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1,no,ward2,no,yes,4,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = 1, F_curr_liv = ""poultry"")","NA",uuid:ec241f2c-0609-46ed-b5e8-fe575f6cefef,yes,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",muddaub,1,list(),NULL,NA,2,NA,NA,2017-04-02T17:29:08.000Z,no,NA,2,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-17,no,2017-03-23T09:49:57.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(0.5, 0.5), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = NA,
D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 4, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1),
list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 360, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = 1, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA,
D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 3, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""main_road""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Iniciou um negócio"", ""Comorou radio"", ""Comprou uma Biscleta""), F03_year = c(2011, 2012, 2012), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",1,poultry,3,no,NA,"c(""bicycle"", ""television"", ""solar_panel"", ""table"")",NA,no,Jan,11,no,2,NULL,NA,01,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""sec_3"", ""pri_7"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(27, 19, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:3, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"",
c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA))",province1,14,NA,village2,grass,698,33.48345609,NA,"NA",NA,no,None,"NA",no,"c(""na"", ""rely_less_food"", ""reduce_meals"", ""day_night_hungry"")","NA",-19.11225943,"list(E04_res_water_field = c(""no_need"", ""no_need""), E03_crops = list(""maize"", ""maize""), E04_res_water_field_other = c(NA, NA), E05_tried_access = c(""no"", ""no""), E05_tried_access_other = c(NA, NA), E02_plot_no = 1:2)","NA",no,3
1,yes,ward2,yes,yes,9,3,"list(F11_no_owned = c(4, 3, 4), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:099de9c9-3e5e-427b-8452-26250e840d6e,yes,"NA","NA",yes,3,"NA",muddaub,1,list(),"c(""Aug"", ""Sept"")",Alimentação e pagamento de educação dos filhos,2,yes,no,2017-04-02T17:26:19.000Z,no,no,3,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows"", ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, ""du_head"", ""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""middle"", ""middle""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, 1000, 1000), E15_duration = c(NA, ""month"", ""month""), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""rented"", ""rented""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity""
), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""canal"", ""canal""), E06_plot_no = 1:3)",2016-11-17,no,2017-04-02T09:48:16.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable""), D01_curr_plot = c(3, 2, 3), D02_total_plot = c(1, 1.5, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"",
D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 80, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"",
D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Aug"", D08_land_planted = 1.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 400, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = 180, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""yes"",
D21_cost_labour = 1800, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 180, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""On_contract""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Aug"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"",
D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 800, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = 12, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 1200, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""yes"", D21_cost_labour = 120, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 12, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA,
D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1.8)), D_curr_crop = ""vegetable"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Compra da Machamba"", ""Comprou Talhão""), F03_year = c(2016, 2016), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"")",7,no,once,"c(""cow_cart"", ""bicycle"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""solar_torch"", ""table"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,yes,"c(""Jan"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"", ""Dec"")",2,no,NA,NULL,no,01,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""sec_1"", ""none"", ""pri_1"", ""pri_5"", ""na"", ""none"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(22, 47, 7, 11, 6, 4, 2), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du = c(""Spouse"", ""head"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(
""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:7, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,19,yes,village2,grass,690,33.48341568,yes,2,no,no,Estes primeiros inquéritos nao tinhamos GPS introduzias is dados o tablet depois de preenchimento e tirava as cordenadas.,"NA",yes,"c(""na"", ""reduce_meals"", ""restrict_adults"", ""borrow_food"", ""seek_government"")","NA",-19.11247712,list(),"NA",yes,7
1,no,ward2,no,no,15,NA,list(),"NA",uuid:193d7daf-9582-409b-bf09-027dd36f9007,no,"NA","NA",yes,1,"NA",burntbricks,1,list(),NULL,NA,2,NA,NA,2017-04-02T17:26:53.000Z,yes,NA,1,NULL,district1,cement,list(),2016-11-17,no,2017-04-02T14:35:26.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 1, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""1"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Apr"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA,
D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 3, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = NA)","list(F01_item = c(""Educação dos filhos"", ""Construção de habitação""), F03_year = c(2016, 2007), F02_source_income = c(""Trabalho sazonal"", ""Trabalho sazonal""))",1,none,10,no,NA,solar_torch,NA,no,"c(""Jan"", ""Feb"", ""Mar"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"", ""Dec"")",40,yes,1,NULL,NA,03,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""none"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_1"", ""na"", ""na"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_4"", ""sec_1"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(70, 30, 17, 1, 20, 18, 9, 14, 4, 5), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""widow/er"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Grandchild"", ""Grandchild"", ""Grandchild"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"",
""Grandchild"", ""Grandchild"", ""Grandchild""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:10, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), c(""housework"",
""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,13,NA,village2,mabatisloping,674,33.48344998,NA,"NA",NA,no,"Ponto Geográfico
Latitude: 18°54'4527324S
Longetude: 33°6'373207E
Altitude: 704m","NA",no,"c(""na"", ""restrict_adults"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.1121076,"list(E04_res_water_field = ""land_far"", E03_crops = list(""maize""), E04_res_water_field_other = NA, E05_tried_access = ""no"", E05_tried_access_other = NA, E02_plot_no = 1)","NA",no,10
1,no,ward2,no,no,6,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = 3:4, F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows""))","NA",uuid:148d1105-778a-4755-aa71-281eadd4a973,no,"NA","NA",yes,3,"NA",burntbricks,1,list(),NULL,NA,2,NA,NA,2017-04-02T17:27:16.000Z,no,NA,3,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-17,no,2017-04-02T14:55:18.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""maize"", ""sorghum""), D01_curr_plot = 1:3, D02_total_plot = c(1, 1, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA,
D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 4, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1),
list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 2,
D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Aug"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA,
D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 5, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""sorghum"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)),
D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Radio"", ""O sistema solar""), F03_year = c(2016, 2016), F02_source_income = c(""Trabalho sazonal"", ""Trabalho sazonal""))",2,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"")",7,no,NA,"c(""bicycle"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""mobile_phone"")",NA,no,"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"", ""Dec"")",6,yes,3,NULL,NA,04,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""none"", ""pri_1"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_2"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(50, 28, 20, 8, 3, 2, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""widow/er"", ""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""parent"", ""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""),
B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:7, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,5,NA,village2,mabatisloping,679,33.48342395,NA,"NA",NA,no,Esta o 2nd lançamento de questionario. As cordenadas geográficas foram lançados no próprio dia no tablet e não foram registados no papel.,"NA",no,"c(""na"", ""reduce_meals"", ""restrict_adults"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11222901,"list(E04_res_water_field = c(""no_need"", ""no_need"", ""no_need""), E03_crops = list(""maize"", ""maize"", ""sorghum""), E04_res_water_field_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E05_tried_access = c(""no"", ""no"", ""no""), E05_tried_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E02_plot_no = 1:3)","NA",no,7
1,yes,ward2,no,no,40,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = c(1, 4, 2, 13), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"", ""poultry""))","NA",uuid:2c867811-9696-4966-9866-f35c3e97d02d,no,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",burntbricks,1,list(),NULL,NA,2,NA,NA,2017-04-02T17:27:35.000Z,no,NA,2,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-17,no,2017-04-02T15:10:35.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(1.5, 0.5), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 4, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(
list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 3, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"",
D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))",list(),4,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"", ""poultry"")",7,no,NA,"c(""motorcyle"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""mobile_phone"")",NA,yes,"c(""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")",18,no,2,NULL,NA,05,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""none"", ""sec_3"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_3"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(57, 28, 24, 10, 9, 5, 2), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""widow/er"", ""married"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Child"", ""other"", ""Grandchild"", ""Grandchild"", ""Grandchild"", ""Grandchild""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"",
""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_business"", ""housework"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:7, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), c(""housework"", ""small_business""), ""housework"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, ""Nora"", NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,10,NA,village2,grass,689,33.48342524,NA,"NA",NA,no,"Esta é a 2a vez que o mesmo questionário esta sendo carregado no ODK, por isso que não traz as cordenadas geográficas.","NA",no,"c(""na"", ""go_forest"", ""migrate"")","NA",-19.11221722,"list(E04_res_water_field = c(""land_far"", ""land_far""), E03_crops = list(""maize"", ""maize""), E04_res_water_field_other = c(NA, NA), E05_tried_access = c(""no"", ""no""), E05_tried_access_other = c(NA, NA), E02_plot_no = 1:2)","NA",no,7
1,no,ward2,no,no,3,NA,list(),"NA",uuid:daa56c91-c8e3-44c3-a663-af6a49a2ca70,no,"NA","NA",no,1,"NA",muddaub,1,list(),NULL,NA,2,NA,NA,2017-04-02T17:28:02.000Z,no,NA,1,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-17,no,2017-04-02T15:27:25.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 1.5, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""1"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA,
D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 5, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = NA)",list(),1,none,3,no,NA,NULL,NA,no,"c(""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"")",3,yes,1,NULL,NA,6,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_1"", ""none"", ""pri_3""), B05_memb_age = c(33, 6, 9), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:3, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""
), ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA))",province1,12,NA,village2,grass,692,33.48339187,NA,"NA",NA,no,"Não existe cordenadas geográficas visto que lançou se no tablet depois de ter terminado a entrevista, e os inquiridores nao traziam ainda os GPS's.","NA",no,"c(""borrow_food"", ""lab_ex_food"", ""seek_government"")","NA",-19.1121959,"list(E04_res_water_field = ""land_far"", E03_crops = list(""maize""), E04_res_water_field_other = NA, E05_tried_access = ""no"", E05_tried_access_other = NA, E02_plot_no = 1)","NA",no,3
1,yes,ward2,yes,no,38,4,"list(F11_no_owned = 1, F_curr_liv = ""oxen"")","NA",uuid:ae20a58d-56f4-43d7-bafa-e7963d850844,no,"NA","NA",no,4,"NA",muddaub,1,list(),"c(""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"")",Alimentação,3,yes,no,2017-04-02T17:28:19.000Z,no,no,4,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(""furrows"", ""furrows"", ""furrows"", ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(""maize"", ""tomatoes"", ""beans"", ""vegetable""), E09_irr_manager = list(""du_head"", ""du_head"", ""du_head"", ""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(""middle"", ""near"", ""near"", ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""yes"", ""yes"", ""yes"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(""inherited"",
""inherited"", ""inherited"", ""inherited""), E11_water_fields = c(""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(""canal"", ""river"", ""river"", ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:4)",2016-11-17,no,2017-04-02T15:38:01.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""tomatoes"", ""beans"", ""vegetable""), D01_curr_plot = 1:4, D02_total_plot = c(2, 1, 1, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 2, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA,
D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 20, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"",
D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Aug"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 50, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 47, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"",
D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 800, D12_harvst_amount = 47, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""own_manure""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Aug"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""tins"",
D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1200, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 1, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 2.5, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"",
D13_fertilizer = list(""own_manure""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""beans"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""child""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1000, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 35, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA,
D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 200, D12_harvst_amount = 35, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""own_manure""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""vegetable"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Construção de habitação"", ""Compra de cabeças de gado bovino""), F03_year = 2015:2016, F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",1,oxen,6,no,never,"c(""motorcyle"", ""cow_plough"")",more_half,yes,Nov,20,no,NA,NULL,NA,7,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_1"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_3""), B05_memb_age = c(38, 16, 14, 14, 12, 10), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"",
""housework"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:6, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""housework"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,11,yes,village2,grass,709,33.48336498,no,10,no,yes,"Não temos as cordenadas geográficas porque haviamos feito direitamente no ODK, no tablet.","NA",no,lab_ex_food,"NA",-19.11221904,list(),"NA",no,6
3,yes,ward1,yes,yes,70,2,"list(F11_no_owned = c(8, 5), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:d6cee930-7be1-4fd9-88c0-82a08f90fb5a,yes,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",burntbricks,2,list(),"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"")",Compra de produtos alimentÃcios,2,yes,no,2017-04-02T17:28:39.000Z,no,no,2,NULL,district1,cement,"list(E12_apply_water = c(""furrows"", ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(""maize"", ""maize""), E09_irr_manager = list(""du_head"", ""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(""far"", ""far""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""yes"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(""inherited"", ""inherited""), E11_water_fields = c(""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(""river"", ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:2)",2016-11-16,no,2017-04-02T15:59:52.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(1, 2), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 6, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(
list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 750, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 10, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 12,
D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Compra de cabeças de gado bovino"", ""Compra de motorizada"", ""Compra de bicicleta"", ""Comprou de sistema solar"", ""Compra de televisor"", ""Compra de congelador"", ""Compra de chapas para cobertura da casa""), F03_year = c(2000, 2010, 2010, 2013, 2013, 2013, 2013), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"",
""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",2,"c(""oxen"", ""goats"")",12,no,never,"c(""motorcyle"", ""bicycle"", ""television"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""solar_torch"", ""table"", ""fridge"")",abt_half,yes,Jan,16,no,NA,NULL,yes,08,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_4"", ""none"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_1"", ""pri_1"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(70, 43, 27, 18, 10, 8, 6, 5, 2, 1, 2, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"",
""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:12,
B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,9,yes,village1,mabatisloping,700,33.48341914,yes,10,no,yes,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0512935
Longetude: 7906703
Altitude: 730.3m","NA",yes,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""limit_variety"", ""reduce_meals"", ""restrict_adults"", ""borrow_food"")","NA",-19.11215963,list(),"NA",yes,12
1,yes,ward2,yes,no,6,3,"list(F11_no_owned = c(3, 2, 9), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:846103d2-b1db-4055-b502-9cd510bb7b37,no,"NA","NA",yes,3,"NA",burntbricks,2,list(),"c(""Oct"", ""Nov"")",1,3,yes,no,2017-04-02T16:42:08.000Z,no,no,3,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows"", ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, ""du_head"", ""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near"", ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""inherited"", ""inherited""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA,
""river"", ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:3)",2016-11-16,no,2017-04-02T16:23:36.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable""), D01_curr_plot = 1:3, D02_total_plot = c(1.5, 1, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 1.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"",
D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 12, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"",
D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Aug"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 350, D19_pesticide = ""required_buyer"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 67, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 750, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""yes"",
D21_cost_labour = 300, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 67, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""On_contract""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1750)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Aug"", D08_land_planted = 1,
D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 800, D19_pesticide = ""required_buyer"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = 17, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 750, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""yes"", D21_cost_labour = 300, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 17, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA,
D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1750)), D_curr_crop = ""vegetable"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Compra de cabeças de gado bovino"", ""Compra de aparelhagem sonora""), F03_year = 2008:2009, F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"")",8,no,never,"c(""television"", ""solar_panel"", ""solar_torch"")",more_half,yes,"c(""Jan"", ""Dec"")",16,yes,NA,NULL,NA,9,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_5"", ""none"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_4"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(39, 32, 20, 15, 12, 4, 4, 2), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"",
""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:8, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,11,yes,village1,grass,701,33.48343695,no,6,no,yes,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0512721
Longetude: 7906327
Altitude: 740.5m","NA",no,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""limit_variety"", ""limit_portion"", ""restrict_adults"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11221518,list(),"NA",yes,8
5,no,ward2,yes,no,23,2,"list(F11_no_owned = c(1, 3), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows""))","NA",uuid:8f4e49bc-da81-4356-ae34-e0d794a23721,no,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",burntbricks,1,list(),"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")",Compra de produtos alimentÃcios e material escolar para os filhos,3,yes,no,2017-04-02T17:25:11.000Z,yes,no,2,NULL,district1,cement,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, ""tomatoes""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, ""parent""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""inherited""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:2)",2016-12-16,no,2017-04-02T17:03:28.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""tomatoes""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(3, 1.5), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 3, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 11, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(
list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""parent""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 700, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 24, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 750, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""yes"", D21_cost_labour = 250, D17_cost_seed = NA,
D12_harvst_amount = 24, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""On_contract""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1400)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou motorizada"", ""Comprou televisor"", ""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino"", ""Comprou charua"", ""Construiu habitação""), F03_year = c(2014, 2014, 2002, 2002, 2012), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",2,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"")",12,no,never,"c(""cow_cart"", ""motorcyle"", ""bicycle"", ""television"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""solar_torch"", ""table"")",more_half,no,"c(""Jan"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"", ""Dec"")",22,no,NA,NULL,NA,10,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""none"", ""pri_1"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_2"", ""pri_1"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""sec_3"", ""pri_4""), B05_memb_age = c(30, 42, 13, 9, 7, 7, 5, 4, 2, 2, 20, 29), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""Spouse"", ""head"",
""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""small_scale_farm""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:12, B08_interviewee_activities = list(
c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"")), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,14,yes,village1,mabatisloping,710,33.48339436,no,22,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0512972
Longetude: 7906053
Altitude: 723.1m","NA",no,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""limit_portion"", ""restrict_adults"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.1122147,list(),"NA",yes,12
1,no,ward2,no,yes,20,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = c(1, 3), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows""))","NA",uuid:d29b44e3-3348-4afc-aa4d-9eb34c89d483,yes,"NA","NA",no,2,"NA",sunbricks,2,list(),NULL,NA,2,NA,NA,2017-04-03T03:31:10.000Z,no,NA,2,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-21,no,2017-04-03T03:16:15.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(1, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Oct"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 2, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(
list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Oct"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 2, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"",
D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))",list(),2,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"")",6,no,NA,"c(""radio"", ""cow_plough"")",NA,yes,"c(""Oct"", ""Nov"")",6,yes,2,NULL,NA,11,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_6"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_1"", ""none"", ""none"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(20, 26, 9, 7, 6, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""Spouse"", ""head"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"",
""salar_job"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:6, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""salar_job""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,10,NA,village2,grass,707,33.48345933,NA,"NA",NA,no,"A entrevistada estava receiosa ao passar as informações, parecia como estivesse com dúvidas em relação as questões colocadas.
