Talby - June 04, 2018
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State of the Art Natural Language Processing at Scale. David Talby - June 04, 2018
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Spark NLP in Action: Learning to read Life Science research. Saif Addin Ellafi - May 28, 2018
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Natural Language Understanding at Scale with Spark-Native NLP, Spark ML, and TensorFlow. Alexander Thomas - October 14, 2018
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Apache Spark NLP for Healthcare: Lessons Learned Building Real-World Healthcare AI Systems. Veysel Kocaman - 9 Jul 2020
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SNOMED entity resolver. John Snow Labs - 31 Jul 2020
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NLP and its applications in Healthcare. Veysel Kocaman - 17 May 2020
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Lessons Learned Building Real-World Healthcare AI Systems. Veysel Kocaman - April 13, 2020
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Application of Spark NLP for Development of Multi-Modal Prediction Model from EHR | Healthcare NLP. Sutanay Choudhury - 14 Apr 2021
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Best Practices in Improving NLP Accuracy for Clinical Use Cases I Healthcare NLP Summit 2021. Rajesh Chamarthi, Veysel Kocaman - 15 Apr 2021
![News](/assets/images/Article_1.jpg)[Contextual Parser: Increased Flexibility Extracting Entities in Spark NLP]( Martial - Feb 09 2022
![News](/assets/images/Article_8.jpg)[Named Entity Recognition for Healthcare with SparkNLP NerDL and NerCRF]( Yilmaz - Jul 20 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_7.jpg)[Roche automates knowledge extraction from pathology reports with Spark NLP]( Study
![News](/assets/images/Article_6.jpg)[Spark NLP in action: Improving patient flow forecasting]( Study
![News](/assets/images/Article_5.jpg)[Using Spark NLP to Enable Real-World Evidence (RWE) and Clinical Decision Support in Oncology]( Kocaman - April 13, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_4.jpg)[Applying State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for Personalized Healthcare]( Talby - April 13, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_2.jpg)[Automated Mapping of Clinical Entities from Natural Language Text to Medical Terminologies](és Fernández - April 29 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_1.jpg)[Contextual Parser in Spark NLP: Extracting Medical Entities Contextually]( Petukhova - May 28 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_2.jpg)[Deep6 accelerates clinical trial recruitment with Spark NLP]( )Case Study
![News](/assets/images/Article_3.jpg)[SelectData uses AI to better understand home health patients]( Study
![News](/assets/images/Article_3.jpg)[Explain Clinical Document Spark NLP Pretrained Pipeline]( Kocaman - January 20, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_3.jpg)[Introducing Spark NLP: State of the art NLP Package (Part-II)]( Kocaman - January 20, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_1.jpg)[Automated Adverse Drug Event (ADE) Detection from Text in Spark NLP with BioBert]( Kocaman - Octover 4, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_2.jpg)[Normalize drug names and dosage units with spark NLP]( Cecchini - February 23, 2021
![News](/assets/images/Article_3.jpg)[Spark NLP for healthcare 2.7.3 with biobert extraction models, higher accuracy, de-identification, new radiology ner model & more]( Kocaman - February 09, 2021
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Maximizing Text Recognition Accuracy with Image Transformers in Spark OCR. Mykola Melnyk - June 24, 2020
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Accurate de-identification, obfuscation, and editing of scanned medical documents and images. Alina Petukhova - August 19, 2020
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Accurate De-Identification of Structured & Unstructured Medical Data at Scale. Julio Bonis - March 18, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_5.jpg)[A Unified CV, OCR & NLP Model Pipeline for Document Understanding at DocuSign]( Beukema, Michael Chertushkin - October 6, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_5.jpg)[Scaling High-Accuracy Text Extraction from Images using Spark OCR on Databricks]( Melnyk - July 2, 2020
