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John Hutcheson edited this page Apr 12, 2019 · 23 revisions


What Is This Thing?

This library is meant to be a fully functional object oriented SDK for MailChimp written in PHP. There should ideally be a 1-to-1 relationship with MailChimp's API and this library's functionality. That said I don't have all the time in the world to devote to this library and things might lag a little bit on this end when MailChimp publishes new endpoints.

I say this a lot but you are welcome (in fact, encouraged) to fork and open a PR. As of version 3 of this library there is a fully functioning CI process that can help you with tests and code style standards. The shortest distance between you and a new feature is to contribute! 😺

Why PHP?

  1. I know PHP. 🐘 πŸ’¨
  2. I believe PHP can be just as pretty as many more strictly typed languages.

Other Languages?

Not yet... But maybe in the future. πŸš€

Twitter Lead Generation Cards

You will notice this library does not have an endpoint for the 'Twitter Lead Generation Cards' Endpoint in the MailChimp API. That is because Twitter recently announced they would no longer support these, and it is my belief that soon that endpoint will no longer be available.


This library is meant to make life easier for those developing around the MailChimp API. If it's not doing that, then something is wrong. Please open an issue should you find any problems using this library. Understand though that as I write this I am the only current contributor to this codebase, and it is going to be a lot to upkeep. That's where you smart people come in! 😜 Please consider becoming a contributor by forking and making a pull request for any fixes or new content you would like to see added.