Estq e a segunda vez que este questionário esta sendo lançado no ODK portando as coordenadas desta entrevista foram lançadas no","NA",no,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11219126,"list(E04_res_water_field = c(""land_far"", ""land_far""), E03_crops = list(""maize"", ""maize""), E04_res_water_field_other = c(NA, NA), E05_tried_access = c(""no"", ""no""), E05_tried_access_other = c(NA, NA), E02_plot_no = 1:2)","NA",no,6
3,no,ward2,yes,no,20,2,"list(F11_no_owned = 3:2, F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows""))","NA",uuid:e6ee6269-b467-4e37-91fc-5e9eaf934557,no,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",burntbricks,2,"list(B13_remitter_location_village = ""Sussundenga"", B15_remitter_location_region_other = NA, B15_remitter_location_region = ""manica"", B14_remitter_location_district = ""Sussundenga"", B12_remittance_money_type = ""Pastor"")","c(""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")",Compra de produtos alimentÃcios,3,yes,no,2017-04-03T03:58:34.000Z,no,no,2,NULL,district1,cement,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, ""tomatoes""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, c(""du_head"", ""spouse"", ""child"")), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""inherited""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:2)",2016-11-21,yes,2017-04-03T03:31:13.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""tomatoes""), D01_curr_plot = c(2, 2), D02_total_plot = c(3.5, 1.5), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list()), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""0"", D05_times = 0), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""July"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA,
D25_price = 700, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = 10, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 760, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 1200, D12_harvst_amount = 1, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"",
D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 2600)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino"", ""Comprou charua, tracção animal"", ""Construiu a sua moradia""), F03_year = c(2010, 2012, 2008), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",2,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"")",7,no,never,"c(""cow_cart"", ""bicycle"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""table"")",more_half,no,"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"")",20,no,NA,NULL,no,12,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_4"", ""none"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_3"", ""none"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(74, 84, 41, 14, 11, 6, 2), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""Spouse"", ""head"", ""Child"", ""Grandchild"", ""Grandchild"", ""Grandchild"", ""Grandchild""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"",
""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:7, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,13,yes,village2,mabatisloping,696,33.48341504,yes,20,no,no,As cordenadas desta senhora foram lançadas no ODK no primeiro lançamento em Novembro e nao se registou no papel.,"NA",no,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""limit_variety"", ""reduce_meals"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11229465,list(),"NA",no,7
1,yes,ward2,yes,no,8,4,"list(F11_no_owned = c(6, 4, 10), F_curr_liv = c(""cows"", ""goats"", ""poultry""))","NA",uuid:6c00c145-ee3b-409c-8c02-2c8d743b6918,no,"NA","NA",yes,4,"NA",burntbricks,1,list(),Oct,Compra de produtos alimentÃcios e material escolar para os filhos,2,yes,no,2017-04-03T04:19:36.000Z,no,no,4,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""basin"", ""basin"", ""basin""), E08_crops = list(NULL, ""beans"", ""vegetable"", ""onion""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, c(""du_head"", ""spouse""), c(""du_head"", ""spouse""), c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near"", ""near"", ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes"", ""yes"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA,
""purchased"", ""purchased"", ""purchased""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""bucket"", ""bucket"", ""bucket""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""river"", ""river"", ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:4)",2016-11-21,no,2017-04-03T03:58:43.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""beans"", ""vegetable"", ""onion""), D01_curr_plot = 1:4, D02_total_plot = c(12, 1, 1, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 12, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA,
D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 400, D12_harvst_amount = 3, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"",
D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 0.3, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"",
D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 3, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 50)), D_curr_crop = ""beans"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Aug"", D08_land_planted = 0.3, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"",
D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 200, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = 16, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 16, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"",
D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1500)), D_curr_crop = ""vegetable"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Sept"", D08_land_planted = 0.3, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 500, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = 4, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA,
D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 150, D12_harvst_amount = 4, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1500)), D_curr_crop = ""onion"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA,
NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou charua, tracção animal"", ""Comprou cabeças de gado caprino"", ""Construiu a sua moradia""), F03_year = 2012:2014, F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",3,"c(""cows"", ""goats"", ""poultry"")",6,no,never,"c(""bicycle"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,yes,"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")",7,no,NA,NULL,NA,13,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""sec_1"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_3"", ""none"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(49, 45, 15, 9, 6, 3), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""comm_farming"",
""comm_farming"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:6, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""comm_farming""), c(""housework"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,15,yes,village2,grass,706,33.48355635,no,7,no,no,"As cordenadas geográficas desta morada, não se encontra registada no papel, foi tirada directamente com o tablet no local depois da entrevista.","NA",yes,lab_ex_food,"NA",-19.11236935,list(),"NA",yes,6
3,no,ward2,no,yes,20,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = c(1, 1, 5), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:9b21467f-1116-4340-a3b1-1ab64f13c87d,yes,"NA","NA",yes,3,"NA",burntbricks,3,list(),NULL,NA,3,NA,NA,2017-04-03T04:50:05.000Z,no,NA,3,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-21,no,2017-04-03T04:19:57.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""maize"", ""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1:3, D02_total_plot = c(1, 1, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA,
D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 12, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1),
list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 15,
D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA,
D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 10, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)),
D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = ""Comprou bicicleta"", F03_year = 2008, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"")",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"")",10,no,NA,"c(""bicycle"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""table"", ""mobile_phone"")",NA,yes,"c(""June"", ""July"", ""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")",20,yes,3,NULL,NA,14,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""sec_2"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_2"", ""pri_2"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_3"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(31, 25, 73, 68, 10, 8, 4, 4, 5, 2), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""Child"", ""other"", ""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Grandchild"", ""Grandchild"", ""Grandchild"",
""Grandchild"", ""Grandchild"", ""Grandchild""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""artisan""), ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:10, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""artisan""
), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, ""Nora"", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,11,NA,village2,grass,698,33.4834388,NA,"NA",NA,no,As cordenadas geográficas foram registados pelo ODK em Novembro e nao se lancou no papel.,"NA",yes,"c(""reduce_meals"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11222089,"list(E04_res_water_field = c(""land_far"", ""land_far"", ""land_far""), E03_crops = list(""maize"", ""maize"", ""maize""), E04_res_water_field_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E05_tried_access = c(""no"", ""no"", ""no""), E05_tried_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E02_plot_no = 1:3)","NA",yes,10
2,yes,ward2,yes,yes,30,3,"list(F11_no_owned = c(1, 2, 7), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:a837e545-ff86-4a1c-a1a5-6186804b985f,yes,"NA","NA",yes,3,"NA",sunbricks,1,list(),"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")",Compra produtos alimentÃcios e produtos de higiene,2,yes,no,2017-04-03T05:28:44.000Z,no,no,3,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows"", ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, ""beans"", ""ngogwe""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, c(""du_head"", ""spouse"", ""child""), c(""du_head"", ""spouse"", ""child"")), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near"", ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, 500, 500), E15_duration = c(NA, ""year"", ""year""), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""rented"", ""rented""), E11_water_fields = c(NA,
""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""river"", ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:3)",2016-11-21,no,2017-04-03T05:12:17.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""beans"", ""ngogwe""), D01_curr_plot = 1:3, D02_total_plot = c(15, 1, 0.5), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 6, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA,
D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 7, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1),
list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Nov"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""kg"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 760, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA,
D12_harvst_amount = 3, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""beans"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""spouse"", ""child"")), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Nov"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""kg"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 130, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"",
D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = 65, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 760, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 65, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)),
D_curr_crop = ""ngogwe"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Construiu a sua moradia"", ""Comprou radio"", ""Comprou bicicleta""), F03_year = c(2014, 2016, 2010), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"")",5,no,once,"c(""bicycle"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""table"")",abt_half,yes,"c(""Jan"", ""Feb"", ""Mar"", ""Apr"", ""May"", ""June"", ""July"", ""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")",30,no,NA,NULL,no,15,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_4"", ""pri_2"", ""sec_1"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_5""), B05_memb_age = c(59, 49, 16, 14, 12), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"",
""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:5, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,9,yes,village2,grass,715,33.48339657,yes,30,no,yes,Como asemelhanca dos outros questionários as cordenadas geográficas deste nao foram registadas no papel.,"NA",yes,"c(""na"", ""rely_less_food"", ""limit_portion"", ""reduce_meals"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.1120793,list(),"NA",no,5
1,yes,ward2,no,yes,47,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = c(2, 6, 7, 8), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"", ""poultry""))","NA",uuid:d17db52f-4b87-4768-b534-ea8f9704c565,yes,"NA","NA",no,1,"NA",muddaub,2,list(),NULL,NA,3,NA,NA,2017-04-03T05:40:53.000Z,yes,NA,1,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-24,no,2017-04-03T05:29:24.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 3.5, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""1"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 3.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""tins"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA,
D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 5, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = NA)",list(),4,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"", ""poultry"")",6,no,NA,"c(""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""solar_torch"")",NA,yes,"c(""Jan"", ""Feb"")",24,yes,1,NULL,NA,16,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_7"", ""pri_5"", ""sec_1"", ""pri_2"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(47, 40, 20, 16, 1, 9), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""other""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"",
""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:6, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""salar_job""), ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, ""Trabalhadora""), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,9,NA,village2,grass,709,33.48344397,NA,"NA",NA,yes,A semelhança dos outros questionários este tbem nao foi registado o ponto geográfico desta famÃlia.,"NA",yes,lab_ex_food,"NA",-19.11210678,"list(E04_res_water_field = ""land_far"", E03_crops = list(""maize""), E04_res_water_field_other = NA, E05_tried_access = ""no"", E05_tried_access_other = NA, E02_plot_no = 1)","NA",yes,6
1,no,ward2,no,no,20,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = 2, F_curr_liv = ""goats"")","NA",uuid:4707f3dc-df18-4348-9c2c-eec651e89b6b,no,"NA","NA",no,3,"NA",sunbricks,2,list(),NULL,NA,2,NA,NA,2017-04-03T05:57:57.000Z,no,NA,3,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-21,no,2017-04-03T05:41:42.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""vegetable"", ""other""), D01_curr_plot = c(3, 2, 3), D02_total_plot = c(1, 0.3, 0.3), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, ""Inhame""), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"",
D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 200, D12_harvst_amount = 2, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"",
D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 0.3, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 800, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 1, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA,
D17_cost_seed = 50, D12_harvst_amount = 1, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""vegetable"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Sept"", D08_land_planted = 0.3, D11_harvst_unit = ""tins"", D19_pesticide_other = NA,
D25_price = 90, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 4, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 4, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(
""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""other"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou cabeças de gado caprino"", ""Comprou cabeças de gado caprino""), F03_year = c(2013, 2013), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",1,goats,8,yes,NA,mobile_phone,NA,no,"c(""Nov"", ""Dec"")",10,yes,3,NULL,NA,17,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_5"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_1"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_2"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(30, 17, 17, 13, 12, 6, 4, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"",
""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""artisan"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:8, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_business""), ""artisan"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,10,NA,village2,grass,710,33.48346325,NA,"NA",NA,no,A semelhança dos outros questionários este também não tem pontos geográfico.,"NA",yes,lab_ex_food,"NA",-19.11218314,"list(E04_res_water_field = c(""land_far"", ""field_wet"", ""field_wet""), E03_crops = list(""maize"", ""vegetable"", ""holoco""), E04_res_water_field_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E05_tried_access = c(""no"", ""no"", ""no""), E05_tried_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E02_plot_no = 1:3)","NA",no,8
1,no,ward2,no,yes,20,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = c(5, 2, 1), F_curr_liv = c(""goats"", ""pigs"", ""poultry""))","NA",uuid:7ffe7bd1-a15c-420c-a137-e1f006c317a3,yes,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",muddaub,1,list(),NULL,NA,2,NA,NA,2017-04-03T12:39:48.000Z,no,NA,2,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-21,no,2017-04-03T12:27:04.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""pigeonpeas""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(1, 0.5), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 200, D12_harvst_amount = 1.5, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(
list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 0.3, D11_harvst_unit = ""tins"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 40, D12_harvst_amount = 1, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"",
D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""pigeonpeas"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = ""Comprou um casal de porcos"", F03_year = 2015, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"")",3,"c(""goats"", ""pigs"", ""poultry"")",4,no,NA,"c(""bicycle"", ""mobile_phone"")",NA,yes,"c(""Oct"", ""Nov"")",6,yes,2,NULL,NA,18,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""none"", ""pri_5"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(20, 20, 1, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA),
B_memb_no = 1:4, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""artisan""), ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,17,NA,village2,grass,685,33.47630848,NA,"NA",NA,no,A semelhança dos outros questionários as cordenadas geográficas deste também nao foram registadas no papel.,"NA",no,"c(""reduce_meals"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11133515,"list(E04_res_water_field = c(""land_far"", ""land_far""), E03_crops = list(""maize"", ""pigeonpeas""), E04_res_water_field_other = c(NA, NA), E05_tried_access = c(""no"", ""no""), E05_tried_access_other = c(NA, NA), E02_plot_no = 1:2)","NA",no,4
2,yes,ward2,no,yes,23,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = c(5, 2), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:e32f2dc0-0d05-42fb-8e21-605757ddf07d,yes,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",burntbricks,1,list(),NULL,NA,3,NA,NA,2017-04-03T12:53:29.000Z,no,NA,2,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-21,no,2017-04-03T12:40:14.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""beans""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(5.5, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 3, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 4, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(
list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Apr"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 1, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"",
D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""beans"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Pagar despesas na educação dos filhos"", ""Compra de produtos alimentÃcios""), F03_year = c(2012, 2012), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",2,"c(""oxen"", ""goats"")",9,no,NA,"c(""bicycle"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""solar_torch"", ""mobile_phone"")",NA,yes,"c(""Oct"", ""Nov"", ""Dec"")",20,yes,2,NULL,NA,19,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_4"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_5"", ""na"", ""na"", ""pri_3"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(35, 32, 30, 1, 2, 8, 6, 2, 2), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"",
""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:9, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,30,NA,village2,mabatisloping,716,33.47640837,NA,"NA",NA,yes,A semelhança dos outros questionários este também não foi registado o ponto geográfico desta famÃlia.,"NA",yes,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""limit_portion"", ""lab_ex_food"", ""seek_government"")","NA",-19.11142642,"list(E04_res_water_field = c(""land_far"", ""land_far""), E03_crops = list(""maize"", ""beans""), E04_res_water_field_other = c(NA, NA), E05_tried_access = c(""no"", ""no""), E05_tried_access_other = c(NA, NA), E02_plot_no = 1:2)","NA",yes,9
1,yes,ward2,no,yes,1,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = 5, F_curr_liv = ""cows"")","NA",uuid:d1005274-bf52-4e79-8380-3350dd7c2bac,yes,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",burntbricks,1,list(),NULL,NA,2,NA,NA,2017-04-03T14:20:04.000Z,yes,NA,2,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-21,no,2017-04-03T14:04:50.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""beans""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(1.5, 0.5), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Mar"", D08_land_planted = 1.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""yes"", D21_cost_labour = 500, D17_cost_seed = 125, D12_harvst_amount = 12, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(
list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Nov"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""tins"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 400, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 2, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""yes"", D21_cost_labour = 300, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 4,
D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""main_road""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""beans"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = ""Compra de cabeças de gado bovino"", F03_year = 1999, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"")",1,cows,6,yes,NA,"c(""bicycle"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_torch"")",NA,yes,"c(""Oct"", ""Nov"")",24,yes,2,NULL,NA,20,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_3"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_2"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(60, 46, 7, 5, 4, 4), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"",
""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:6, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""artisan""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,27,NA,village2,grass,700,33.47619213,NA,"NA",NA,no,A semelhança dos outros questionários este também não foi registado no papel a localização geográfica.,"NA",yes,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11147317,"list(E04_res_water_field = c(""land_far"", ""land_far""), E03_crops = list(""maize"", ""beans""), E04_res_water_field_other = c(NA, NA), E05_tried_access = c(""yes_no_land_chied"", ""yes_no_land_chied""), E05_tried_access_other = c(NA, NA), E02_plot_no = 1:2)","NA",no,6
1,no,ward2,yes,yes,20,4,"list(F11_no_owned = c(2, 1, 3), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:6570a7d0-6a0b-452c-aa2e-922500e35749,yes,"NA","NA",yes,4,"NA",burntbricks,1,list(),Oct,Compra de produtos alimentÃcios,2,yes,no,2017-04-03T14:44:39.000Z,no,no,4,NULL,district1,cement,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""basin"", ""basin"", ""basin""), E08_crops = list(NULL, ""vegetable"", ""tomatoes"", ""cabbage""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, ""parent"", ""parent"", ""parent""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near"", ""near"", ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes"", ""yes"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""inherited"", ""inherited"", ""inherited""
), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""bucket"", ""bucket"", ""bucket""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""river"", ""river"", ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:4)",2016-11-21,no,2017-04-03T14:24:58.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""vegetable"", ""tomatoes"", ""cabbage""), D01_curr_plot = 1:4, D02_total_plot = c(1, 1, 1, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Apr"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA,
D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 10, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"",
D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""July"", D08_land_planted = 0.3, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 250, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = 4, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 800, D22_sell = ""yes"",
D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 4, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1600)), D_curr_crop = ""vegetable"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""July"", D08_land_planted = 0.3,
D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1500, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = 20, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 20, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA,
D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Aug"", D08_land_planted = 0.3, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 300, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = 15, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA,
D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 915, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""cabbage"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou aves"", ""Comprou enxadas""), F03_year = c(2007, 2000), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"")",8,no,never,NULL,less_half,no,"c(""Jan"", ""Feb"", ""Mar"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"", ""Dec"")",20,yes,NA,NULL,NA,21,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_4"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_3"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(30, 40, 18, 15, 13, 8, 5, 2), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""Spouse"", ""head"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"",
""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:8, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
NA))",province1,20,yes,village2,mabatisloping,707,33.47623134,no,20,no,no,A semelhança dos outros questionários este também não foi registado no papel as cordenadas geográficas.,"NA",yes,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""restrict_adults"", ""day_night_hungry"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11155014,list(),"NA",no,8
1,yes,ward2,no,yes,20,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = 2, F_curr_liv = ""goats"")","NA",uuid:a51c3006-8847-46ff-9d4e-d29919b8ecf9,yes,"NA","NA",yes,1,"NA",muddaub,1,list(),NULL,NA,2,NA,NA,2017-04-03T16:40:47.000Z,no,NA,1,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-21,no,2017-04-03T16:28:52.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 3, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""1"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Feb"", D08_land_planted = 3, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA,
D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 2, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = NA)","list(F01_item = ""Comprou Radio"", F03_year = 2016, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"")",1,goats,4,no,NA,radio,NA,yes,"c(""Jan"", ""Feb"", ""Mar"", ""Apr"", ""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"", ""Dec"")",14,yes,1,NULL,NA,22,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_3"", ""sec_1"", ""none"", ""none""), B05_memb_age = c(27, 23, 4, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA,
NA), B_memb_no = 1:4, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,9,NA,village2,grass,722,33.48350764,NA,"NA",NA,no,A semelhança dos outros questionários as cordenadas geográficas deste também não foram registado no papel.,"NA",no,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""reduce_meals"", ""go_forest"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11212691,"list(E04_res_water_field = ""land_far"", E03_crops = list(""maize""), E04_res_water_field_other = NA, E05_tried_access = ""yes_no_land_chied"", E05_tried_access_other = NA, E02_plot_no = 1)","NA",no,4
4,no,ward2,no,no,20,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = c(3, 2, 5), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:58b37b6d-d6cd-4414-8790-b9c68bca98de,no,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",burntbricks,1,list(),NULL,NA,3,NA,NA,2017-04-03T17:04:28.000Z,yes,NA,2,NULL,district1,cement,list(),2016-11-21,no,2017-04-03T16:41:04.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""amendoim""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(10, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""child""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 10, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 2000, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 15,
D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 10400, D12_harvst_amount = 24, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""own_manure""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"",
