To get started, follow these steps:
- Install Python 3.9+ and poetry.
- Clone this repository.
- Run
poetry install
to install all dependencies into the virtual environment. - Run
poetry run pre-commit install
to install the pre-commit hooks. - Run
poetry shell
to enter the virtual environment. - Run
cd website
to navigate to the folder
. - Run
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=website.settings.development
to use the development settings. - Run
python ./ migrate
to initialize the database. - If you want to add the mock assets, run
python ./ loaddata assets
. - Run
python ./ runserver
to start the local testing server.
To test Landolfio, follow these steps:
- Run
poetry shell
to enter the virtual environment. - Run
cd website
to navigate to the folder
. - Run
python ./ test --settings=website.settings.development