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Turbocharging State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing on Ray. David Talby - October 3, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_3.jpg)[Big Data Analysis of Meetup Events using Spark NLP, Kafka and Vegas Visualization]( Deuşteanu - August 25, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_5.jpg)[Setup Spark NLP on Databricks in 2 Minutes and get the taste of scalable NLP]( Kasim Loan - May 25, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_1.jpg)[Real-time trending topic detection using Spark NLP, Kafka and Vegas Visualization]( Crisan - Oct 15, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_2.jpg)[Mueller Report for Nerds! Spark meets NLP with TensorFlow and BERT]( Panahi - May 1, 2019
![News](/assets/images/Article_3.jpg)[Spark in Docker in Kubernetes: A Practical Approach for Scalable NLP](ürgen Schmidl - Jan 18 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_6.jpg)[Running Spark NLP in Docker Container for Named Entity Recognition and Other NLP Features]( Zhang - Jun 5 2020
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Accelerating Clinical Data Abstraction and Real-World Data Curation with Active Learning, Dia Trambitas - Apr 15, 2021
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MLOPS Veysel & Dia. Dia Trambitas, Veysel Kocaman - July 16, 2020
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Best Practices & Tools for Accurate Document Annotation and Data Abstraction. Dia Trambitas - May 27, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_1.jpg)[John Snow Labs’ data annotator & active learning for human-in-the-loop AI is now included with all subscriptions]( Lucente - May 26, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_3.jpg)[Auto NLP: Pretrain, Tune & Deploy State-of-the-art Models Without Coding]( Trambitas - October 6, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_5.jpg)[Lesson Learned annotating training data for healthcare NLP projects]( Leung, Marianne Mak - October 8, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_1.jpg)[Task review workflows in the annotation lab]( Trambitas - March 08, 2021
![News](/assets/images/Article_2.jpg)[The annotation lab 1.1 is here with improvements to speed, accuracy, and productivity]( Lucente - January 20, 2021
![News](/assets/images/Article_3.jpg)[Tips and tricks on how to annotate assertion in clinical texts]( Nievas Offidani - November 24, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_1.jpg)[Biomedical Named Entity Recognition at Scale]( Kocaman, David Talby - November 12, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_3.jpg)[NLP Industry Survey Analysis: the industry landscape of natural language use cases in 2020]( )Paco Nathan - October 6, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_1.jpg)[Comparing the Functionality of Open Source Natural Language Processing Libraries]( Panahi and David Talby - April 7, 2019
![News](/assets/images/Article_2.jpg)[SpaCy or Spark NLP — A Benchmarking Comparison]( Aytuğ Kaya - Aug 27, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_3.jpg)[Comparing production-grade NLP libraries: Training Spark-NLP and spaCy pipelines]( Addin Ellafi - February 28, 2018
![News](/assets/images/Article_4.jpg)[Comparing production-grade NLP libraries: Running Spark-NLP and spaCy pipelines]( Addin Ellafi - February 28, 2018
![News](/assets/images/Article_5.jpg)[Comparing production-grade NLP libraries: Accuracy, performance, and scalability]( Addin Ellafi - February 28, 2018
![News](/assets/images/Article_1.jpg)[John Snow Labs is healthcare tech outlook’s 2020 healthcare analytics provider of the year]( Lucente - July 14, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_2.jpg)[John Snow Labs wins the 2020 artificial intelligence excellence award]( Lucente - April 27, 2020
![News](/assets/images/Article_3.jpg)[John Snow Labs is named ‘2019 ai platform of the year]( Lucente - August 14, 2019
![News](/assets/images/Article_4.jpg)[Spark NLP is the world’s most widely used nlp library by enterprise practitioners]( Lucente - May 6, 2019
![News](/assets/images/Article_5.jpg)[John Snow Labs’ spark nlp wins “most significant open source project” at the strata data awards]( Lucente April 1 - 2019
![News](/assets/images/Article_3.jpg)[John Snow Labs named “artificial intelligence solution provider of the year” by cio review]( Lucente - February 7, 2019