A lite-weight proxy for exposing a remote site through localhost and replace select resources with local versions for testing and development purposes.
npm install intercept-proxy
##CLI To use command line, you must first install package with
npm install -g intercept-proxy
This is just done once. Then you can call:
intercept-proxy myremote -h myremotesite.com -p 3000
cd myremote
npm install
npm start
...and the site will runat http://localhost:3000 and point to myremotesite.com
##Usage By pointing the proxy server at a url and running the app, you can surf the targeted site through localhost:
var proxy = require('intercept-proxy');
var server = proxy.createServer('knowyourmeme.com');
server.listen(1337, function() {
console.log('Proxy: ' + server.host + ' listening on http://localhost:' + server.port);
or with more options:
host: 'knowyourmeme.com',
methods: 'GET,POST', // will intercept GET and POST but not PUT and DELETE
supressQuery: true // remove query parameters from url when looking for local file
##Intercepting with locals By adding files to /local/[path], those files will replace the ones from the original site. Only GET requests will be intercepted by default.
/js/main.js can be replaced by creating /local/js/main.js
###Controlling headers for local intercepts intercept-proxy adds headers by default for common resource extensions such as css, js, html, aspx, php. If you need to control the headers, add a file called headers.json in the folder under local. All properties in the json object will be added as headers. If a default header is specified in headers.json, this will be overridden.
##Intercepting with handlers Calls can also be intercepted using handlers. A handler can be registered with just path or path and verbs
// register handler which responds to all calls to /foo/bar
proxy.addHandler('/foo/bar', function(req, res) {
//register handler which responds to POSTs and PUTs to /foo/bar
proxy.addHandler('/foo/bar', 'POST,PUT', function(req, res) {
//remove handler for all verbs in requests for /foo/bar
//remove handler for GET and DELETE in requests for /foo/bar
proxy.removeHandler('/foo/bar', 'GET,DELETE');
##Why? Beacuse I needed it for a project :)