D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""July"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 800, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA,
D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 11, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""own_manure""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""amendoim"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = ""Construiu a sua habitação"", F03_year = 2006, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"")",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"")",10,no,NA,"c(""cow_cart"", ""bicycle"", ""television"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""electricity"", ""mobile_phone"")",NA,no,none,12,no,2,NULL,NA,23,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""sec_2"", ""pri_3"", ""sec_5"", ""sec_5"", ""sec_5"", ""university"", ""sec_5"", ""sec_4"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_4""), B05_memb_age = c(62, 48, 27, 25, 23, 21, 19, 17, 12, 10), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"",
""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Occasional"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:10, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""
), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,10,NA,village3,mabatisloping,699,33.4833833,NA,"NA",NA,yes,"Pontos Geográfico
Latitude: 0512789
Longetude: 7910848
Altitude: 709m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.11219352,"list(E04_res_water_field = c(""land_far"", ""land_far""), E03_crops = list(""maize"", ""peanut""), E04_res_water_field_other = c(NA, NA), E05_tried_access = c(""yes_no_land_chied"", ""yes_no_land_chied""), E05_tried_access_other = c(NA, NA), E02_plot_no = 1:2)","NA",yes,10
2,no,ward2,yes,no,4,3,"list(F11_no_owned = c(1, 3, 4), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:661457d3-7e61-45e8-a238-7415e7548f82,no,"NA","NA",no,3,"NA",burntbricks,2,list(),"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"")",Compra de produtos alimentÃcios,2,yes,no,2017-04-03T17:43:01.000Z,yes,no,3,NULL,district1,cement,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows"", ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, ""tomatoes"", ""peanut""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, ""du_head"", ""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near"", ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""allocated_cus_aut"", ""allocated_cus_aut""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity""
), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""river"", ""river""), E06_plot_no = c(1, 1, 3))",2016-11-21,no,2017-04-03T17:19:49.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""tomatoes"", ""peanut""), D01_curr_plot = 1:3, D02_total_plot = c(2, 2, 0.5), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 2, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 28800, D19_pesticide = NA,
D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 23, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 1800, D12_harvst_amount = 23, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)),
D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head"", NULL), D10_who_own = c(""head_spouse_free"", ""head_spouse_free""), D06_mnth_harvest = c(""June"", ""June""), D08_land_planted = c(1, 0), D11_harvst_unit = c(""crates"", ""crates""), D19_pesticide_other = c(NA, NA), D25_price = c(120, NA), D19_pesticide = c(""own_choice"", NA), D07_ploughing_typ = c(""ox"", ""ox""), D24_amnt_sold = c(45, NA), D10_who_own_other = c(NA, NA), D_use_pest = c(""yes"",
""no""), D26_who_sell_harv_other = c(NA, NA), D15_cost_manu = c(NA, NA), D07_ploughing_typ_other = c(NA, NA), D18_cost_pestcd = c(850, NA), D22_sell = c(""yes"", ""no""), D20_paid_labour = c(""yes"", ""no""), D21_cost_labour = c(200, NA), D17_cost_seed = c(1400, NA), D12_harvst_amount = c(45, 0), D16_imprv_seed = c(""yes"", ""no""), D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market"", NULL), D11_harvst_unit_other = c(NA, NA), D09_land_ownshp_other = c(NA, NA), D09_land_ownshp = c(""owned"", ""owned""), D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer"",
""none""), D14_cost_fert = c(1600, NA))), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Jan"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA,
D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 875, D12_harvst_amount = 25, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""peanut"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Construiu uma casa"", ""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino""), F03_year = 2013:2012, F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente do comércio""))",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"")",6,no,never,"c(""radio"", ""table"", ""sofa_set"", ""mobile_phone"")",less_half,no,"c(""Nov"", ""Dec"")",8,no,NA,NULL,NA,24,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""sec_1"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_1"", ""none"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(26, 23, 9, 6, 4, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_business"",
""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:6, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_business""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,11,yes,village3,mabatisloping,745,33.48343475,no,8,no,yes,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0512789
Longetude: 790818
Altitude: 709m","NA",no,lab_ex_food,"NA",-19.11218803,list(),"NA",yes,6
3,no,ward2,yes,no,6,3,"list(F11_no_owned = c(6, 8), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows""))","NA",uuid:45ed84c4-114e-4df0-9f5d-c800806c2bee,no,"NA","NA",yes,3,"NA",burntbricks,2,list(),"c(""Aug"", ""Sept"")","Compra produtos alimentÃcios
Compra vestuários
Paga despesas escolares",2,yes,yes,2017-04-04T04:29:47.000Z,no,no,3,"c(""business"", ""non_farm_prod"")",district1,cement,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows"", ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, ""tomatoes"", ""cabbage""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, c(""du_head"", ""spouse""), c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near"", ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""purchased"", ""purchased""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""motor_pump"",
""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""river"", ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:3)",2016-11-21,no,2017-04-04T04:01:58.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""tomatoes"", ""cabbage""), D01_curr_plot = 1:3, D02_total_plot = c(6, 1, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 6, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"",
D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 7200, D12_harvst_amount = 21, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"",
D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Jan"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 60, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 186, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 570, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""yes"",
D21_cost_labour = 200, D17_cost_seed = 2400, D12_harvst_amount = 186, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1600)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Sept"", D08_land_planted = 1,
D11_harvst_unit = ""other"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 25, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 350, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 570, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""yes"", D21_cost_labour = 200, D17_cost_seed = 4800, D12_harvst_amount = 350, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = ""Unidades"",
D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1600)), D_curr_crop = ""cabbage"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Construiu uma casa"", ""Comprou uma motorizada"", ""Comprou gerador"", ""Comprou televisor""), F03_year = c(2004, 2008, 2014, 2006), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",2,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"")",11,no,never,"c(""cow_cart"", ""motorcyle"", ""television"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""solar_torch"", ""table"", ""sofa_set"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,no,"c(""Jan"", ""Feb"", ""Oct"")",10,no,NA,NULL,NA,25,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_6"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_2"", ""pri_1"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(35, 29, 16, 12, 8, 6, 2, 2, 1, 1, 5), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"",
""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Holidays""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""comm_farming"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:11, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_business""),
c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,11,yes,village3,mabatisloping,698,33.4834841,no,10,no,yes,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0512805
Longetude: 7910861
Altitude: 709m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.11223416,list(),"NA",yes,11
2,yes,ward2,yes,yes,20,2,"list(F11_no_owned = 1:2, F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows""))","NA",uuid:1c54ee24-22c4-4ee9-b1ad-42d483c08e2e,yes,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",burntbricks,2,list(),"c(""Oct"", ""Nov"")","Compra produtos alimentÃcios
Compra produtos de higiene",2,yes,no,2017-04-04T04:44:19.000Z,no,no,2,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, ""beans""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, ""spouse""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""inherited""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:2)",2016-11-21,no,2017-04-04T04:30:19.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""beans""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(5, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 4, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 400, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 2,
D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 10, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"",
D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Oct"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA,
D12_harvst_amount = 1, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""beans"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Construiu uma casa"", ""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino""), F03_year = c(2016, 2009), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola,""))",2,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"")",3,no,never,"c(""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""table"", ""mobile_phone"")",abt_half,yes,none,2,yes,NA,NULL,NA,26,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_2"", ""pri_1"", ""pri_6""), B05_memb_age = c(56, 40, 12), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Holidays""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:3, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"",
c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA))",province1,12,yes,village3,mabatisloping,706,33.48354341,no,2,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0512443
Longetude: 7910993
Altitude: 707m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.11230411,list(),"NA",yes,3
2,no,ward2,no,no,36,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = c(2, 5, 6), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""poultry""))","NA",uuid:3197cded-1fdc-4c0c-9b10-cfcc0bf49c4d,no,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",burntbricks,3,list(),NULL,NA,3,NA,NA,2017-04-05T05:14:45.000Z,no,NA,2,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-21,no,2017-04-05T04:59:42.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""beans""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(4, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 450, D12_harvst_amount = 30, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(
list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""kg"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 50, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"",
D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""beans"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Construiu sua casa e comprou cabeças de gado bovino"", ""Comprou biscleta""), F03_year = c(2013, 2006), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente de pequenos negócios"", ""Renda proveniente de pequenos negócios""))",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""poultry"")",7,no,NA,"c(""bicycle"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""solar_torch"", ""mobile_phone"")",NA,no,none,36,no,2,NULL,NA,27,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_5"", ""none"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_5"", ""sec_2"", ""pri_1"", ""sec_2""), B05_memb_age = c(52, 40, 17, 14, 18, 8, 14), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Occasional"", ""Always"", ""Occasional""
), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_business"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:7, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,14,NA,village3,grass,679,33.40508367,NA,"NA",NA,yes,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0512565
Longetude: 791093
Altitude: 7162m","NA",no,na,"NA",-19.0430007,"list(E04_res_water_field = c(""land_far"", ""land_far""), E03_crops = list(""maize"", ""beans""), E04_res_water_field_other = c(NA, NA), E05_tried_access = c(""yes_no_land_chied"", ""yes_no_land_chied""), E05_tried_access_other = c(NA, NA), E02_plot_no = 1:2)","NA",no,7
1,no,ward2,yes,no,2,3,list(),"NA",uuid:1de53318-a8cf-4736-99b1-8239f8822473,no,"NA","NA",yes,3,"NA",muddaub,1,list(),"c(""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")",Compra vestuários e produtos de higiene e alimentares,3,yes,no,2017-04-05T05:36:18.000Z,no,no,3,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows"", ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, ""du_head"", ""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near"", ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""allocated_irr_ass"", ""allocated_irr_ass""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity""
), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""river"", ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:3)",2016-11-21,no,2017-04-05T05:14:49.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable""), D01_curr_plot = 1:3, D02_total_plot = c(1, 0.5, 0.5), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"",
D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 15, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"",
D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 0.3, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 250, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 40, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 150, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"",
D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 40, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 100)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Feb"", D08_land_planted = 0.5,
D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 600, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 1, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 100, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 1, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA,
D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 200)), D_curr_crop = ""vegetable"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = ""Comprou aves e biscleta"", F03_year = 2006, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente de biscatos"")",1,none,2,no,more_once,NULL,more_half,no,"c(""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"")",2,yes,NA,NULL,NA,28,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_4"", ""none""), B05_memb_age = c(50, 30), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Occasional""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""housework""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:2, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"")), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA,
NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA))",province1,7,yes,village3,grass,721,33.40506932,no,2,no,yes,"Este casal e o 2 ano que trabalha no campo, depois de deixar de trabalhar na cidade. Eles tem uma parcela grande que divide para produzir as suas cilturas.
Ponto geográfico
Longetude: 7910706
Altitude: 718.0","NA",no,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""reduce_meals"", ""borrow_food"", ""go_forest"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.04290893,list(),"NA",no,2
2,yes,ward2,yes,no,10,3,"list(F11_no_owned = 3, F_curr_liv = ""goats"")","NA",uuid:adcd7463-8943-4c67-b25f-f72311409476,no,"NA","NA",yes,3,"NA",burntbricks,1,list(),"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")","Compra de alimentos
Construção de habitação
Compra de alguns bens",3,yes,no,2017-04-05T06:05:44.000Z,no,yes,3,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows"", ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, ""tomatoes"", ""beans""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, c(""du_head"", ""spouse""), c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near"", ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, 1000, 1000), E15_duration = c(NA, ""longer_year"", ""longer_year""), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""rented"", ""rented""), E11_water_fields = c(NA,
""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""river"", ""river""), E06_plot_no = c(1, 2, 2))",2016-11-21,no,2017-04-05T05:37:30.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""tomatoes"", ""beans""), D01_curr_plot = 1:3, D02_total_plot = c(1.5, 0.2, 0.5), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 1.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1500, D19_pesticide = NA,
D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 4, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 500, D12_harvst_amount = 28, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""main_road""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"",
D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Apr"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 50, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 40, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 800,
D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 1000, D12_harvst_amount = 40, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""main_road""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1600)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"",
D06_mnth_harvest = ""Mar"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""tins"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1220, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 18, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 800, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 18, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""main_road""),
D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1600)), D_curr_crop = ""beans"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Construiu suas habitações"", ""Comprou uma motorizada""), F03_year = c(2007, 2015), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",1,goats,7,no,frequently,"c(""motorcyle"", ""bicycle"", ""radio"", ""table"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,yes,"c(""Jan"", ""Feb"")",10,no,NA,less_work,yes,29,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_1"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_3"", ""none"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_1""), B05_memb_age = c(27, 34, 14, 7, 6, 10, 5), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""unmarried""), B03_relationship_du = c(""Spouse"", ""head"", ""other"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Occasional"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"",
""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""comm_farming"", ""comm_farming"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:7, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, ""Sobrinha"", NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,6,yes,village3,mabatisloping,657,33.40507276,yes,4,no,yes,"Quanto tiverem a travessar dificuldades estes recorrem aos pequenos negócios parw suprir as necessidades.
Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0512602
Longetude: 7910628
Altitude: 719.8","NA",yes,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""limit_variety"")","NA",-19.04302413,list(),"NA",no,7
2,no,ward2,no,no,22,NA,list(),"NA",uuid:59341ead-92be-45a9-8545-6edf9f94fdc6,no,"NA","NA",no,1,"NA",muddaub,1,"list(B13_remitter_location_village = ""Maputo"", B15_remitter_location_region_other = NA, B15_remitter_location_region = ""maputo"", B14_remitter_location_district = ""Maputo"", B12_remittance_money_type = ""Militar"")",NULL,NA,2,NA,NA,2017-04-05T06:20:39.000Z,no,NA,1,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-21,yes,2017-04-05T06:05:58.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 5, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""1"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA,
D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 400, D12_harvst_amount = 8, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = NA)","list(F01_item = c(""Pagamento de despesas escolares"", ""Comprou bicicleta""), F03_year = c(2015, 2010), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",1,none,7,no,NA,"c(""bicycle"", ""radio"", ""mobile_phone"")",NA,no,"c(""Jan"", ""Feb"")",22,yes,1,NULL,NA,30,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_7"", ""pri_7"", ""sec_1"", ""sec_1"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_5""), B05_memb_age = c(50, 31, 22, 18, 17, 11, 10), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Occasional"", ""Occasional"", ""Always"",
""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:7, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,5,NA,village3,grass,669,33.40505449,NA,"NA",NA,no,"A produçãobaixou devido a secar na campanha de 2015/2016. Mas parece o intervistado estar a omitir informações.
Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0512592
Longetude: 7910559
Altitude: 718.5m","NA",yes,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""limit_variety"", ""limit_portion"", ""restrict_adults"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.04300478,"list(E04_res_water_field = ""land_far"", E03_crops = list(""maize""), E04_res_water_field_other = NA, E05_tried_access = ""yes_no_land_chied"", E05_tried_access_other = NA, E02_plot_no = 1)","NA",no,7
1,yes,ward2,no,yes,2,NA,list(),"NA",uuid:cb06eb49-dd39-4150-8bbe-a599e074afe8,yes,"NA","NA",no,1,"NA",muddaub,7,list(),NULL,NA,3,NA,NA,2017-04-05T06:38:26.000Z,no,NA,1,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-21,no,2017-04-05T06:21:20.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 1, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""1"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Apr"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 200, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 1, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"",
D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 6, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = NA)",list(),1,none,3,no,NA,NULL,NA,yes,none,15,no,1,NULL,NA,31,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_7"", ""pri_7"", ""none""), B05_memb_age = c(20, 22, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""Spouse"", ""head"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:3, B08_interviewee_activities = list(
c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA))",province1,4,NA,village3,grass,704,33.40509382,NA,"NA",NA,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513954
Longetude: 7907302
Altitude: 820m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.04302176,"list(E04_res_water_field = ""land_far"", E03_crops = list(""maize""), E04_res_water_field_other = NA, E05_tried_access = ""yes_no_land_chied"", E05_tried_access_other = NA, E02_plot_no = 1)","NA",no,3
2,yes,ward2,yes,yes,69,8,"list(F11_no_owned = c(5, 5, 17, 5, 19), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"", ""pigs"", ""poultry""))","NA",uuid:25597af3-cd79-449c-a48a-fb9aea6c48bf,no,"NA","NA",yes,8,"NA",muddaub,8,"list(B13_remitter_location_village = c(""Chimoio"", ""Messica""), B15_remitter_location_region_other = c(NA, NA), B15_remitter_location_region = c(""manica"", ""manica""), B14_remitter_location_district = c(""Chimoio"", ""Messica""), B12_remittance_money_type = c(""Professor"", ""Agricultor""))","c(""Sept"", ""Oct"")","Compra produtos alimentÃcios
Compra vestuários
Compra insumos agrÃcolas",2,yes,yes,2017-04-05T08:05:32.000Z,no,no,8,farming,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, ""furrows"", ""furrows"", ""furrows"", ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable"", ""onion"", ""cabbage""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ""du_head"", ""du_head"", ""du_head"", ""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, ""near"", ""near"", ""near"", ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""no"", ""no"", ""no"", ""yes"", ""yes"", ""yes"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, ""allocated_cus_aut"", ""allocated_cus_aut"", ""allocated_cus_aut"", ""allocated_cus_aut""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, ""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, ""river"", ""river"", ""river"", ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:8)",2016-11-21,yes,2017-04-05T06:38:55.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""sorghum"", ""sunflower"", ""peanut"", ""tomatoes"", ""onion"", ""cabbage"", ""vegetable""), D01_curr_plot = 1:8, D02_total_plot = c(10, 3, 0.5, 1, 0.5, 0.3, 0.2, 0.5), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1"", ""1"", ""1"", ""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""),
D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 900, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 10, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 60, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(
""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""July"", D08_land_planted = 3, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA,
D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 15, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""sorghum"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1),
list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""July"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 3400, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 6, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA,
D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 6, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""sunflower"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Apr"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""kg"", D19_pesticide_other = NA,
D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 0, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)),
D_curr_crop = ""peanut"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 0.3, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 600, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 70, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 550,
D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 1200, D12_harvst_amount = 70, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1600)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"",
D06_mnth_harvest = ""Sept"", D08_land_planted = 0.3, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 450, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 15, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 1600, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 400, D12_harvst_amount = 15, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(
""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1600)), D_curr_crop = ""onion"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 0.2, D11_harvst_unit = ""other"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 25, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"",
D24_amnt_sold = 350, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 550, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 1200, D12_harvst_amount = 350, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = ""Unidades"", D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1600)),
D_curr_crop = ""cabbage"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1000, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 12, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA,
D18_cost_pestcd = 800, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 1200, D12_harvst_amount = 12, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1600)), D_curr_crop = ""vegetable"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino"", ""Construiu a sua moradia \nComprou charua"", ""Comprou uma motorizada""), F03_year = c(2001, 2011, 2002), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",5,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"", ""pigs"", ""poultry"")",19,no,more_once,"c(""cow_cart"", ""motorcyle"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,yes,none,53,yes,NA,NULL,no,32,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_4"", ""pri_2"", ""pri_2"", ""sec_3"", ""sec_5"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_3"", ""none"", ""na"", ""none"", ""na"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_4"", ""na"", ""sec_1""), B05_memb_age = c(69, 55, 52, 24, 26, 22, 12, 15, 10, 12, 9, 15, 3, 4, 3, 14, 15, 4, 20), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"",
""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Child"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""other"", ""other"", ""other"", ""other"", ""other"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"",
""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""comm_farming"", c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:19, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""small_scale_farm"", c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
NA, ""Sobrinho"", ""Sobrinho"", ""Sobrinha"", ""Sobrinho"", ""Sobrinho"", NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,8,yes,village3,mabatipitched,703,33.40390565,yes,45,no,yes,"Este é o régulo de 3o escalão do povoado de Ruaca.
Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0511851
Longetude: 7910541
Altitude: 741m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.04411399,list(),"NA",yes,19
1,yes,ward2,yes,yes,34,2,"list(F11_no_owned = c(2, 10), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""poultry""))","NA",uuid:0fbd2df1-2640-4550-9fbd-7317feaa4758,yes,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",muddaub,2,list(),"c(""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"")","Compra de produtos alimentÃcios
Pagamento de despesas escolares
Compra de vestuários
Compra de insumos agrÃcolas",2,yes,no,2017-04-05T08:25:48.000Z,no,no,2,NULL,district1,cement,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, ""tomatoes""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, ""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""allocated_cus_aut""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:2)",2016-11-21,no,2017-04-05T08:08:19.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""tomatoes""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(4, 2), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 4, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 9, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(
list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Mar"", D08_land_planted = 1.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 130, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 166, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 1650, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA,
D17_cost_seed = 1500, D12_harvst_amount = 166, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""main_road""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 4800)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou caroça de bois"", ""Comprou tracção animal"", ""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino""), F03_year = c(2000, 2002, 2004), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",2,"c(""oxen"", ""poultry"")",8,no,more_once,"c(""cow_cart"", ""lorry"", ""motorcyle"", ""sterio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,yes,none,20,no,NA,NULL,NA,33,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_2"", ""pri_2"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_3"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(34, 32, 8, 10, 8, 4, 2, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"",
""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:8, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
NA))",province1,5,yes,village3,grass,695,33.40383602,no,20,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0514079
Longetude: 7907305
Altitude: 822m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.04414887,list(),"NA",no,8
3,no,ward2,yes,no,18,2,"list(F11_no_owned = c(1, 7, 2), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:14c78c45-a7cc-4b2a-b765-17c82b43feb4,no,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",burntbricks,2,list(),"c(""Oct"", ""Nov"")","Pagamento de despesas escolares
Construção de habitação
Compra de insumos agrÃcolas
Compra de produtos alimentÃcios
Compra de cabeças de gado bovino",2,yes,no,2017-04-05T16:21:59.000Z,yes,no,2,NULL,district1,cement,"list(E12_apply_water = c(""furrows"", NA), E08_crops = list(""tomatoes"", NULL), E09_irr_manager = list(""du_head"", NULL), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(""far"", NA), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""yes"", ""no""), E14_access = c(""inherited"", NA), E11_water_fields = c(""canal_gravity"", NA), E10_water_source = c(""river"", NA), E06_plot_no = 1:2)",2016-11-17,no,2017-04-05T16:00:47.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""tomatoes"", ""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(1, 1.5), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Dec"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 700, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"",
D24_amnt_sold = 90, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 800, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 90, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1600)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"",
D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 1.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"",
D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 20, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Pagou as despesas escolares dos filhos"", ""Construiu a sua moradia""), F03_year = c(2005, 2015), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"")",8,no,more_once,"c(""television"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""solar_torch"", ""table"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,no,"c(""Jan"", ""Dec"")",18,no,NA,NULL,no,34,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_5"", ""pri_5"", ""sec_1"", ""sec_1"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_2"", ""none"", ""none""), B05_memb_age = c(42, 39, 18, 14, 11, 8, 5, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"",
""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""casu_labourer"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:8, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""casu_labourer"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,11,yes,village1,mabatisloping,706,33.48341559,yes,2,no,yes,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0512577
Longetude: 7906193
Altitude: 7092m","NA",yes,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""limit_variety"", ""limit_portion"", ""restrict_adults"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11219065,list(),"NA",no,8
1,no,ward2,yes,no,45,2,"list(F11_no_owned = c(6, 8), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows""))","NA",uuid:ff7496e7-984a-47d3-a8a1-13618b5683ce,no,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",muddaub,3,list(),"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")",Despesas da casa e compra de bens,3,yes,no,2017-04-05T16:50:25.000Z,no,no,2,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(""furrows"", NA), E08_crops = list(""tomatoes"", NULL), E09_irr_manager = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse""), NULL), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(""near"", NA), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""yes"", ""no""), E14_access = c(""allocated_irr_ass"", NA), E11_water_fields = c(""canal_gravity"", NA), E10_water_source = c(""river"", NA), E06_plot_no = 1:2)",2016-11-17,no,2017-04-05T16:22:13.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""tomatoes"", ""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(1, 4), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Dec"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 600, D19_pesticide = ""required_buyer"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"",
D24_amnt_sold = 80, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 700, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 80, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1600)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"",
D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 4, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"",
D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 15, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Pagou despesas de lobolo da sua esposa"", ""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino""), F03_year = c(1997, 2013), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",2,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"")",5,no,more_once,"c(""bicycle"", ""cow_plough"")",more_half,no,"c(""Jan"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"", ""Dec"")",45,yes,NA,NULL,no,35,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""none"", ""none"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_2"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(83, 77, 12, 8, 4), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""),
B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:5, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,11,yes,village1,grass,733,33.48342515,yes,20,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513275
Longetude: 7905607
Altitude: 729.1m","NA",yes,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""limit_variety"", ""limit_portion"", ""reduce_meals"", ""restrict_adults"", ""go_forest"")","NA",-19.11211362,list(),"NA",no,5
1,no,ward2,yes,no,23,3,"list(F11_no_owned = c(4, 4, 1), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""pigs""))","NA",uuid:c90eade0-1148-4a12-8c0e-6387a36f45b1,no,"NA","NA",no,3,"NA",sunbricks,1,list(),NULL,"Compra de insumos agrÃcolas
Compra de produtos alimentÃcios
Pagamento de despesas escolares
Compra de charuas",3,no,no,2017-04-05T17:10:53.000Z,no,no,3,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows"", ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, ""du_head"", ""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near"", ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""purchased"", ""purchased""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA,
""river"", ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:3)",2016-11-17,no,2017-04-05T16:50:48.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable""), D01_curr_plot = 1:3, D02_total_plot = c(1, 2, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"",
D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 24, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"",
D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""other_rel"")), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Sept"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1200, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 30, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 600, D22_sell = ""yes"",
D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 30, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""main_road""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1600)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""other_rel"")), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Sept"",
D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1000, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 2, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 600, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 5, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""main_road""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA,
D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1600)), D_curr_crop = ""vegetable"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Pagou despesas escolares dos filhos"", ""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino""), F03_year = c(2001, 2004), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""pigs"")",6,no,once,"c(""cow_cart"", ""bicycle"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""mobile_phone"")",abt_half,no,none,23,yes,NA,NULL,no,36,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""none"", ""none"", ""pri_4"", ""na"", ""sec_1"", ""sec_1""), B05_memb_age = c(60, 52, 21, 1, 18, 21), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""unmarried""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""other"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"",
""small_scale_farm"", ""housework"", ""na"", ""small_business"", ""small_scale_farm""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:6, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""small_business"", ""small_scale_farm""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, ""Sobrinha"", NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,10,yes,village1,mabatisloping,710,33.4833843,yes,23,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513042
Longetude: 7905477
Altitude: 713.9m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.11218058,list(),"NA",yes,6
1,no,ward2,no,yes,8,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = c(3, 3), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows""))","NA",uuid:408c6c93-d723-45ef-8dee-1b1bd3fe20cd,no,"NA","NA",yes,1,"NA",burntbricks,3,list(),NULL,NA,3,NA,NA,2017-04-05T17:26:51.000Z,no,NA,1,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-17,no,2017-04-05T17:17:48.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 1, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""1"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Apr"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA,
D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 25, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = NA)","list(F01_item = ""Construiu a sua moradia"", F03_year = 2014, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente de trabalhos sazonais"")",2,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"")",3,no,NA,"c(""bicycle"", ""television"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""solar_torch"", ""mobile_phone"")",NA,yes,"c(""Jan"", ""Nov"", ""Dec"")",8,no,1,NULL,NA,37,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_4"", ""pri_5"", ""sec_3""), B05_memb_age = c(30, 26, 21), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Child"", ""other""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:3, B08_interviewee_activities = list(
""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, ""Tia""), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA))",province1,12,NA,village1,mabatisloping,711,33.48339525,NA,"NA",NA,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513042
Longetude: 7905477
Altitude: 714.1m","NA",no,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""limit_variety"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11217951,"list(E04_res_water_field = ""land_far"", E03_crops = list(""maize""), E04_res_water_field_other = NA, E05_tried_access = ""yes_no_land_chied"", E05_tried_access_other = NA, E02_plot_no = 1)","NA",no,3
1,no,ward2,yes,no,19,2,"list(F11_no_owned = c(4, 2, 5), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:81309594-ff58-4dc1-83a7-72af5952ee08,no,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",muddaub,3,"list(B13_remitter_location_village = ""Manica"", B15_remitter_location_region_other = NA, B15_remitter_location_region = ""manica"", B14_remitter_location_district = ""Manica"", B12_remittance_money_type = ""Pedreiro"")","c(""Sept"", ""Oct"")","Compra produtos alimentÃcios
Compra produtos de higiene",3,yes,no,2017-04-05T17:50:57.000Z,no,no,2,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, ""tomatoes""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, ""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""middle""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""inherited""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:2)",2016-11-17,yes,2017-04-05T17:28:12.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""tomatoes""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(0.5, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""July"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 10, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(
list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""child""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""July"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 190, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 141, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 900, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 590, D12_harvst_amount = 141,
D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1600)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = ""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino \nComprou pulverizador \nComprou 2 Biscletas \nComprou radio\nComprou cabeças de gado caprino"", F03_year = 2015, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"")",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"")",10,yes,never,"c(""bicycle"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""table"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,no,Nov,19,yes,NA,NULL,no,38,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_6"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_5"", ""sec_1"", ""pri_3"", ""sec_1"", ""none"", ""none"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(52, 50, 22, 30, 32, 19, 4, 4, 3, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""unmarried"", ""married"", ""married"", ""widow/er"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""other"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""other"",
""other"", ""other"", ""Grandchild""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:10, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""artisan""), c(""housework"",
""small_scale_farm""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""artisan""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, ""Nora"", NA, NA, NA, ""Sobrinha"", ""Sobrinho"", ""Sobrinha"", NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,9,yes,village2,grass,696,33.48337467,yes,9,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0511572
Longetude: 7908720
Altitude: 694.5m","NA",yes,"c(""limit_variety"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11222939,list(),"NA",no,10
1,yes,ward2,no,yes,22,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = 2, F_curr_liv = ""oxen"")","NA",uuid:c0fb6310-55af-4831-ae3d-2729556c3285,yes,"NA","NA",yes,1,"NA",muddaub,1,list(),NULL,NA,3,NA,NA,2017-04-06T08:44:47.000Z,no,NA,1,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-17,no,2017-04-06T08:31:17.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 7, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""1"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA,
D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 36, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = NA)","list(F01_item = ""Construiu a sua moradia"", F03_year = 2000, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente da actividade de práticas da medicina tradicional"")",1,oxen,6,no,NA,NULL,NA,yes,Nov,22,no,1,NULL,NA,39,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""none"", ""none"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_2"", ""pri_1"", ""none"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(64, 18, 16, 12, 8, 5, 0), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""widow/er"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Grandchild"", ""Grandchild"", ""Grandchild"", ""Grandchild"", ""Grandchild"", ""other""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"",
""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0), B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""other""), ""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""other""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, ""0""), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(""Medica tradicional"",
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, ""0""))",province1,20,NA,village2,mabatisloping,0,33.4046671,NA,"NA",NA,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0511450
Longetude: 7109098
Altitude: 693.8m","NA",yes,lab_ex_food,"NA",-19.0433618,"list(E04_res_water_field = ""land_far"", E03_crops = list(""maize""), E04_res_water_field_other = NA, E05_tried_access = ""yes_no_land_chied"", E05_tried_access_other = NA, E02_plot_no = 1)","NA",no,6
1,yes,ward2,yes,yes,23,2,"list(F11_no_owned = 5, F_curr_liv = ""oxen"")","NA",uuid:c0b34854-eede-4e81-b183-ef58a45bfc34,yes,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",burntbricks,1,"list(B13_remitter_location_village = ""Messica"", B15_remitter_location_region_other = NA, B15_remitter_location_region = ""manica"", B14_remitter_location_district = ""Manica"", B12_remittance_money_type = ""Comerciante de peixe"")","c(""Sept"", ""Oct"")","Pagamento de despesas escolares
Pagamento de despesas da casa",3,yes,no,2017-04-06T09:03:47.000Z,no,no,2,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""flood""), E08_crops = list(NULL, ""tomatoes""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, c(""du_head"", ""spouse"", ""child"")), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""purchased""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""rain_flood""), E06_plot_no = 1:2)",2016-11-17,yes,2017-04-06T08:44:51.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""tomatoes""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(4, 2), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 2, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 6, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(
list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Feb"", D08_land_planted = 2, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 700, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 1200, D12_harvst_amount = 27,
D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 3200)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = ""Comprou charua\nConstruiu a sua moradia"", F03_year = 2004, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"")",1,oxen,9,no,never,"c(""bicycle"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""table"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,no,"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")",23,no,NA,NULL,no,40,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_4"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_1"", ""pri_2"", ""pri_1"", ""none""), B05_memb_age = c(48, 28, 28, 22, 14, 8, 7, 6, 3), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""other"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"",
""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""comm_farming"", ""comm_farming"", c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:9, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"",
""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, ""Irmão"", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,22.112,yes,village2,grass,0,33.4046671,yes,23,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0511535
Longetude: 7909022
Altitude: 695.3m","NA",yes,lab_ex_food,"NA",-19.0433618,list(),"NA",no,9
1,yes,ward2,no,yes,22,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = c(2, 6), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""poultry""))","NA",uuid:b3ba34d8-eea1-453d-bc73-c141bcbbc5e5,yes,"NA","NA",no,1,"NA",muddaub,1,list(),NULL,NA,3,NA,NA,2017-04-06T09:14:05.000Z,no,NA,1,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-17,no,2017-04-06T09:03:50.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 5, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""1"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA,
D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 500, D12_harvst_amount = 12, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 3200)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = NA)",list(),2,"c(""oxen"", ""poultry"")",7,no,NA,"c(""motorcyle"", ""bicycle"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""table"")",NA,yes,"c(""Oct"", ""Nov"")",22,no,1,NULL,NA,41,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_5"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_1"", ""pri_1"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(37, 27, 13, 11, 7, 4, 2), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(
""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:7, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""artisan""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,13,NA,village2,grass,679,33.40485363,NA,"NA",NA,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0511503
Longetude: 7909131
Altitude: 697.7m","NA",yes,"c(""limit_portion"", ""reduce_meals"")","NA",-19.04339398,"list(E04_res_water_field = ""land_far"", E03_crops = list(""maize""), E04_res_water_field_other = NA, E05_tried_access = ""yes_no_land_chied"", E05_tried_access_other = NA, E02_plot_no = 1)","NA",no,7
1,no,ward2,yes,no,8,2,"list(F11_no_owned = c(4, 5, 25), F_curr_liv = c(""cows"", ""goats"", ""poultry""))","NA",uuid:e3a1dd8a-1bda-428c-a014-2b527f11ae64,no,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",sunbricks,1,list(),"c(""Aug"", ""Sept"")",Compra de produtos alimentÃcios,3,yes,no,2017-04-06T09:30:54.000Z,yes,no,2,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, ""other""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, ""spouse""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, ""Murango""), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""purchased""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""river""), E06_plot_no = c(1, 1))",2016-11-17,no,2017-04-06T09:14:22.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""other""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(0.5, 0.5), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, ""Murango""), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 2, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(
list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Mar"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""kg"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 0, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"",
D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""other"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))",list(),3,"c(""cows"", ""goats"", ""poultry"")",8,no,never,mobile_phone,less_half,no,"c(""Jan"", ""Nov"", ""Dec"")",8,no,NA,NULL,NA,42,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_2"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_1"", ""pri_1"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(28, 60, 15, 13, 9, 5, 6, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""Spouse"", ""head"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Occasional"",
""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:8, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""other""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA,
""Antigo Combatente"", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,10,yes,village2,grass,699,33.40484617,no,5,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0511480
Longetude: 7908743
Altitude: 688.8m","NA",yes,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""limit_variety"", ""reduce_meals"")","NA",-19.04346041,list(),"NA",no,8
1,no,ward2,yes,no,29,4,"list(F11_no_owned = 2:3, F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows""))","NA",uuid:b4dff49f-ef27-40e5-a9d1-acf287b47358,no,"NA","NA",no,4,"NA",muddaub,2,list(),NULL,Comprou produtos de higiene e alimentares,2,no,no,2017-04-06T09:53:53.000Z,no,no,4,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, NA, ""furrows"", ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, NULL, ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, NULL, c(""du_head"", ""other_non_rel""), c(""du_head"", ""other_non_rel"")), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, NA, ""near"", ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""no"", ""yes"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, NA,
""inherited"", ""inherited""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, NA, ""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, NA, ""river"", ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:4)",2016-11-17,no,2017-04-06T09:31:56.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""amendoim"", ""vegetable"", c(""tomatoes"", ""peanut"")), D01_curr_plot = 1:4, D02_total_plot = c(5, 1, 1, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1"", ""2""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 2, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA,
D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 700, D12_harvst_amount = 10, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"",
D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""other_non_rel"")), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Mar"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1400, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 7, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"",
D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 7, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA), list()), D_curr_crop = c(""amendoim"", NA), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""0""), D05_times = 1:0), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""other_non_rel"")), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Oct"",
D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1000, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 200, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 1800, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 200, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA,
D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""own_manure""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""vegetable"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""other_non_rel"")), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Aug"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 900, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 150, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""yes"", D21_cost_labour = 700, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 150, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""own_manure""), D14_cost_fert = NA), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""other_non_rel"")),
D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Mar"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1400, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 7, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 7, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(
""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = c(""tomatoes"", ""peanut""), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D05_times = c(1, 1))), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = ""Comprou telemóvel \nComprou tracção animal (charua)\nComprou terra para habitação \nComprou insumos agrÃcolas \nPagou despesas escolares dos filhos"", F03_year = 2015, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"")",2,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"")",7,no,never,"c(""cow_plough"", ""mobile_phone"")",abt_half,no,"c(""Jan"", ""Feb"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"", ""Dec"")",3,no,NA,NULL,NA,43,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_5"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_1"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(34, 29, 11, 9, 7, 5, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(
""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:7, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,30,yes,village1,grass,605,33.40472726,no,3,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0512904
Longetude: 7905880
Altitude: 707m","NA",no,lab_ex_food,"NA",-19.04303063,list(),"NA",yes,7
1,no,ward2,no,no,6,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = c(1, 1, 10), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""poultry""))","NA",uuid:f9fadf44-d040-4fca-86c1-2835f79c4952,no,"NA","NA",yes,1,"NA",muddaub,2,list(),NULL,NA,2,NA,NA,2017-04-06T14:53:01.000Z,no,NA,1,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-17,no,2017-04-06T14:44:32.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 1.5, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""1"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Apr"", D08_land_planted = 1.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA,
D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 75, D12_harvst_amount = 6, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = NA)","list(F01_item = c(""Construiu uma casa"", ""Comprou charua""), F03_year = 2013:2014, F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""poultry"")",2,no,NA,"c(""radio"", ""solar_torch"")",NA,no,"c(""Jan"", ""Dec"")",3,no,1,NULL,NA,44,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""none"", ""pri_7""), B05_memb_age = c(70, 53), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:2, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"")), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA,
NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA))",province1,11,NA,village1,grass,716,33.40458039,NA,"NA",NA,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0512951
Longetude: 7905685
Altitude: 694m","NA",no,borrow_food,"NA",-19.04315107,"list(E04_res_water_field = ""land_far"", E03_crops = list(""maize""), E04_res_water_field_other = NA, E05_tried_access = ""yes_no_land_chied"", E05_tried_access_other = NA, E02_plot_no = 1)","NA",yes,2
1,no,ward2,yes,no,7,3,"list(F11_no_owned = c(1, 2, 2, 8), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"", ""poultry""))","NA",uuid:e3554d22-35b1-4fb9-b386-dd5866ad5792,no,"NA","NA",no,3,"NA",muddaub,2,list(),"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"")",1,3,yes,yes,2017-04-06T15:11:57.000Z,no,no,3,"c(""farming"", ""non_farm_prod"")",district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows"", ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, ""tomatoes"", ""beans""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, c(""du_head"", ""spouse""), c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near"", ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""allocated_cus_aut"", ""allocated_cus_aut""), E11_water_fields = c(NA,
""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""river"", ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:3)",2016-11-17,no,2017-04-06T14:53:04.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""tomatoes"", ""beans""), D01_curr_plot = 1:3, D02_total_plot = c(1.5, 1, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA,
D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 300, D12_harvst_amount = 9, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1700)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"",
D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Nov"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 200, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 30, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 950, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA,
D17_cost_seed = 1200, D12_harvst_amount = 30, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1700)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Nov"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""tins"", D19_pesticide_other = NA,
D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 170, D12_harvst_amount = 2, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""),
