OpenCV face tracking on the Raspberry Pi using Python
sudo apt-get install python-opencv
Be sure to enable the camera on the Raspberry pi and add bcm2835-v4l2 to /etc/modules
Core code borrowed from Pan / Tilt face tracking with the raspberry pi
If not preinstalled with Raspbian, you can use the following to install the PIGPIO library:
sudo make install
#setup pigpiod to auto load by adding a line to crontab
sudo crontab -e
@reboot /usr/local/bin/pigpiod
PIGPIO docs are here if you need them.
I replaced the calls to ServoBlaster with RPIO PIGPIO just to keep everything a little more in the Python realm codewise. The RPIO library has had a history of not keeping up with hardware updates so I switched over to pigpio which is now included as part of the default raspian installation.
RPi.GPIO doesn't work for this project because it's implementation of PWM is software based, and the resulting signal is too erratic to control the servos smoothly enough for OpenCV tracking. RPIO (and ServoBlaster) uses DMA and while not a full hardware implementation, it removes enough servo jitter to be usable.