This is a React/Redux single page app that can be used as boilerplate for any starting project, or simply for educational purposes.
NOTE: This boilerplate is years old (which in the frontend world is like decades old), and at this point is outdated. Webpack, Babel, React-Router, etc. all need to be upgraded (unfortunately not as trivial as simply changing versions). Thus I do not recommend using this boilerplate beyond simply being a reference.
- Universal/Isomorphic rendering
- Server-side rendering (aborts after 1 second)
- Hot reload
- Code splitting (vendor, core, and page route JS bundles)
- Versioning of build files. Filenames are uniquely generated upon build (for cache-busting)
- Meta tags updated on page transitions (via React Helmet)
yarn install
npm start
open http://localhost:1337
yarn install
npm run start:prod:clean
open http://localhost:1337
Production on the actual servers is run with pm2 start process.yml
(see Dockerfile
Note: .babelrc is solely used for compiling server-side files (client-side Babel configs can be found inside webpack folder).
- Upgrade React
- Unit Testing
- Authentication (eg. JWT, Redis)
- Clean up Ajax calls, handle errors properly
- lazy load images
- logging
- Analyze webpack bundle (webpack has native program for this)
- Caching with Service Workers, Offline Mode
- Code splitting CSS