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Introduction to turn_based_game

ver 1.1.6


This framework encapsulates the critical information (rules) needed for playing or simulating a turn-based game.

Some common turn-based games: Checkers, Reversi, Chess, Stratego, Connect 4.


To use, simply:

  1. Define a game object that inherits from Game.
  2. Add the game rules as methods for setup, set_possible_moves, make_move, and determine_winner. You can override additional methods for more rule changes. And, you can add new ones. But the basic four are the minimum for enabling a game.
  3. Invoke your new object and pass in a list of player objects. (Or, AI objects if using an AI library.)
  4. Run the new object's setup method. This resets the game.

And, when running from a terminal, 5. Run the new object's play method

Quick Example

# Game of Thai 21 example
# Description: Twenty one flags are placed on a beach. Each player takes a turn
# removing between 1 and 3 flags. The player that removes the last remaining flag wins.
# This game was introduced by an episode of Survivor:

import strutils
import turn_based_game
import tables

# 1. define our game object

  GameOfThai21 = ref object of Game
    pile*: int

#  2. add our rules (methods)

method setup*(self: GameOfThai21, players: seq[Player]) =
  self.pile = 21

method set_possible_moves(self: GameOfThai21, moves: var OrderedTable[string, string]) =
  if self.pile==1:
    moves = {"1": "Take One"}.toOrderedTable
  elif self.pile==2:
    moves = {"1": "Take One", "2": "Take Two"}.toOrderedTable
    moves = {"1": "Take One", "2": "Take Two", "3": "Take Three"}.toOrderedTable

method make_move(self: GameOfThai21, move: string): string =
  var count = move.parseInt()
  self.pile -= count  # remove bones.
  return "$# flags removed.".format([count])

method determine_winner(self: GameOfThai21) =
  if self.winner_player_number > 0:
  if self.pile <= 0:
    self.winner_player_number = self.current_player_number

# the following method is not _required_, but makes it nicer to read
method status(self: GameOfThai21): string =
  "$# flags available.".format([self.pile])

# 3. invoke the new game object

var game = GameOfThai21()

# 4. reset (start) a new game with, in this case, 3 players

game.setup(@[Player(name: "A"), Player(name: "B"), Player(name: "C")])

# 5. play the game at a terminal


Greater documentation is being built at the wiki on this repository.



The following two videos (to be watched in order), demonstrate how to use this library and the 'turn_based_game' library:

  1. Using "turn_based_game":
  2. Using "negamax":


The code for this engine mimics that written in Python at the EasyAI library located at That library contains both the game rule engine (called TwoPlayerGame) as well as a variety of AI algorithms to play as game players, such as Negamax.

Table Of Contents

  1. Introduction to turn_based_game

  2. Appendices

    1. turn_based_game Reference