Hi, this is my repo where I am solving a mid-level React technical test using ReactTS, and https://randomuser.me/ API. Test previously solved by Midudev on live coding stream https://www.twitch.tv/midudev/video/1792623213.
- Fetch 100 rows of data using the API.
- Display the data in a table format.
- Provide the option to color rows.
- Allow the data to be sorted by country as demonstrated in the example.
- Enable the ability to delete a row.
- Implement a feature that allows the user to restore the initial state, meaning that all deleted rows will be recovered.
- Handle any potential errors that may occur.
- Implement a feature that allows the user to filter the data by country.
- Avoid sorting users again the data when the user is changing filter by country.
- Sort by clicking on the column header.
- Provide a README.md file with instructions on how to run the application.