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Ring UI library

See the living style guide.

Development environment setup

  1. Install Node.js

  2. Install dependencies: npm install

  3. (Optional, Mac OS X / Linux) Install status bar indicator application to receive webpack build notifications.

Available commands

Start the server: npm start (runs the webpack dev server on http://localhost:9999. You can change the port using npm config set ring-ui:port <port>)

Run tests: npm test

Lint code: npm run lint

Build production files: npm run build

Custom port

Сhange the port using npm config set ring-ui:port <port>

Hub uri

You can change Hub server uri using npm config set ring-ui:hub <hub uri> or run it with option like npm start|build -- --hub <hub uri>.

<server uri> should be one of predefined values below or any uri.

Predefined values:

  • local: http://localhost:8080/jetpass
  • jar: http://localhost:8080
  • production:
  • default: ***REMOVED***


  1. Install Yeoman: npm install yo -g

  2. Install Ring UI Yeoman generator: npm install -g generator-ring.

  3. To add a new component, issue one of the following commands after changing to the components folder:

  • For a plain JS component: yo ring:plain
  • For a ReactJS component: yo ring:jsx
  • For an AngularJS component: yo ring:ng

It will ask for component name and then create the skeleton for you.

Building on host project side

  1. Add JetBrains internal registry to .npmrc in your project folder:
echo 'registry =' >> .npmrc
  1. Install Ring UI with npm install ring-ui --save-exact

  2. Install webpack-config-merger to make working with webpack configs easier: npm install webpack-config-merger --save-dev

  3. If you are building your app with webpack, make sure to require ring-ui components where needed. Otherwise, create an entry point (for example, /app/app__components.tpl.js) and require the components there.

  QueryAssist: require('ring-ui/components/query-assist/query-assist'),
  Footer: require('ring-ui/components/footer/footer')

  1. Create webpack.config.js with the following contents (example):
var webpackConfigMerger = require('webpack-config-merger');

var webpackOptions = webpackConfigMerger(require('ring-ui'), {
  entry: 'src/entry.js', // your entry point for webpack
  output: {
    path: 'path/to/dist',
    filename: '[name].js'

module.exports = webpackOptions;

This reads Ring UI configuration and overrides some config params.

Starting a new project with Ring UI

  1. Install Yeoman: npm install yo -g

  2. Install Ring UI yeoman generator: npm i -g generator-ring

  3. Go to project root folder and type: yo ring. It will ask you to enter the name of the project and desired frameworks (plain JS, ReactJS or AngularJS). It will then create a project skeleton with testing infrastructure, webpack build configuration, ES6 support, ESLint and filled package.json dependencies.

  4. Go to generated project folder, type npm install and then npm start. You project is ready to develop.

Is Lodash or Underscore available?

Instead of libraries Ring UI uses new features of ES2015 and beyond provided by Babel.js and core-js. Polyfills like Array.prototype.find that patch native objects should be imported manually (e.g. via import 'core-js/modules/es6.array.find';).

Is jQuery available?

Instead of jQuery Ring UI uses modern DOM APIs, DOM 4 polyfill (should be imported via import 'dom4;') and some handy helpers located in the dom component. jqLite is still available for Angular.js components, however, using it is not recommended.

Pre-commit hook

There is a pre-commit hook that runs static analysis checks and rejects the commit if they fail. Use npm run setup-hooks to install it.

Wallaby support

To enable the Wallaby.js test runner follow these steps:

  1. Download and install the Wallaby.js plugin for WebStorm.
  2. Run shared Wallaby configuration in WebStorm.

Visual regression testing

Note: you should have the development server running before executing the commands below (npm start)

Ring UI uses Gemini for visual regression testing. Gemini works by taking "screenshots" and comparing them to existing reference images. After you make some visual changes, run npm run gemini-test to make sure there are no regressions.

To update the reference images for a certain component (for example, alert) run npm run gemini-gather files components/alert/*.gemini.js.