D14_cost_fert = 1700)), D_curr_crop = ""beans"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou bois, motorizada e pulverizador"", ""Construiu uma casa""), F03_year = c(2010, 2014), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",4,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"", ""poultry"")",9,no,never,"c(""motorcyle"", ""bicycle"", ""television"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""solar_torch"", ""table"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,no,none,25,no,NA,NULL,NA,45,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""sec_1"", ""pri_5"", ""sec_4"", ""sec_1"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_1"", ""na"", ""pri_6"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(45, 30, 17, 15, 12, 6, 4, 18, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""other"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"",
""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:9, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, ""Sobrinha"", NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,28,yes,village1,grass,703,33.40466493,no,20,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513446
Longetude: 7905426
Altitude: 768m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.04312371,list(),"NA",yes,9
2,yes,ward2,yes,yes,42,5,"list(F11_no_owned = c(1, 6), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""poultry""))","NA",uuid:35f297e0-aa5d-4149-9b7b-4965004cfc37,yes,"NA","NA",no,5,"NA",burntbricks,3,list(),"c(""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"")","Compra de produtos alimentÃcios
Compra de insumos agrÃcolas
Compra de produtos de higiene",2,yes,no,2017-04-06T15:45:32.000Z,no,no,5,NULL,district1,cement,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows"", ""furrows"", ""furrows"", ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable"", ""onion"", ""beans""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, ""du_head"", ""du_head"", ""du_head"", ""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near"", ""near"", ""near"", ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes"",
""yes"", ""yes"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""inherited"", ""inherited"", ""inherited"", ""inherited""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""river"", ""river"", ""river"", ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:5)",2016-11-17,no,2017-04-06T15:19:41.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable"", ""onion"", ""beans""), D01_curr_plot = 1:5, D02_total_plot = c(2, 2, 1, 1, 0.5), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 2, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"",
D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 4000, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 10, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 15, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"",
D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 3600)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Jan"", D08_land_planted = 2, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 500, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 150, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA,
D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 810, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 150, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 3600)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(
D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Apr"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 800, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 70, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 810, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 100,
D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1800)), D_curr_crop = ""vegetable"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Apr"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1000,
D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 7, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 7, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""),
D14_cost_fert = 1800)), D_curr_crop = ""onion"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Mar"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA,
D18_cost_pestcd = 810, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 12, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1800)), D_curr_crop = ""beans"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou uma motorizada"", ""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino""), F03_year = 2005:2006, F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",2,"c(""oxen"", ""poultry"")",10,no,once,"c(""motorcyle"", ""computer"", ""television"", ""sterio"", ""solar_panel"", ""solar_torch"", ""table"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,yes,"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")",21,no,NA,NULL,NA,46,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_7"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_6"", ""sec_4"", ""sec_1"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_2"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(42, 36, 30, 18, 16, 14, 12, 8, 5, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"",
""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming"", ""artisan""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming"", ""comm_business""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming"", ""comm_business""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:10, B08_interviewee_activities = list(
c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming"", ""artisan""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_business""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_business""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,5,yes,village1,mabatisloping,703,33.40458421,no,21,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513595
Longetude: 7905568
Altitude: 773m","NA",yes,lab_ex_food,"NA",-19.04307032,list(),"NA",yes,10
1,yes,ward2,yes,yes,2,2,list(),"NA",uuid:2d0b1936-4f82-4ec3-a3b5-7c3c8cd6cc2b,yes,"NA","NA",no,2,"NA",muddaub,1,list(),"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")","Compra de produtos da primeira necessidade
Compra de terra para actividades agrÃcolas",3,yes,no,2017-04-07T14:19:45.000Z,no,no,2,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, ""tomatoes""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, ""spouse""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""purchased""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:2)",2016-11-17,no,2017-04-07T14:05:25.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""tomatoes""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(2.5, 0.5), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 2.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA,
D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 600, D12_harvst_amount = 13, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1600)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"",
D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), D10_who_own = ""spouse_du_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Apr"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1000, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 80, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 80, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"",
D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 1300, D12_harvst_amount = 80, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 6400)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = ""Construiu um estabelecimento comercial"", F03_year = 2015, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"")",1,none,2,no,once,"c(""solar_torch"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,yes,none,2,no,NA,NULL,no,47,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_7"", ""sec_3""), B05_memb_age = c(21, 30), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married""), B03_relationship_du = c(""Spouse"", ""head""), B07_residence_status = c(""Occasional"", ""Occasional""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_business"")), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:2, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""housework"", c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_business""
)), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA))",province1,5,yes,village1,grass,689,33.48339791,yes,2,no,yes,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513220
Longetude: 7907642
Altitude: 757m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.11226093,list(),"NA",no,2
1,yes,ward2,no,no,58,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = c(2, 3, 6), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""poultry""))","NA",uuid:e180899c-7614-49eb-a97c-40ed013a38a2,no,"NA","NA",yes,1,"NA",muddaub,1,list(),NULL,NA,3,NA,NA,2017-04-07T14:40:23.000Z,no,NA,1,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-16,no,2017-04-07T14:19:49.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(c(""maize"", ""sorghum"")), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 3.5, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""2"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA,
D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 20, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA), list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""July"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA,
D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 10, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)),
D_curr_crop = c(""maize"", ""sorghum""), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D05_times = c(1, 1))), D03_unit_land_other = NA)","list(F01_item = ""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino \nComprou tracção animal"", F03_year = 2003, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"")",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""poultry"")",7,no,NA,radio,NA,yes,"c(""June"", ""July"", ""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")",48,no,1,NULL,NA,48,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_7"", ""none"", ""sec_5"", ""pri_7"", ""none"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(58, 54, 28, 28, 6, 1, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""unmarried""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""other"", ""Grandchild"", ""Grandchild"", ""Grandchild""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Occasional"", ""Always"",
""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:7, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_business""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, ""Nora"", NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,12,NA,village1,grass,689,33.48353345,NA,"NA",NA,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0512674
Longetude: 7906683
Altitude: 722.4m","NA",yes,limit_variety,"NA",-19.11222978,"list(E04_res_water_field = ""land_far"", E03_crops = list(c(""maize"", ""sorghum"")), E04_res_water_field_other = NA, E05_tried_access = ""other"", E05_tried_access_other = ""Agua ja não chega na minha machamba"", E02_plot_no = 1)","NA",no,7
2,yes,ward2,no,yes,26,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = c(2, 6), F_curr_liv = c(""goats"", ""poultry""))","NA",uuid:2303ebc1-2b3c-475a-8916-b322ebf18440,yes,"NA","NA",yes,1,"NA",burntbricks,2,list(),NULL,NA,3,NA,NA,2017-04-07T14:55:51.000Z,yes,NA,1,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-16,no,2017-04-07T14:43:09.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(c(""maize"", ""sorghum"")), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 3, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""2"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 3, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA,
D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 5, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA), list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""July"", D08_land_planted = 3, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA,
D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 10, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)),
D_curr_crop = c(""maize"", ""sorghum""), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D05_times = c(1, 1))), D03_unit_land_other = NA)",list(),2,"c(""goats"", ""poultry"")",6,no,NA,"c(""bicycle"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""solar_torch"", ""table"", ""mobile_phone"")",NA,yes,"c(""Jan"", ""Nov"", ""Dec"")",12,yes,1,NULL,NA,49,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_6"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_1"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(26, 30, 10, 8, 4, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""Spouse"", ""head"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"",
""small_business""), ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:6, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_business""), ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,12,NA,49,mabatisloping,694,33.48334844,NA,"NA",NA,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 18'444.7559""S
Longetude: 33°6'29.60255""E
Altitude: 689m","NA",no,"c(""reduce_meals"", ""go_forest"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11228265,"list(E04_res_water_field = ""land_far"", E03_crops = list(c(""maize"", ""sorghum"")), E04_res_water_field_other = NA, E05_tried_access = ""yes_no_land_chied"", E05_tried_access_other = NA, E02_plot_no = 1)","NA",no,6
1,no,ward2,yes,no,7,1,"list(F11_no_owned = 2, F_curr_liv = ""poultry"")","NA",uuid:4267c33c-53a7-46d9-8bd6-b96f58a4f92c,no,"NA","NA",yes,1,"NA",muddaub,1,list(),"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"")","Compra de produtos alimentÃcios
Compra de insumos agrÃcolas
Compra de vestuários",2,yes,no,2017-04-07T15:26:23.000Z,no,no,1,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = ""furrows"", E08_crops = list(c(""maize"", ""tomatoes"", ""piri_piri"")), E09_irr_manager = list(""parent""), E09_irr_manager_other = NA, E14_access_other = NA, E08_crops_other = NA, E13_plot_loc = ""near"", E16_amount_pay = NA, E15_duration = NA, E07_bring = ""yes"", E14_access = ""inherited"", E11_water_fields = ""canal_gravity"", E10_water_source = ""river"", E06_plot_no = 1)",2016-11-16,no,2017-04-07T14:56:01.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(c(""maize"", ""tomatoes"", ""piri_piri"")), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 0.5, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""3"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 0.2, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"",
D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 6, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Nov"", D08_land_planted = 0.2,
D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 100, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 25, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 28, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA,
D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 400), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Feb"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""kg"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 10, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 4400, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"",
D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 4400, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = c(""maize"", ""tomatoes"", ""piri_piri""), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D05_times = c(1, 1, 1))), D03_unit_land_other = NA)","list(F01_item = ""Comprou produtos alimentÃcios"", F03_year = 2015, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"")",1,poultry,6,no,never,solar_torch,abt_half,no,"c(""June"", ""July"", ""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"", ""Dec"")",6,no,NA,NULL,no,50,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""adl_literacy"", ""sec_2"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_1"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(23, 29, 9, 7, 4, 2), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""Spouse"", ""head"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(c(""housework"",
""small_scale_farm"", ""small_business""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_business""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:6, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_business""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_business""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,12,no,village1,grass,718,33.48344521,yes,1,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0512755
Longetude: 790499
Altitude: 745.0m","NA",yes,"c(""borrow_food"", ""go_forest"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11220496,list(),"NA",yes,6
1,yes,ward2,no,no,30,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = 2, F_curr_liv = ""poultry"")","NA",uuid:18ac8e77-bdaf-47ab-85a2-e4c947c9d3ce,no,"NA","NA",no,1,"NA",muddaub,1,list(),NULL,NA,3,NA,NA,2017-04-07T15:39:10.000Z,no,NA,1,NULL,district1,cement,list(),2016-11-16,no,2017-04-07T15:27:45.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 1, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""1"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA,
D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 5, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = NA)",list(),1,poultry,5,no,NA,radio,NA,yes,"c(""Oct"", ""Nov"")",11,yes,1,NULL,NA,51,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_6"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_1"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(30, 37, 8, 4, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""Spouse"", ""head"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"",
""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:5, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,12,NA,village1,grass,709,33.48338443,NA,"NA",NA,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 051009
Longetude: 7906182
Altitude: 732.8m","NA",yes,"c(""go_forest"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11221446,"list(E04_res_water_field = ""other"", E03_crops = list(""maize""), E04_res_water_field_other = ""A parceira esta localizada na zona montanhosa"", E05_tried_access = ""no"", E05_tried_access_other = NA, E02_plot_no = 1)","NA",no,5
3,no,ward2,yes,no,15,1,"list(F11_no_owned = c(1, 3, 20), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""poultry""))","NA",uuid:6db55cb4-a853-4000-9555-757b7fae2bcf,no,"NA","NA",yes,1,"NA",burntbricks,1,list(),"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")",A sua produção é para sustentar a sua famÃlia ja que o chefe da UD tem emprego.,3,yes,no,2017-04-08T05:02:58.000Z,yes,no,1,NULL,district1,cement,"list(E12_apply_water = ""furrows"", E08_crops = list(""maize""), E09_irr_manager = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), E09_irr_manager_other = NA, E14_access_other = NA, E08_crops_other = NA, E13_plot_loc = ""near"", E16_amount_pay = NA, E15_duration = NA, E07_bring = ""yes"", E14_access = ""purchased"", E11_water_fields = ""canal_gravity"", E10_water_source = ""river"", E06_plot_no = 1)",2016-11-16,no,2017-04-08T04:44:09.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 2, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""1"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 2, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA,
D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 21, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = NA)","list(F01_item = ""Comprou uma motorizada"", F03_year = 2010, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"")",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""poultry"")",11,no,never,"c(""motorcyle"", ""television"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""mobile_phone"")",less_half,no,"c(""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")",15,no,NA,NULL,NA,52,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""none"", ""pri_7"", ""sec_1"", ""pri_7"", ""sec_1"", ""sec_1"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_2""), B05_memb_age = c(39, 43, 17, 18, 15, 15, 13, 13, 9, 9, 7), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""Spouse"", ""head"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"",
""Grandchild"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Holidays"", ""Always"", ""Holidays"", ""Holidays"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""salar_job""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:11, B08_interviewee_activities = list(
c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), c(""housework"", ""salar_job""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,10,no,village1,mabatisloping,694,33.48335287,no,15,no,yes,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513257
Longetude: 7906190
Altitude: 755.4m","NA",yes,"c(""limit_variety"", ""reduce_meals"")","NA",-19.11223637,list(),"NA",no,11
3,yes,ward2,yes,yes,16,3,"list(F11_no_owned = 5:6, F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:cc7f75c5-d13e-43f3-97e5-4f4c03cb4b12,yes,"NA","NA",yes,3,"NA",burntbricks,2,"list(B13_remitter_location_village = ""Manica"", B15_remitter_location_region_other = NA, B15_remitter_location_region = ""manica"", B14_remitter_location_district = ""Manica"", B12_remittance_money_type = ""Agricultor"")","c(""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"")","Compra de produtos da primeira necessidade
Compra de utensÃlios domésticos
Compra de produtos alimentÃcios
Compra de insumos agrÃcolas
Compra de produtos de higiene",2,yes,no,2017-04-08T05:33:51.000Z,no,no,3,NULL,district1,cement,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows"", ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, c(""beans"", ""tomatoes"", ""cabbage"", ""vegetable""), ""maize""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, ""spouse"", ""spouse""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""far"", ""far""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""inherited"", ""inherited""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity"",
""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""river"", ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:3)",2016-11-16,yes,2017-04-08T05:03:08.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", c(""beans"", ""tomatoes"", ""cabbage"", ""vegetable""), ""maize""), D01_curr_plot = c(1, 2, 1), D02_total_plot = c(5, 1, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""4"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA,
D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 12, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"",
D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 2000, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = 50, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 720, D22_sell = ""yes"",
D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 650, D12_harvst_amount = 5, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""main_road""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1700), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Nov"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 300, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"",
D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = 30, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 720, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 650, D12_harvst_amount = 30, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1700),
list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Aug"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""other"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 20, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = 350, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 720, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 650, D12_harvst_amount = 350,
D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""main_road""), D11_harvst_unit_other = ""Unidades"", D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1700), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Mar"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 800, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = 5, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 720, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 650, D12_harvst_amount = 5, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1700)), D_curr_crop = c(""beans"", ""tomatoes"", ""cabbage"", ""vegetable""
), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D05_times = c(1, 1, 1, 1)), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""July"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"",
D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 3, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = ""Comprou cabeças de gado, caprino e bovino \nConstrução de habitação \nPagamento de despesas escolares dos filhos"", F03_year = 2013, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"")",2,"c(""oxen"", ""goats"")",8,no,frequently,"c(""bicycle"", ""radio"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,yes,Nov,16,no,NA,NULL,no,21,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_3"", ""sec_1"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_2"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(35, 30, 17, 12, 16, 8, 5, 2), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Holidays"", ""Always"", ""Always"",
""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""comm_farming"", ""na"", ""comm_farming"", ""na"", ""comm_farming"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = c(1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", c(""housework"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", c(""housework"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,10,yes,village1,mabatisloping,687,33.48343865,yes,16,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513006
Longetude: 7906789
Altitude: 737.4m","NA",yes,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""limit_portion"")","NA",-19.11216571,list(),"NA",no,8
1,yes,ward2,yes,no,15,1,list(),"NA",uuid:273ab27f-9be3-4f3b-83c9-d3e1592de919,no,"NA","NA",yes,1,"NA",muddaub,3,"list(B13_remitter_location_village = ""25 de Setembro"", B15_remitter_location_region_other = NA, B15_remitter_location_region = ""manica"", B14_remitter_location_district = ""Chimoio"", B12_remittance_money_type = ""Professor"")","c(""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"", ""Dec"")","Compra mobiliário
Compra de produtos alimentÃcios
Compra de produtos de higiene",2,yes,no,2017-04-08T05:52:15.000Z,no,no,1,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = ""sprinkler"", E08_crops = list(c(""maize"", ""tomatoes"")), E09_irr_manager = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), E09_irr_manager_other = NA, E14_access_other = NA, E08_crops_other = NA, E13_plot_loc = ""middle"", E16_amount_pay = NA, E15_duration = NA, E07_bring = ""yes"", E14_access = ""allocated_cus_aut"", E11_water_fields = ""canal_gravity"", E10_water_source = ""river"", E06_plot_no = 1)",2016-11-16,yes,2017-04-08T05:36:55.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(c(""maize"", ""tomatoes"")), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 1, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""2"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA,
D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 12, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"",
D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 400, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = 4, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 750, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 1200, D12_harvst_amount = 4, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA,
D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1600)), D_curr_crop = c(""maize"", ""tomatoes""), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D05_times = c(1, 1))), D03_unit_land_other = NA)","list(F01_item = ""Construiu uma casa"", F03_year = 2006, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"")",1,none,7,no,never,NULL,more_half,yes,"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")",10,no,NA,NULL,NA,54,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_4"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_2"", ""pri_2"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(50, 35, 16, 15, 11, 8, 4), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""),
B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = c(1, 2, 3, 40, 5, 6, 7), B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,9,yes,village1,grass,681,33.48335527,no,10,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513028
Longetude: 7905929
Altitude: 727.8m","NA",no,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11220247,list(),"NA",no,7
2,yes,ward2,no,no,23,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = 1, F_curr_liv = ""goats"")","NA",uuid:883c0433-9891-4121-bc63-744f082c1fa0,no,"NA","NA",yes,1,"NA",muddaub,2,list(),NULL,NA,2,NA,NA,2017-04-08T06:05:41.000Z,no,NA,1,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-16,no,2017-04-08T05:52:32.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 4, D02_total_plot = 9, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""1"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 9, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA,
D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 20, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = NA)","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou cabeças de gado caprino"", ""Comprou televisor e gerador""), F03_year = 2013:2014, F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",1,goats,9,no,NA,"c(""television"", ""cow_plough"", ""mobile_phone"")",NA,yes,"c(""Oct"", ""Nov"")",23,no,1,NULL,NA,55,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_4"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_3"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(35, 31, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"",
""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = c(1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"",
""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,11,NA,village1,grass,702,33.48333393,NA,"NA",NA,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513258
Longetude: 7906420
Altitude: 756.9m","NA",yes,lab_ex_food,"NA",-19.11228974,"list(E04_res_water_field = ""land_far"", E03_crops = list(""maize""), E04_res_water_field_other = NA, E05_tried_access = ""yes_no_land_chied"", E05_tried_access_other = NA, E02_plot_no = 1)","NA",no,9
2,yes,ward2,yes,yes,23,2,"list(F11_no_owned = c(10, 4), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:973c4ac6-f887-48e7-aeaf-4476f2cfab76,yes,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",burntbricks,4,list(),"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"")","Compra produtos da primeira necessidade
Compra produtos de higiene",3,yes,no,2017-04-08T06:26:12.000Z,no,no,2,NULL,district1,cement,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, ""tomatoes""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, c(""child"", ""parent"")), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""inherited""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:2)",2016-11-16,no,2017-04-08T06:05:59.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""tomatoes""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(5.5, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 5.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1200, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 20, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 4200, D12_harvst_amount = 133, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1),
list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Aug"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1500, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 50, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 750, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 2500,
D12_harvst_amount = 50, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 6400)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = ""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino \nConstruiu uma moradia \nComprou bens da casa"", F03_year = 2012, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"")",2,"c(""oxen"", ""goats"")",12,no,never,"c(""motorcyle"", ""bicycle"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,yes,none,23,no,NA,NULL,no,56,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_4"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_7"", ""sec_1"", ""sec_1"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_2"", ""na"", ""na"", ""pri_2"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(46, 38, 24, 17, 15, 12, 8, 7, 2, 8, 5, 2), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"",
""Spouse"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""comm_farming"", c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""comm_farming"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA
), B_memb_no = 1:12, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""comm_farming""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,10,yes,village1,mabatisloping,689,33.48341837,yes,23,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513209
Longetude: 67905987
Altitude: 734.8m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.11217264,list(),"NA",no,12
1,yes,ward2,yes,yes,27,2,list(),"NA",uuid:a7184e55-0615-492d-9835-8f44f3b03a71,yes,"NA","NA",no,2,"NA",burntbricks,4,list(),NULL,"Compra de produtos alimentÃcios, insumos agrÃcolas e produtos de higiene.",2,no,no,2017-04-08T06:39:40.000Z,no,no,2,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(""furrows"", ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(""maize"", ""other""), E09_irr_manager = list(""du_head"", ""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, ""Inhame""), E13_plot_loc = c(""near"", ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""yes"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(""inherited"", ""inherited""), E11_water_fields = c(""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(""river"", ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:2)",2016-11-16,no,2017-04-08T06:26:22.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""other""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(1, 0.5), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, ""Inhame""), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1400, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 4,
