This project started as a basic practice project from a React course, focusing on props and state. I expanded it by adding desired features. The purpose of this project is to review what I learned from the course and to improve my development skills by independently debugging and fixing any issues that arise while implementing new features.
- Search for random images with keyword
- Archive your favorite images by clicking the heart button
- Download your favorite images
- Share your favorite images with your friends
This is a random image website that uses the Unsplash API to search for images, save them to a favorite list, and allows users to share and download them.
You can enter a keyword in the search bar to find random images that match your keyword. Among the search results, you can click the heart button to add your favorite images to your own Favorite Picture List. You can also download your favorite images to save them and share them with your friends.
JavaScript, React, Tailwind CSS, UnSplash API
npm install
npm start
- Enter the keyword of the desired image in the search input field.
- Save favorite images to your Archive by clicking the heart button on the searched images.
- View all your favorited images on the Archive page.
- Download any image you want by clicking the download button.
- Share your favorite images with friends by copying the image URL to the clipboard using the share button.