D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 14, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"",
D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Apr"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 2400, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 3, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA,
D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 5, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""other"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = ""Comprou mobiliário da casa\nComprou radio\nComprou painel solar"", F03_year = 2015, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"")",1,none,4,no,never,radio,less_half,yes,none,20,no,NA,NULL,NA,57,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""sec_3"", ""sec_2"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(27, 22, 2, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:4,
B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,10,yes,village1,grass,695,33.48338576,no,20,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0313307
Longetude: 7910052
Altitude: 738m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.11227947,list(),"NA",no,4
3,yes,ward2,yes,yes,45,3,"list(F11_no_owned = c(2, 4, 3), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:a7a3451f-cd0d-4027-82d9-8dcd1234fcca,yes,"NA","NA",no,3,"NA",burntbricks,5,list(),NULL,Compra produtos da primeira necessidade,2,no,no,2017-04-08T08:48:51.000Z,no,no,3,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(""furrows"", ""furrows"", NA), E08_crops = list(""beans"", ""other"", NULL), E09_irr_manager = list(""du_head"", ""du_head"", NULL), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, ""Inhame"", NA), E13_plot_loc = c(""near"", ""near"", NA), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""yes"", ""yes"", ""no""), E14_access = c(""inherited"", ""inherited"", NA), E11_water_fields = c(""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity"", NA), E10_water_source = c(""river"",
""river"", NA), E06_plot_no = 1:3)",2016-11-16,no,2017-04-08T08:25:49.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""beans"", ""other"", ""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1:3, D02_total_plot = c(3, 0.5, 10), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, ""Inhame"", NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Feb"", D08_land_planted = 3, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 2000, D19_pesticide = NA,
D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 1, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 1, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""beans"",
D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Apr"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 800, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 19, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"",
D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 19, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""other"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"",
D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 900, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 60, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 85, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"",
D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino"", ""Comprou motorizada"", ""Construiu uma casa""), F03_year = c(2011, 2015, 2008), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"")",11,no,never,"c(""motorcyle"", ""bicycle"", ""television"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,yes,none,35,no,NA,NULL,NA,58,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_4"", ""pri_2"", ""sec_3"", ""sec_4"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_2"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(45, 38, 27, 24, 20, 17, 15, 13, 10, 8, 6), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""married"", ""married"", ""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""other"", ""other"",
""other"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Occasional"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:11,
B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, ""Irmão"", ""Irmão"", ""Irmão"", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,11,yes,village1,mabatisloping,723,33.48332076,no,35,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 9513307
Longetude: 7910052
Altitude: 738m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.1121758,list(),"NA",no,11
3,yes,ward2,no,yes,60,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = c(1, 1, 13), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""poultry""))","NA",uuid:1936db62-5732-45dc-98ff-9b3ac7a22518,yes,"NA","NA",no,2,"NA",muddaub,1,list(),NULL,NA,2,NA,NA,2017-04-08T09:02:34.000Z,no,NA,2,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-16,no,2017-04-08T08:52:05.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(c(""maize"", ""other""), ""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(0.5, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""2"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(""Inhame"", NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 400, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"",
D24_amnt_sold = 1, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 6, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(
""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Apr"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 800, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 1, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 2, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"",
D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = c(""maize"", ""other""), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D05_times = c(1, 1)), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"",
D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 18, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"",
D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = ""Construiu sua habitação"", F03_year = 2015, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"")",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""poultry"")",2,no,NA,NULL,NA,yes,none,60,no,2,NULL,NA,59,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_2"", ""pri_4""), B05_memb_age = c(70, 45), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""widow/er"", ""married""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Occasional""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:2, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""small_scale_farm""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA,
NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA))",province1,13,NA,village1,grass,683,33.48333251,NA,"NA",NA,yes,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513307
Longetude: 7910052
Altitude: 738m","NA",no,na,"NA",-19.1123395,"list(E04_res_water_field = c(""field_wet"", ""land_far""), E03_crops = list(""maize"", ""maize""), E04_res_water_field_other = c(NA, NA), E05_tried_access = c(""no"", ""yes_no_land_chied""), E05_tried_access_other = c(NA, NA), E02_plot_no = 1:2)","NA",no,2
2,yes,ward2,yes,yes,15,3,"list(F11_no_owned = c(3, 5, 5, 9), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"", ""poultry""))","NA",uuid:85465caf-23e4-4283-bb72-a0ef30e30176,yes,"NA","NA",yes,3,"NA",burntbricks,3,list(),"c(""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"")","Compra produtos alimentÃcios
Compra vestuários
Paga despesas escolares
Compra produtos de higiene",2,yes,no,2017-04-08T09:20:18.000Z,no,no,3,NULL,district2,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(""furrows"", ""furrows"", ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(""maize"", ""tomatoes"", ""peanut""), E09_irr_manager = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"", ""other_rel""), c(""du_head"", ""spouse"", ""other_rel""), c(""du_head"", ""spouse"", ""other_rel"")), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(""far"", ""middle"", ""far""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""yes"", ""yes"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(""purchased"",
""purchased"", ""purchased""), E11_water_fields = c(""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(""river"", ""river"", ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:3)",2016-11-16,no,2017-04-08T09:03:01.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""tomatoes"", ""peanut""), D01_curr_plot = 1:3, D02_total_plot = c(2, 1, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Sept"", D08_land_planted = 2, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"",
D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 25, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 3000)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"",
D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""other_non_rel""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Aug"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 500, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 80, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 850, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"",
D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 1200, D12_harvst_amount = 80, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1600)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Aug"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"",
D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 150, D12_harvst_amount = 20, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(
""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""peanut"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = ""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino e caprino"", F03_year = 2002, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"")",4,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"", ""poultry"")",8,no,never,cow_plough,more_half,yes,none,12,yes,NA,NULL,NA,60,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_7"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_2"", ""pri_2"", ""pri_1"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(35, 30, 16, 10, 8, 7, 5, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"",
""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:8, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,11,yes,village1,grass,694,33.48341208,no,12,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513452
Longetude: 7907930
Altitude: 759m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.11225763,list(),"NA",yes,8
1,yes,ward2,yes,yes,14,2,"list(F11_no_owned = c(2, 6, 12), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:2401cf50-8859-44d9-bd14-1bf9128766f2,yes,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",muddaub,4,list(),"c(""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"")","Compra vestuários
Pagamento de despesas escolares",3,yes,no,2017-04-08T11:14:09.000Z,no,no,2,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(""furrows"", NA), E08_crops = list(c(""tomatoes"", ""onion"", ""cabbage"", ""vegetable"", ""piri_piri""), NULL), E09_irr_manager = list(""du_head"", NULL), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(""near"", NA), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""yes"", ""no""), E14_access = c(""purchased"", NA), E11_water_fields = c(""canal_gravity"", NA), E10_water_source = c(""river"", NA), E06_plot_no = 1:2)",2016-11-16,no,2017-04-08T10:47:11.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(c(""tomatoes"", ""onion"", ""cabbage"", ""vegetable"", ""piri_piri""), ""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(2, 6), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""5"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Apr"", D08_land_planted = 2, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1000, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"",
D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 45, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 1200, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""yes"", D21_cost_labour = 600, D17_cost_seed = 800, D12_harvst_amount = 45, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""),
D14_cost_fert = 1500), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 2, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 200, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 40, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 200, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA,
D17_cost_seed = 500, D12_harvst_amount = 40, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1500), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse"", ""spouse""), D10_who_own = c(""head_spouse_free"", ""head_spouse_free""), D06_mnth_harvest = c(""Feb"", ""May""), D08_land_planted = c(2, 1), D11_harvst_unit = c(""other"", ""other""), D19_pesticide_other = c(NA,
NA), D25_price = c(25, 25), D19_pesticide = c(""own_choice"", NA), D07_ploughing_typ = c(""ox"", ""ox""), D24_amnt_sold = c(100, 100), D10_who_own_other = c(NA, NA), D_use_pest = c(""yes"", ""no""), D26_who_sell_harv_other = c(NA, NA), D15_cost_manu = c(NA, NA), D07_ploughing_typ_other = c(NA, NA), D18_cost_pestcd = c(200, NA), D22_sell = c(""yes"", ""yes""), D20_paid_labour = c(""no"", ""no""), D21_cost_labour = c(NA, NA), D17_cost_seed = c(700, NA), D12_harvst_amount = c(250, 100), D16_imprv_seed = c(""yes"", ""no""
), D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders"", ""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = c(""Unidades"", ""Unidades""), D09_land_ownshp_other = c(NA, NA), D09_land_ownshp = c(""owned"", ""owned""), D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer"", ""none""), D14_cost_fert = c(1500, NA)), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 2, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 800, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"",
D24_amnt_sold = 8, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 200, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 500, D12_harvst_amount = 8, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1500), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(
""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Nov"", D08_land_planted = 2, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 400, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 112, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 112, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"",
D23_where_sold = list(""On_contract""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1500)), D_curr_crop = c(""tomatoes"", ""onion"", ""cabbage"", ""vegetable"", ""piri_piri""), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D05_times = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 6, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"",
D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1200, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 4, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 40, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"",
D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou motorizada e 6 cabeças de gado bovino"", ""Comprou carroca de boi""), F03_year = c(2014, 2012), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"")",10,no,more_once,"c(""cow_cart"", ""motorcyle"", ""bicycle"", ""television"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""table"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,no,"c(""Jan"", ""Feb"", ""Dec"")",14,no,NA,NULL,yes,61,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_2"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_2"", ""pri_6"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(38, 25, 40, 15, 12, 9, 6, 16, 1, 3), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""Spouse"", ""Spouse"", ""head"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"",
""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Grandchild""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:10, B08_interviewee_activities = list(
c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,13,yes,village1,grass,712,33.48341635,yes,13,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513220
Longetude: 7907642
Altitude: 757m","NA",yes,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""limit_variety"", ""reduce_meals"", ""restrict_adults"")","NA",-19.11218035,list(),"NA",yes,10
1,no,ward2,no,no,5,NA,list(),"NA",uuid:c6597ecc-cc2a-4c35-a6dc-e62c71b345d6,no,"NA","NA",no,2,"NA",muddaub,3,list(),NULL,NA,3,NA,NA,2017-04-08T13:41:21.000Z,no,NA,2,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-16,no,2017-04-08T13:27:58.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""sorghum""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(0.5, 0.5), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = c(NA, NA), D10_who_own = c(""head_spouse_free"", ""head_spouse_free""), D06_mnth_harvest = c(""May"", ""May""), D08_land_planted = c(0.5, 0.5), D11_harvst_unit = c(""bags"", ""bags""), D19_pesticide_other = c(NA, NA), D25_price = c(NA,
NA), D19_pesticide = c(NA, NA), D07_ploughing_typ = c(""ox"", ""ox""), D24_amnt_sold = c(NA, NA), D10_who_own_other = c(NA, NA), D_use_pest = c(""no"", ""no""), D26_who_sell_harv_other = c(NA, NA), D15_cost_manu = c(NA, NA), D07_ploughing_typ_other = c(NA, NA), D18_cost_pestcd = c(NA, NA), D22_sell = c(""no"", ""no""), D20_paid_labour = c(""no"", ""no""), D21_cost_labour = c(NA, NA), D17_cost_seed = c(NA, NA), D12_harvst_amount = c(12, 2), D16_imprv_seed = c(""no"", ""no""), D23_where_sold = c(NA, NA), D11_harvst_unit_other = c(NA,
NA), D09_land_ownshp_other = c(NA, NA), D09_land_ownshp = c(""owned"", ""owned""), D13_fertilizer = list(""none"", ""none""), D14_cost_fert = c(NA, NA))), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""July"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""tins"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 5, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""sorghum"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA,
NA))","list(F01_item = ""Comprou utensÃlios domésticos \nCompra vestuários"", F03_year = 2015, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola,"")",1,none,5,no,NA,"c(""bicycle"", ""radio"", ""mobile_phone"")",NA,yes,"c(""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")",5,yes,2,NULL,NA,62,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_4"", ""pri_1"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_2""), B05_memb_age = c(25, 30, 16, 14, 10), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""Spouse"", ""head"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""other"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA,
""Garimpo"", NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:5, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""other"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, ""Garimpo"", NA, NA, NA))",province1,18,NA,village1,grass,719,33.48339699,NA,"NA",NA,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513275
Longetude: 7907870
Altitude: 758m","NA",no,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""limit_variety"", ""limit_portion"", ""reduce_meals"", ""restrict_adults"", ""borrow_food"", ""go_forest"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11216869,"list(E04_res_water_field = c(""land_far"", ""land_far""), E03_crops = list(""maize"", c(""sorghum"", ""bananas"")), E04_res_water_field_other = c(NA, NA), E05_tried_access = c(""yes_no_land_chied"", ""yes_no_land_chied""), E05_tried_access_other = c(NA, NA), E02_plot_no = 1:2)","NA",no,5
1,no,ward2,no,yes,10,NA,list(),"NA",uuid:86ed4328-7688-462f-aac7-d6518414526a,yes,"NA","NA",no,1,"NA",muddaub,1,list(),NULL,NA,3,NA,NA,2017-04-08T13:52:07.000Z,no,NA,1,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-16,no,2017-04-08T13:41:39.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(c(""maize"", ""sesame"")), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 1.5, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""2"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Apr"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 800, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 12, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"",
D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 12, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""July"",
D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 2000, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 2, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 2, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""On_contract""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA,
D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = c(""maize"", ""sesame""), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D05_times = c(1, 1))), D03_unit_land_other = NA)","list(F01_item = ""Abriu um negócio"", F03_year = 2014, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"")",1,none,4,no,NA,NULL,NA,yes,"c(""Jan"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"", ""Dec"")",1,yes,1,NULL,NA,63,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""sec_2"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_1"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(25, 25, 8, 5), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Occasional"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""artisan"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:4,
B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,25,NA,village1,grass,702,33.4833903,NA,"NA",NA,yes,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513139
Longetude: 7907592
Altitude: 757m","NA",yes,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""limit_variety"", ""reduce_meals"", ""restrict_adults"")","NA",-19.11220024,"list(E04_res_water_field = ""land_far"", E03_crops = list(c(""maize"", ""sesame"")), E04_res_water_field_other = NA, E05_tried_access = ""yes_no_land_chied"", E05_tried_access_other = NA, E02_plot_no = 1)","NA",no,4
1,no,ward2,no,no,1,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = 7, F_curr_liv = ""goats"")","NA",uuid:28cfd718-bf62-4d90-8100-55fafbe45d06,no,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",muddaub,2,list(),NULL,NA,3,NA,NA,2017-04-08T14:02:24.000Z,no,NA,2,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-16,no,2017-04-08T13:52:30.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""sesame""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(2, 0.5), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 2, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 960, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"",
D24_amnt_sold = 2, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 100, D12_harvst_amount = 10, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"",
D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), D10_who_own = ""spouse_du_parts"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""July"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 2500, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = 7, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"",
D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 150, D12_harvst_amount = 7, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""sesame"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = ""Construiu uma casa"", F03_year = 2016, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"")",1,goats,6,no,NA,"c(""bicycle"", ""solar_torch"", ""table"", ""sofa_set"", ""mobile_phone"")",NA,no,"c(""Jan"", ""Feb"", ""Dec"")",1,no,2,NULL,NA,64,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""none"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_2"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(28, 30, 13, 9, 5, 2), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"",
""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:6, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,9,NA,village1,grass,704,33.48339576,NA,"NA",NA,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513266
Longetude: 7908155
Altitude: 746m","NA",no,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""limit_variety"", ""reduce_meals"", ""restrict_adults"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.1121962,"list(E04_res_water_field = c(""land_far"", ""field_wet""), E03_crops = list(""maize"", ""sesame""), E04_res_water_field_other = c(NA, NA), E05_tried_access = c(""yes_no_land_sale"", ""yes_no_land_sale""), E05_tried_access_other = c(NA, NA), E02_plot_no = 1:2)","NA",no,6
3,no,ward2,yes,no,20,2,"list(F11_no_owned = c(2, 3, 5), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:143f7478-0126-4fbc-86e0-5d324339206b,no,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",burntbricks,2,list(),"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")","Compra produtos alimentÃcios
Compra produtos de higiene
Compra vestuários",3,yes,no,2017-04-08T14:15:45.000Z,no,no,2,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, ""tomatoes""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, c(""child"", ""parent"")), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""allocated_cus_aut""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:2)",2016-11-16,no,2017-04-08T14:02:49.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""tomatoes""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(2, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 24, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(
list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Oct"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 400, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 50, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 750, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 900, D12_harvst_amount = 50,
D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1400)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = ""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino \nConstrução sua morada \nComprou uma motorizada"", F03_year = 2010, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"")",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"")",8,no,once,"c(""motorcyle"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""table"")",abt_half,no,"c(""Jan"", ""Feb"", ""Mar"")",20,no,NA,NULL,NA,65,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_3"", ""pri_4"", ""sec_3"", ""sec_1"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_4"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(40, 35, 20, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"",
""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:8, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
NA))",province1,39,yes,village1,mabatisloping,706,33.48341209,no,20,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0511306
Longetude: 7908924
Altitude: 690.2m","NA",no,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""limit_variety"", ""reduce_meals"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11221474,list(),"NA",no,8
3,no,ward2,yes,no,37,1,"list(F11_no_owned = c(2, 4, 10, 1), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"", ""donkeys""))","NA",uuid:a457eab8-971b-4417-a971-2e55b8702816,no,"NA","NA",yes,1,"NA",burntbricks,5,list(),"c(""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"")","Usa para fazer dispensas da casa
Compra insumos agrÃcolas
Compra vestuários",3,yes,no,2017-04-08T21:33:45.000Z,yes,no,1,NULL,district1,cement,"list(E12_apply_water = ""furrows"", E08_crops = list(c(""beans"", ""tomatoes"", ""onion"", ""vegetable"")), E09_irr_manager = list(""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = NA, E14_access_other = NA, E08_crops_other = NA, E13_plot_loc = ""near"", E16_amount_pay = NA, E15_duration = NA, E07_bring = ""yes"", E14_access = ""inherited"", E11_water_fields = ""canal_gravity"", E10_water_source = ""canal"", E06_plot_no = 1)",2016-11-16,no,2017-04-08T21:09:38.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(c(""beans"", ""tomatoes"", ""onion"", ""vegetable"")), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 8, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""4"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Feb"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1400, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 4,
D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 800, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 900, D12_harvst_amount = 4, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""main_road""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1500), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""),
D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Mar"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 600, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 150, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 550, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 750, D12_harvst_amount = 150, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"",
D23_where_sold = list(""main_road""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1500), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse"", ""spouse""), D10_who_own = c(""head_spouse_free"", ""head_spouse_free""), D06_mnth_harvest = c(""July"", ""Aug""), D08_land_planted = c(0.5, 0.5), D11_harvst_unit = c(""crates"", ""crates""), D19_pesticide_other = c(NA, NA), D25_price = c(500, 500), D19_pesticide = c(""own_choice"", ""own_choice""
), D07_ploughing_typ = c(""ox"", ""ox""), D24_amnt_sold = c(30, 20), D10_who_own_other = c(NA, NA), D_use_pest = c(""yes"", ""yes""), D26_who_sell_harv_other = c(NA, NA), D15_cost_manu = c(NA, NA), D07_ploughing_typ_other = c(NA, NA), D18_cost_pestcd = c(1000, 100), D22_sell = c(""yes"", ""yes""), D20_paid_labour = c(""no"", ""no""), D21_cost_labour = c(NA, NA), D17_cost_seed = c(350, 900), D12_harvst_amount = c(30, 20), D16_imprv_seed = c(""yes"", ""yes""), D23_where_sold = list(""local_market"", ""main_road""), D11_harvst_unit_other = c(NA,
NA), D09_land_ownshp_other = c(NA, NA), D09_land_ownshp = c(""owned"", ""owned""), D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer"", ""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = c(150, 1500)), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1000, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 30, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA,
D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 550, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 400, D12_harvst_amount = 30, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1500)), D_curr_crop = c(""beans"", ""tomatoes"", ""onion"", ""vegetable""), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1"", ""1""
), D05_times = c(1, 1, 1, 1))), D03_unit_land_other = NA)","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou motorizada"", ""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino"", ""Construiu sua casa"", ""Comprou caroça de bois""), F03_year = c(2001, 2003, 2005, 2006), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",4,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"", ""donkeys"")",10,no,frequently,"c(""cow_cart"", ""motorcyle"", ""bicycle"", ""television"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""solar_torch"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,yes,none,16,no,NA,NULL,no,66,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""sec_1"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_2"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(37, 26, 20, 13, 12, 10, 7, 4, 3, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"",
""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:10, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"",
c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,8,no,village1,mabatipitched,702,33.48339142,yes,10,no,yes,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513168
Longetude: 7907004
Altitude: 730m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.1121722,list(),"NA",yes,10
2,yes,ward2,yes,no,31,1,"list(F11_no_owned = c(1, 3, 3, 3), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"", ""donkeys""))","NA",uuid:6c15d667-2860-47e3-a5e7-7f679271e419,no,"NA","NA",yes,1,"NA",burntbricks,1,list(),"c(""Oct"", ""Nov"")","Compra de produtos alimentÃcios
Compra de vestuários
Compra de insumos agrÃcolas",3,yes,no,2017-04-08T21:49:02.000Z,yes,no,1,NULL,district1,cement,"list(E12_apply_water = ""furrows"", E08_crops = list(c(""maize"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable"")), E09_irr_manager = list(""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = NA, E14_access_other = NA, E08_crops_other = NA, E13_plot_loc = ""near"", E16_amount_pay = NA, E15_duration = NA, E07_bring = ""yes"", E14_access = ""inherited"", E11_water_fields = ""canal_gravity"", E10_water_source = ""canal"", E06_plot_no = 1)",2016-11-16,no,2017-04-08T21:34:23.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(c(""maize"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable"")), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 6, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""3"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"",
D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 17, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Aug"",
D08_land_planted = 0.3, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 300, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 16, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 550, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 780, D12_harvst_amount = 16, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA,
D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1600), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 800, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 10, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA,
D18_cost_pestcd = 550, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 450, D12_harvst_amount = 10, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1600)), D_curr_crop = c(""maize"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable""), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D05_times = c(1, 1, 1))), D03_unit_land_other = NA)","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou motorizada"", ""Construiu a sua casa"", ""Pagou despesas escolares""), F03_year = c(2015, 1999, 2015), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",4,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"", ""donkeys"")",5,no,more_once,"c(""motorcyle"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,yes,none,9,yes,NA,NULL,NA,67,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""sec_3"", ""pri_7"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(31, 21, 5, 3, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""
), ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:5, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,11,yes,village1,mabatipitched,717,33.48338805,no,9,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513148
Longetude: 7907004
Altitude: 730m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.11209398,list(),"NA",yes,5
3,no,ward2,yes,yes,52,3,"list(F11_no_owned = c(3, 3, 1), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:ef04b3eb-b47d-412e-9b09-4f5e08fc66f9,no,"NA","NA",yes,3,"NA",burntbricks,3,list(),"c(""Nov"", ""Dec"")","Compra vestuários
Compra produtos alimentÃcios
Compra insumos agrÃcolas",3,yes,no,2017-04-09T22:06:57.000Z,no,no,3,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(""furrows"", ""furrows"", ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(""maize"", ""piri_piri"", ""maize""), E09_irr_manager = list(""du_head"", ""du_head"", ""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(""near"", ""near"", ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""yes"", ""yes"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(""inherited"", ""inherited"", ""inherited""), E11_water_fields = c(""canal_gravity"",
""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(""canal"", ""canal"", ""canal""), E06_plot_no = 1:3)",2016-11-16,no,2017-04-08T21:49:40.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""piri_piri"", ""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1:3, D02_total_plot = c(1.5, 1.5, 2), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Feb"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"",
D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 19, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"",
D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""July"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 600, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 13, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA,
D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 15, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""On_contract""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""piri_piri"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Dec"", D08_land_planted = 2, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA,
D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 38, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)),
D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Construiu a sua casa"", ""Pagou despesas escolares dos filhos""), F03_year = 2015:2016, F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"")",8,no,more_once,"c(""motorcyle"", ""television"", ""sterio"", ""solar_panel"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,yes,none,21,no,NA,NULL,NA,68,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_5"", ""pri_2"", ""sec_3"", ""sec_1"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_3""), B05_memb_age = c(52, 38, 18, 15, 13, 13, 11, 9), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"",
""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:8, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,10,yes,village1,mabatipitched,710,33.4834782,no,21,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513358
Longetude: 7907664
Altitude: 766m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.11214985,list(),"NA",no,8
1,no,ward2,yes,no,12,1,"list(F11_no_owned = 2, F_curr_liv = ""goats"")","NA",uuid:f86933a5-12b8-4427-b821-43c5b039401d,no,"NA","NA",yes,1,"NA",muddaub,2,list(),"c(""Nov"", ""Dec"")","Compra alimentos
Compra vestuários
Compra material escolar",3,yes,no,2017-04-09T22:21:08.000Z,no,no,1,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = ""furrows"", E08_crops = list(c(""maize"", ""tomatoes"")), E09_irr_manager = list(""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = NA, E14_access_other = NA, E08_crops_other = NA, E13_plot_loc = ""near"", E16_amount_pay = NA, E15_duration = NA, E07_bring = ""yes"", E14_access = ""purchased"", E11_water_fields = ""canal_gravity"", E10_water_source = ""canal"", E06_plot_no = 1)",2016-11-16,no,2017-04-09T22:08:07.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(c(""maize"", ""tomatoes"")), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 3, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""2"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 2, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 800, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 5, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"",
D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 9, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1200), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Aug"",
D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 500, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 20, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 950, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 1220, D12_harvst_amount = 20, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA,
D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1200)), D_curr_crop = c(""maize"", ""tomatoes""), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D05_times = c(1, 1))), D03_unit_land_other = NA)","list(F01_item = c(""Construiu a sua moradia"", ""Pagou despesas escolares dos filhos""), F03_year = c(2015, 2003), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",1,goats,4,no,more_once,"c(""bicycle"", ""radio"", ""solar_torch"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,no,none,12,no,NA,NULL,NA,69,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_4"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_3"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(52, 14, 10, 3), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""widow/er"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA),
B_memb_no = 1:4, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,8,yes,village1,grass,708,33.48340465,no,12,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513321
Longetude: 7907156
Altitude: 740m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.11216693,list(),"NA",no,4
2,no,ward2,yes,yes,25,3,"list(F11_no_owned = c(1, 2, 2, 15), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"", ""poultry""))","NA",uuid:1feb0108-4599-4bf9-8a07-1f5e66a50a0a,no,"NA","NA",no,3,"NA",burntbricks,2,list(),"c(""Aug"", ""Sept"")","Compra de produtos alimentÃcios
Compra de vestuários
Pagamento de despesas escolares",2,yes,no,2017-04-09T22:40:57.000Z,no,no,3,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows"", ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, ""maize"", ""maize""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, ""du_head"", ""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near"", ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""inherited"", ""inherited""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA,
""canal"", ""canal""), E06_plot_no = 1:3)",2016-11-16,no,2017-04-09T22:21:23.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""maize"", ""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1:3, D02_total_plot = c(8, 14, 0.2), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Feb"", D08_land_planted = 8, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 800, D19_pesticide = NA,
D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 5, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 10, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA), list(
D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 5, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"",
D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = c(""maize"", NA), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D05_times = c(1, 1)), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 0.2, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"",
D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 10, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"",
D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 0.2, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA,
D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 5, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Construiu uma casa"", ""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino"", ""Pagou despesas escolares dos filhos""), F03_year = c(2013, 2002, 2014), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",4,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"", ""poultry"")",8,no,more_once,"c(""cow_cart"", ""bicycle"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,no,none,20,yes,NA,NULL,NA,70,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_2"", ""pri_4"", ""sec_1"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_3"", ""sec_1"", ""sec_3"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(42, 35, 17, 12, 9, 14, 19, 5), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"",
""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:8, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,8,yes,village1,mabatipitched,707,33.48341471,no,20,no,yes,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513536
Longetude: 7908272
Altitude: 752m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.11217415,list(),"NA",no,8
1,yes,ward2,yes,yes,14,2,"list(F11_no_owned = c(1, 5, 3), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""goats"", ""poultry""))","NA",uuid:761f9c49-ec93-4932-ba4c-cc7b78dfcef1,yes,"NA","NA",no,2,"NA",burntbricks,1,list(),"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")","Compra produtos alimentÃcios
Compra mobiliário
Compra animais",2,yes,no,2017-04-09T15:19:22.000Z,no,no,2,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, ""tomatoes""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, ""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""purchased""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""canal""), E06_plot_no = 1:2)",2016-11-18,no,2017-04-09T15:00:19.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""tomatoes""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(4, 4), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 4, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 700, D12_harvst_amount = 6, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(
list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Aug"", D08_land_planted = 2, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 50, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 80, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 700, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 700,
D12_harvst_amount = 80, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou cabeças de gado caprino"", ""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino""), F03_year = c(2013, 2015), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",3,"c(""oxen"", ""goats"", ""poultry"")",6,no,more_once,"c(""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,yes,"c(""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")",12,yes,NA,NULL,no,71,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_6"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_1"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(24, 21, 8, 6, 4, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"",
""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:6, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,4,yes,village3,grass,696,33.48332601,yes,1,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0512715
Longetude: 7905421
Altitude: 702.4m","NA",yes,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""limit_variety"", ""limit_portion"", ""reduce_meals"", ""restrict_adults"", ""borrow_food"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11220603,list(),"NA",no,6
8,no,ward2,no,no,18,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = 5, F_curr_liv = ""pigs"")","NA",uuid:f6d04b41-b539-4e00-868a-0f62b427587d,no,"NA","NA",no,1,"NA",burntbricks,3,list(),NULL,NA,2,NA,NA,2017-04-09T05:27:41.000Z,no,NA,1,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-16,no,2017-04-09T05:16:06.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 1, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""1"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1000, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 2, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"",
D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 300, D12_harvst_amount = 10, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = NA)","list(F01_item = c(""Compra vestuários"", ""Construiu uma casa""), F03_year = c(2016, 2010), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",1,pigs,4,no,NA,mobile_phone,NA,no,"c(""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"")",10,no,1,NULL,NA,127,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_7"", ""pri_7"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(28, 21, 2, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA,
NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:4, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,8,NA,village1,grass,676,33.48341359,NA,"NA",NA,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 9512764
Longetude: 7907961
Altitude: 728m","NA",yes,"c(""borrow_food"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11221396,"list(E04_res_water_field = ""land_far"", E03_crops = list(""maize""), E04_res_water_field_other = NA, E05_tried_access = ""yes_no_land_chied"", E05_tried_access_other = NA, E02_plot_no = 1)","NA",no,4
2,no,ward2,yes,no,25,1,"list(F11_no_owned = c(10, 26, 2, 3, 5), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"", ""sheep"", ""poultry""))","NA",uuid:429d279a-a519-4dcc-9f64-4673b0fd5d53,no,"NA","NA",yes,1,"NA",burntbricks,1,"list(B13_remitter_location_village = ""Maputo"", B15_remitter_location_region_other = NA, B15_remitter_location_region = ""maputo"", B14_remitter_location_district = ""Maputo"", B12_remittance_money_type = ""Negociante"")",Nov,"Compra de produtos alimentÃcios, utensÃlios domésticos e pagamento de despesas escolares dos filhos",3,yes,no,2017-04-09T05:43:51.000Z,no,no,1,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = ""furrows"", E08_crops = list(c(""maize"", ""vegetable"", ""peanut"")), E09_irr_manager = list(""other_non_rel""), E09_irr_manager_other = NA, E14_access_other = NA, E08_crops_other = NA, E13_plot_loc = ""near"", E16_amount_pay = NA, E15_duration = NA, E07_bring = ""yes"", E14_access = ""purchased"", E11_water_fields = ""canal_gravity"", E10_water_source = ""canal"", E06_plot_no = 1)",2016-11-23,yes,2017-04-09T05:27:46.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(c(""maize"", ""vegetable"", ""peanut"")), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 8, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""3"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""July"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"",
D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 2800, D12_harvst_amount = 30, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA), list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""July"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""kg"",
D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 2, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(
""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""other_non_rel""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Jan"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 800, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 4, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 150, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""yes"", D21_cost_labour = 150,
D17_cost_seed = 160, D12_harvst_amount = 4, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 250)), D_curr_crop = c(""maize"", ""vegetable"", ""peanut""), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D05_times = c(1, 1, 1))), D03_unit_land_other = NA)","list(F01_item = c(""Compra de mobiliário da casa"", ""Compra de utensÃlios domésticos""), F03_year = 2015:2016, F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",5,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"", ""sheep"", ""poultry"")",5,no,never,"c(""cow_cart"", ""car"", ""lorry"", ""motorcyle"", ""bicycle"", ""television"", ""sterio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""solar_torch"", ""electricity"", ""table"", ""sofa_set"", ""mobile_phone"", ""fridge"")",abt_half,no,"c(""Jan"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")",2,yes,NA,NULL,NA,133,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_7"", ""sec_5"", ""pri_2"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(25, 43, 7, 3, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""Spouse"", ""head"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Occasional"", ""Occasional"", ""Occasional"", ""Occasional"", ""Occasional""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_business"", ""salar_job"", ""na"", ""na"",
""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:5, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_business""), ""salar_job"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,2099.999,yes,village3,mabatisloping,0,33.4777622,no,2,no,yes,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0512450
Longetude: 7910525
Altitude: 719m","NA",no,na,"NA",-19.1041288,list(),"NA",no,5
1,yes,ward2,yes,no,16,2,"list(F11_no_owned = c(2, 8, 4), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:59738c17-1cda-49ee-a563-acd76f6bc487,no,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",burntbricks,3,list(),"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")",Compra produtos alimentÃcios e produtos de higiene e produtos para a sua barraca.,3,yes,no,2017-04-09T06:16:11.000Z,no,no,2,NULL,district1,cement,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, c(""tomatoes"", ""vegetable"", ""green_beans"")), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""allocated_cus_aut""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""canal""), E06_plot_no = 1:2)",2016-11-24,no,2017-04-09T05:47:31.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(c(""maize"", ""sorghum""), c(""beans"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable"")), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(12, 2), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""2"", ""3""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 6, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"",
D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 24, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA), list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"",
D06_mnth_harvest = ""July"", D08_land_planted = 6, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 11, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA,
D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = c(""maize"", ""sorghum""), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D05_times = c(1, 1)), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Apr"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""kg"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 33, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 30, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 100, D12_harvst_amount = 30, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 970), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""du"",
D06_mnth_harvest = ""July"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 100, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 25, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 550, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 25, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(
""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 970), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 800, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 7, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA,
D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 550, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 350, D12_harvst_amount = 7, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 800)), D_curr_crop = c(""beans"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable""), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D05_times = c(1,
1, 1))), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou Bicicleta"", ""Comprou cabeças de gado caprino"", ""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino"", ""Comprou tracção animal"", ""Comprou motorizada""), F03_year = c(2008, 2006, 2009, 2005, 2011), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente de venda de carvão vegetal"", ""Renda proveniente da venda de gado bovino""))",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"")",10,yes,once,"c(""motorcyle"", ""bicycle"", ""radio"", ""sterio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""mobile_phone"")",abt_half,yes,none,15,no,NA,NULL,no,152,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_7"", ""none"", ""none"", ""sec_2"", ""sec_1"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_2"", ""pri_2"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(44, 44, 62, 18, 16, 12, 11, 9, 9, 5), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""widow/er"", ""single"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""parent"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"",
""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""other"", c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(""Da banho animal"", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:10, B08_interviewee_activities = list(
c(""small_scale_farm"", ""other""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(""Da banho os animais em Ruaca"", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,11,yes,village3,grass,702,33.48344669,yes,16,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0512597
Longetude: 7909952
Altitude: 717.7m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.1121034,list(),"NA",no,10
1,yes,ward2,no,yes,41,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = 5, F_curr_liv = ""goats"")","NA",uuid:7e7961ca-fa1c-4567-9bfa-a02f876e4e03,yes,"NA","NA",yes,1,"NA",burntbricks,1,list(),NULL,NA,2,NA,NA,2017-04-09T06:28:48.000Z,no,NA,1,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-24,no,2017-04-09T06:16:49.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 1, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""1"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA,
D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 25, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = NA)",list(),1,goats,5,no,NA,NULL,NA,yes,"c(""Oct"", ""Nov"")",41,yes,1,NULL,NA,153,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""none"", ""none"", ""none"", ""pri_1"", ""pri_3""), B05_memb_age = c(65, 44, 41, 10, 18), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Spouse"", ""Grandchild"", ""Grandchild""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""
), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""small_scale_farm""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:5, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""small_scale_farm""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,12,NA,village3,grass,691,33.48345393,NA,"NA",NA,no,"Esta famÃlia para suprir as suas despesas tem feito ganho-ganho nas machambas dos vizinhos.
Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0512642
Longetude: 7910166
Altitude: 725.5m","NA",no,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""limit_variety"", ""limit_portion"", ""reduce_meals"", ""no_food"", ""day_night_hungry"")","NA",-19.11223572,"list(E04_res_water_field = ""no_need"", E03_crops = list(""maize""), E04_res_water_field_other = NA, E05_tried_access = ""yes_no_land_chied"", E05_tried_access_other = NA, E02_plot_no = 1)","NA",no,5
1,no,ward2,no,no,4,NA,list(),"NA",uuid:77b3021b-a9d6-4276-aaeb-5bfcfd413852,no,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",burntbricks,2,list(),NULL,NA,2,NA,NA,2017-04-09T06:48:01.000Z,no,NA,2,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-24,no,2017-04-09T06:35:16.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""other""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(2, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, ""Ananás""), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 2, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 1, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(
list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""other"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 15, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = 500, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 500,
D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = ""Unidades"", D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""other"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou terra para construção de habitação"", ""Construiu sua morada""), F03_year = c(2015, 2015), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",1,none,4,no,NA,electricity,NA,no,"c(""Jan"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"", ""Dec"")",5,no,2,NULL,NA,155,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_5"", ""none"", ""pri_1"", ""pri_1""), B05_memb_age = c(36, 25, 9, 6), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA),
B_memb_no = 1:4, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,13,NA,village2,grass,713,33.48342364,NA,"NA",NA,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0511036
Longetude: 7908797
Altitude: 632.9m","NA",no,"c(""limit_variety"", ""reduce_meals"", ""borrow_food"", ""go_forest"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11220708,"list(E04_res_water_field = c(""land_far"", ""land_far""), E03_crops = list(""maize"", ""maize""), E04_res_water_field_other = c(NA, NA), E05_tried_access = c(""yes_no_land_chied"", ""yes_no_land_chied""), E05_tried_access_other = c(NA, NA), E02_plot_no = 1:2)","NA",yes,4
2,yes,ward2,yes,yes,79,3,"list(F11_no_owned = c(1, 1, 3), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:2186e2ec-f65a-47cc-9bc1-a0f36dd9591c,no,"NA","NA",no,3,"NA",burntbricks,1,list(),"c(""Oct"", ""Nov"")","Faz despesas da casa, tais como compra de produtos alimentÃcios e de higiene.",3,yes,no,2017-04-09T07:14:16.000Z,no,no,3,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows"", NA), E08_crops = list(NULL, c(""beans"", ""vegetable""), NULL), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, c(""du_head"", ""spouse""), NULL), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""far"", NA), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes"", ""no""), E14_access = c(NA, ""inherited"", NA), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity"", NA), E10_water_source = c(NA,
""canal"", NA), E06_plot_no = 1:3)",2016-11-25,no,2017-04-09T06:54:49.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", c(""beans"", ""vegetable""), ""maize""), D01_curr_plot = c(3, 2, 3), D02_total_plot = c(4, 1, 2), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""2"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 3, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 924, D19_pesticide = NA,
D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 14, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 19, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)),
D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""tins"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 25, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 10, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"",
D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 466, D12_harvst_amount = 1, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Apr"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 800, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"",
D24_amnt_sold = 2, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 2, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = c(""beans"",
""vegetable""), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D05_times = c(1, 1)), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 2, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"",
D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 6, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Construiu a sua moradia, comprou cabeças de gado caprino"", ""Comprou tracção animal""), F03_year = c(2015, 2000), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"")",5,no,frequently,"c(""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""mobile_phone"")",abt_half,yes,none,20,yes,NA,NULL,yes,178,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_2"", ""pri_2"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_5""), B05_memb_age = c(79, 35, 15, 10, 14), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""),
B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:5, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,50,yes,village3,mabatisloping,714,33.48355586,yes,20,no,yes,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0514617
Longetude: 7911305
Altitude: 735.0m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.1123581,list(),"NA",yes,5
1,no,ward2,yes,no,13,2,"list(F11_no_owned = c(1, 1), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows""))","NA",uuid:87998c33-c8d2-49ec-9dae-c123735957ec,no,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",sunbricks,2,list(),"c(""Oct"", ""Nov"")","Compra produtos alimentÃcios
Compra produtos de higiene",3,yes,no,2017-04-09T08:22:34.000Z,no,no,2,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, c(""tomatoes"", ""onion"", ""vegetable"")), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, ""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""far""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""allocated_cus_aut""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""canal""), E06_plot_no = 1:2)",2016-11-25,no,2017-04-09T07:59:49.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(c(""tomatoes"", ""onion"", ""vegetable""), ""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(2.5, 4.8), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""3"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Sept"", D08_land_planted = 1.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 500, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"",
D24_amnt_sold = 17, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 525, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 400, D12_harvst_amount = 17, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(c(""paid_fertilizer"", ""own_manure"")), D14_cost_fert = 800),
list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Nov"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 450, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 16, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 525, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 1680, D12_harvst_amount = 16,
D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(c(""paid_fertilizer"", ""own_manure"")), D14_cost_fert = 1600), list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Oct"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"",
D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 300, D12_harvst_amount = 1, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(c(""paid_fertilizer"", ""own_manure"")), D14_cost_fert = 1600)), D_curr_crop = c(""tomatoes"", ""onion"", ""vegetable""), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"",
""1"", ""1""), D05_times = c(1, 1, 1)), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Aug"", D08_land_planted = 4.8, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA,
D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 20, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou planta"", ""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino"", ""Comprou motorizada""), F03_year = c(2006, 2015, 2013), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",2,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"")",10,no,more_once,"c(""motorcyle"", ""television"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,no,Nov,11,no,NA,NULL,NA,177,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_1"", ""pri_1"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_6"", ""sec_1"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_3"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(47, 40, 22, 16, 14, 11, 10, 6, 3, 1), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""other"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"",
""Child"", ""Child"", ""Grandchild""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""comm_farming"", ""comm_farming"", c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:10, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"",
""comm_farming""), c(""housework"", ""comm_farming""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, ""Nora"", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,9,no,village2,grass,713,33.48349493,no,11,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513690
Longetude: 790812
Altitude: 755m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.1120537,list(),"NA",yes,10
1,yes,ward2,yes,yes,50,2,"list(F11_no_owned = 3:5, F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:ece89122-ea99-4378-b67e-a170127ec4e6,yes,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",muddaub,1,list(),"c(""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")",Gasta com as despesas diarias da casa,3,yes,no,2017-04-09T08:42:02.000Z,no,no,2,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, c(""tomatoes"", ""vegetable"")), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, ""child""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""inherited""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""canal""), E06_plot_no = 1:2)",2016-11-25,no,2017-04-09T08:23:05.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(c(""maize"", ""sorghum""), ""tomatoes""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(6, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""2"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 6, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 10, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA), list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""July"", D08_land_planted = 6,
D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 5, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"",
D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = c(""maize"", ""sorghum""), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D05_times = c(1, 1)), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""child""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Aug"", D08_land_planted = 0.3, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 450, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 45, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA,
D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 500, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 1200, D12_harvst_amount = 45, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1600)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino e caprino"", ""Comprou aves""), F03_year = c(2002, 2009), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"")",7,no,never,"c(""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"")",abt_half,yes,"c(""Oct"", ""Nov"")",4,yes,NA,NULL,NA,180,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_7"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_2""), B05_memb_age = c(20, 50, 44, 18, 16, 12, 10), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""single"", ""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""Child"", ""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Occasional"", ""Occasional"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"",
""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""comm_farming"", ""small_business""), c(""housework"", ""comm_farming""), ""comm_farming"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:7, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_business""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,4,yes,village3,grass,701,33.48346659,no,4,no,yes,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0515370
Longetude: 7911583
Altitude: 790","NA",no,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""reduce_meals"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11204921,list(),"NA",no,7
2,yes,ward2,yes,no,25,1,"list(F11_no_owned = c(3, 3, 6), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:bf373763-dca5-4906-901b-d1bacb4f0286,no,"NA","NA",yes,1,"NA",sunbricks,4,list(),"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"")","Compra produtos alimentÃcios
Compra vestuários
Compra insumos agrÃcolas",3,yes,no,2017-04-09T09:07:48.000Z,yes,no,1,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = ""furrows"", E08_crops = list(c(""maize"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable"")), E09_irr_manager = list(""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = NA, E14_access_other = NA, E08_crops_other = NA, E13_plot_loc = ""near"", E16_amount_pay = NA, E15_duration = NA, E07_bring = ""yes"", E14_access = ""inherited"", E11_water_fields = ""canal_gravity"", E10_water_source = ""canal"", E06_plot_no = 1)",2016-11-25,no,2017-04-09T08:43:08.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(c(""maize"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable"")), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 3, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""3"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Mar"", D08_land_planted = 1.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1000, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 5, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 20, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"",
D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 600, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 20, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 1000, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 1220, D12_harvst_amount = 20, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(
""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1200), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""July"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1000, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 3, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA,
D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 550, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 880, D12_harvst_amount = 5, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1600)), D_curr_crop = c(""maize"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable""), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D05_times = c(1,
1, 1))), D03_unit_land_other = NA)","list(F01_item = c(""Construiu uma casa"", ""Pagou despesas escolares dos filhos"", ""Comprou chapas de cobertura"", ""Compra de insumos agrÃcolas e terra para aumentar a produção""), F03_year = c(2015, 2012, 2013, 2010), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"")",11,no,more_once,"c(""cow_cart"", ""motorcyle"", ""bicycle"", ""television"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,yes,none,20,no,NA,NULL,no,181,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_1"", ""sec_5"", ""sec_3"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_1"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""sec_3"", ""pri_4""), B05_memb_age = c(39, 21, 14, 12, 9, 7, 4, 2, 1, 19, 60), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""unmarried"", ""married""), B03_relationship_du = c(""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"",
""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""other"", ""head""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", c(""comm_business"", ""na""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:11, B08_interviewee_activities = list(
""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, ""Nora"", NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,5,yes,village2,mabatipitched,701,33.48351086,yes,23,no,yes,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0514863
Longetude: 7907129
Altitude: 877m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.11207501,list(),"NA",no,11
3,no,ward2,yes,no,21,1,"list(F11_no_owned = 1:2, F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows""))","NA",uuid:394033e8-a6e2-4e39-bfac-458753a1ed78,no,"NA","NA",yes,1,"NA",muddaub,2,list(),"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")","Compra vestuários para a famÃlia
Compra produtos alimentÃcios
Compra insumos agrÃcolas",3,yes,no,2017-04-09T09:34:12.000Z,no,no,1,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = ""furrows"", E08_crops = list(c(""maize"", ""beans"", ""pumpkins"", ""bananas"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable"")), E09_irr_manager = list(""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = NA, E14_access_other = NA, E08_crops_other = NA, E13_plot_loc = ""near"", E16_amount_pay = NA, E15_duration = NA, E07_bring = ""yes"", E14_access = ""allocated_cus_aut"", E11_water_fields = ""canal_gravity"", E10_water_source = ""canal"", E06_plot_no = 1)",2016-11-25,no,2017-04-09T09:08:04.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(c(""maize"", ""beans"", ""bananas"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable"")), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 5, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""5"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 7, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Feb"", D08_land_planted = 0.5,
D11_harvst_unit = ""tins"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1000, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 2, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 550, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 300, D12_harvst_amount = 2, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA,
D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1200), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Aug"", D08_land_planted = 1.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""other"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 75, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 25, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"",
D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 25, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = ""Unidades"", D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 250, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"",
D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 8, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 550, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 1200, D12_harvst_amount = 8, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1600),
list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""July"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 800, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 2, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 920, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 450, D12_harvst_amount = 2,
D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1600)), D_curr_crop = c(""maize"", ""beans"", ""bananas"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable""), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D05_times = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1))), D03_unit_land_other = NA)","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou chapas de zinco para cobertura da sua casa"", ""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino para lobolo"", ""Comprou uma machamba""), F03_year = c(2015, 2015, 2013), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",2,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"")",7,no,more_once,solar_panel,more_half,no,"c(""Jan"", ""Feb"", ""Nov"", ""Dec"")",20,no,NA,NULL,NA,182,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_2"", ""none"", ""sec_3"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_3"", ""none"", ""pri_2""), B05_memb_age = c(74, 58, 21, 15, 9, 13, 8), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Grandchild"", ""Grandchild"", ""Grandchild"", ""Grandchild""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Holidays"", ""Always"", ""Always"",
""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""comm_farming"", ""comm_farming"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:7, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""comm_farming"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""na"", ""other""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, ""Estudante"", NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,4,yes,village2,mabatipitched,694,33.48345447,no,20,no,yes,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0514625
Longetude: 7907812
Altitude: 897m","NA",no,na,"NA",-19.11204151,list(),"NA",no,7
1,yes,ward1,yes,no,24,1,"list(F11_no_owned = 1:2, F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows""))","NA",uuid:268bfd97-991c-473f-bd51-bc80676c65c6,no,"NA","NA",no,1,"NA",muddaub,1,list(),"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"")",Faz despesas da casa,3,yes,no,2017-04-09T15:46:14.000Z,no,no,1,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = ""furrows"", E08_crops = list(c(""maize"", ""beans"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable"")), E09_irr_manager = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"", ""child"", ""parent"")), E09_irr_manager_other = NA, E14_access_other = NA, E08_crops_other = NA, E13_plot_loc = ""near"", E16_amount_pay = NA, E15_duration = NA, E07_bring = ""yes"", E14_access = ""inherited"", E11_water_fields = ""canal_gravity"", E10_water_source = ""canal"", E06_plot_no = 1)",2016-11-28,no,2017-04-09T15:20:26.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(c(""maize"", ""beans"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable"")), D01_curr_plot = 1, D02_total_plot = 2, D03_unit_land = ""hactare"", D_crops_count = ""4"", D04_crops_harvsted_other = NA, D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Mar"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"",
D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 30, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""parent"")), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Feb"", D08_land_planted = 0.2,
D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1400, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 3, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 550, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 3, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA,
D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1500), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""parent"")), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Apr"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 600, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 150, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 550,
D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 1200, D12_harvst_amount = 150, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1500), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""parent"")), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 0.2, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA,
D25_price = 1000, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 10, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 550, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 880, D12_harvst_amount = 10, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(
""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1500)), D_curr_crop = c(""maize"", ""beans"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable""), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D05_times = c(1, 1, 1, 1))), D03_unit_land_other = NA)","list(F01_item = c(""Construiu uma casa"", ""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino bovino""), F03_year = c(2013, 2003), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",2,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"")",7,no,more_once,"c(""cow_plough"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,yes,none,24,no,NA,NULL,NA,186,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_2"", ""pri_2"", ""pri_3"", ""sec_2"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(60, 80, 20, 19, 4, 15, 3), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""widow/er"", ""widow/er"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""unmarried""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""parent"", ""other"", ""Child"", ""other"", ""other"", ""other""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""),
B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:7, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, ""Irmão"", NA, ""Sobrinho"", ""Sobrinho"", ""Sobrinho""), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,10,yes,village2,grass,690,33.48346266,no,21,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0514053
Longetude: 7907939
Altitude: 786","NA",no,na,"NA",-19.11232028,list(),"NA",no,7
2,no,ward2,yes,no,43,2,"list(F11_no_owned = c(3, 5, 3, 6), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"", ""poultry""))","NA",uuid:0a42c9ee-a840-4dda-8123-15c1bede5dfc,yes,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",muddaub,3,list(),"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")","Compra vestuários
Compra insumos agrÃcolas
Paga despesas escolares para os filhos",3,yes,no,2017-04-09T16:12:46.000Z,no,no,2,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, c(""beans"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable"")), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, ""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""inherited""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""canal""), E06_plot_no = 1:2)",2016-11-28,no,2017-04-09T15:48:14.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(c(""beans"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable""), ""maize""), D01_curr_plot = c(1, 1), D02_total_plot = c(3, 2), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""3"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Feb"", D08_land_planted = 0.2, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1400, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"",
D24_amnt_sold = 6, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 920, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 7, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1200), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(
""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 400, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 200, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 550, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 200, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"",
D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1200), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Jan"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1000, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 8, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA,
D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 550, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 8, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1600)), D_curr_crop = c(""beans"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable""), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D05_times = c(1,
1, 1)), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Mar"", D08_land_planted = 2, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 35,
D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Compra de materiais de construção"", ""Comprou painel solar"", ""Comprou bicicleta""), F03_year = c(2014, 2015, 2014), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",4,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"", ""poultry"")",5,no,more_once,"c(""cow_cart"", ""motorcyle"", ""bicycle"", ""television"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""solar_torch"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,yes,none,1,no,NA,NULL,no,187,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_4"", ""pri_6"", ""sec_5"", ""sec_1"", ""pri_3""), B05_memb_age = c(43, 60, 24, 18, 10), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""other"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Occasional"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""comm_farming"", ""comm_farming"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""),
B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:5, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""comm_farming"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, ""Esposo"", NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,13,yes,village2,grass,691,33.48349248,yes,24,no,yes,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0514559
Longetude: 7907153
Altitude: 874m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.1122345,list(),"NA",no,5
1,no,ward2,yes,yes,48,3,"list(F11_no_owned = c(2, 3, 13), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""poultry""))","NA",uuid:2c132929-9c8f-450a-81ff-367360ce2c19,no,"NA","NA",no,3,"NA",burntbricks,3,list(),"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")","Compra de produtos alimentÃcios
Pagamento de despesas escolares e de casa",2,yes,no,2017-04-09T16:35:24.000Z,no,no,3,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows"", ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, ""tomatoes"", ""beans""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, ""du_head"", ""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""far"", ""far""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""purchased"", ""purchased""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA,
""canal"", ""canal""), E06_plot_no = 1:3)",2016-11-28,no,2017-04-09T16:13:19.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""tomatoes"", ""beans""), D01_curr_plot = 1:3, D02_total_plot = c(2, 0.5, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 900, D19_pesticide = NA,
D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 7, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 480, D12_harvst_amount = 17, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)),
D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Aug"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""kg"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 80, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 120, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA,
D18_cost_pestcd = 1200, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 170, D12_harvst_amount = 120, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"",
D06_mnth_harvest = ""Mar"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1000, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 9, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 12, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""),
D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""beans"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou tracção animal"", ""Comprou painel solar \nComprou bicicleta"", ""Construiu uma casa para si""), F03_year = c(2015, 2015, 2016), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""poultry"")",5,no,never,"c(""cow_cart"", ""bicycle"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_torch"")",more_half,yes,"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")",7,no,NA,NULL,NA,195,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_5"", ""pri_7"", ""sec_1"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_5""), B05_memb_age = c(30, 48, 18, 15, 13), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""Spouse"", ""Spouse"", ""other"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"",
""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:5, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, ""Sobrinho"", NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,9,yes,village2,grass,706,33.48342104,no,5,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0514331
Longetude: 7907286
Altitude: 832m","NA",yes,lab_ex_food,"NA",-19.11220559,list(),"NA",yes,5
2,yes,ward2,yes,yes,49,2,"list(F11_no_owned = c(2, 4, 2), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:44e427d1-a448-4bf2-b529-7d67b2266c06,yes,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",burntbricks,2,list(),"c(""Oct"", ""Nov"")","Compra de produtos da primeira necessidade
Compra de produtos de higiene
Pagamento de despesas escolares dos filhos",3,yes,no,2017-04-09T18:31:40.000Z,no,no,2,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, c(""tomatoes"", ""vegetable"")), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, c(""du_head"", ""child"")), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""far""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""inherited""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""canal""), E06_plot_no = 1:2)",2016-11-28,no,2017-04-09T18:00:41.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", c(""tomatoes"", ""vegetable"")), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(6, 1.5), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""2""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 2, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 20, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(
list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Nov"", D08_land_planted = 0.3, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 700, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 11, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 550, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 11,
D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 410), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Oct"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 800, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 3, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"",
D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 550, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 3, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 410)), D_curr_crop = c(""tomatoes"", ""vegetable""), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1""
), D05_times = c(1, 1))), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino"", ""Comprou tracção animal"", ""Construiu uma casa""), F03_year = c(2005, 2006, 2013), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"")",7,no,more_once,"c(""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,yes,none,21,no,NA,NULL,no,196,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_7"", ""sec_1"", ""pri_2"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_7""), B05_memb_age = c(49, 16, 21, 15, 14, 13, 12), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""widow/er"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Holidays"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""
), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:7, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,10,yes,village2,mabatisloping,694,33.48340018,yes,21,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513866
Longetude: 7908696
Altitude: 733m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.11220357,list(),"NA",no,7
2,no,ward2,yes,yes,19,2,"list(F11_no_owned = c(4, 9, 2), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:85c99fd2-775f-40c9-8654-68223f59d091,no,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",burntbricks,1,"list(B13_remitter_location_village = ""Macate"", B15_remitter_location_region_other = NA, B15_remitter_location_region = ""manica"", B14_remitter_location_district = ""Manica"", B12_remittance_money_type = ""Pedreiro"")","c(""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")","Paga despesas de casa
Compra produtos para a sua barraca",2,yes,no,2017-04-09T19:14:52.000Z,yes,no,2,NULL,district1,cement,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, c(""beans"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable"")), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, c(""du_head"", ""child"")), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""far""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""inherited""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""canal""), E06_plot_no = 1:2)",2016-11-28,yes,2017-04-09T18:32:09.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", c(""beans"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable"")), D01_curr_plot = c(1, NA), D02_total_plot = c(6.5, 3), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""3""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = c(NA, NA), D10_who_own = c(""du"", ""du""), D06_mnth_harvest = c(""Aug"", ""May""), D08_land_planted = c(4, 1), D11_harvst_unit = c(""tins"", ""tins""), D19_pesticide_other = c(NA, NA), D25_price = c(NA, NA
), D19_pesticide = c(NA, NA), D07_ploughing_typ = c(""ox"", ""ox""), D24_amnt_sold = c(NA, NA), D10_who_own_other = c(NA, NA), D_use_pest = c(""no"", ""no""), D26_who_sell_harv_other = c(NA, NA), D15_cost_manu = c(NA, NA), D07_ploughing_typ_other = c(NA, NA), D18_cost_pestcd = c(NA, NA), D22_sell = c(""no"", ""no""), D20_paid_labour = c(""no"", ""no""), D21_cost_labour = c(NA, NA), D17_cost_seed = c(NA, NA), D12_harvst_amount = c(5, 1), D16_imprv_seed = c(""no"", ""no""), D23_where_sold = c(NA, NA), D11_harvst_unit_other = c(NA,
NA), D09_land_ownshp_other = c(NA, NA), D09_land_ownshp = c(""owned"", ""owned""), D13_fertilizer = list(""none"", ""none""), D14_cost_fert = c(NA, NA))), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Feb"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""kg"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 54, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 5, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""yes"", D21_cost_labour = 1000, D17_cost_seed = 250, D12_harvst_amount = 15, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1500), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")),
D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Feb"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 200, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 27, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 550, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 1200, D12_harvst_amount = 27, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"",
D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1500), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Jan"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 800, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 2, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA,
D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 550, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 300, D12_harvst_amount = 2, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1500)), D_curr_crop = c(""beans"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable""), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D05_times = c(1,
1, 1))), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino"", ""Construiu uma barraca\nComprou tracção animal"", ""Construiu uma casa para a famÃlia"", ""Comprou cabeças de gado caprino""), F03_year = c(2016, 2015, 2008, 2016), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"")",5,yes,more_once,"c(""bicycle"", ""television"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_torch"", ""table"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,yes,Nov,11,no,NA,NULL,NA,197,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_6"", ""pri_5"", ""na"", ""pri_3"", ""sec_1""), B05_memb_age = c(25, 22, 3, 8, 18), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""unmarried"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""other"", ""other""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""comm_farming"", ""na"",
""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:5, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, ""Prima"", ""Prima""), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,11,yes,village2,mabatisloping,714,33.4833828,no,11,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513774
Longetude: 7908629
Altitude: 765m","NA",no,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""limit_variety"", ""reduce_meals"")","NA",-19.11218716,list(),"NA",yes,5
1,no,ward2,yes,no,49,2,list(),"NA",uuid:28c64954-739c-444c-a6e0-355878e471c8,no,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",burntbricks,1,list(),"c(""Jan"", ""Dec"")",Paga despesas da casa,3,yes,no,2017-04-09T19:27:56.000Z,no,no,2,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, NA), E08_crops = c(NA, NA), E09_irr_manager = c(NA, NA), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, NA), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""no""), E14_access = c(NA, NA), E11_water_fields = c(NA, NA), E10_water_source = c(NA, NA), E06_plot_no = 1:2)",2016-11-28,no,2017-04-09T19:15:21.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""other""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(2, 1), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, ""Madumbe""), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""tins"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 2, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(
list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 1, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"",
D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""own_manure""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""other"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = ""Construiu uma casa"", F03_year = 2015, F02_source_income = ""Renda proveniente da produção"")",1,none,3,no,never,NULL,less_half,no,Nov,11,no,NA,NULL,NA,198,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""none"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_1""), B05_memb_age = c(51, 63, 36), B02_memb_gender = c(""female"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""Spouse"", ""head"", ""other""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""small_scale_farm"", ""artisan""), ""small_scale_farm""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:3, B08_interviewee_activities = list(
c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""artisan""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"")), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, ""Empregado""), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA))",province1,7,yes,village2,grass,716,33.48338774,no,11,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513780
Longetude: 7908261
Altitude: 762m","NA",no,"c(""reduce_meals"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11212338,list(),"NA",yes,3
2,yes,ward2,no,yes,6,NA,"list(F11_no_owned = c(4, 6), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows""))","NA",uuid:9e79a31c-3ea5-44f0-80f9-a32db49422e3,yes,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",muddaub,1,list(),NULL,NA,2,NA,NA,2017-04-09T19:45:38.000Z,no,NA,2,NULL,district1,earth,list(),2016-11-21,no,2017-04-09T19:31:47.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""maize""), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(6, 2), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Feb"", D08_land_planted = 6, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 600, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 10,
D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""yes"", D21_cost_labour = 200, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 20, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""main_road""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"",
D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Feb"", D08_land_planted = 2, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""yes"", D21_cost_labour = 200,
D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 6, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou bicicleta"", ""Comprou aparelho sonora""), F03_year = c(2004, 2004), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",2,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"")",4,no,NA,"c(""bicycle"", ""radio"", ""solar_torch"", ""mobile_phone"")",NA,yes,"c(""Oct"", ""Nov"", ""Dec"")",6,yes,2,NULL,NA,201,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_7"", ""pri_5"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(24, 17, 4, 2), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA),
B_memb_no = 1:4, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,10,NA,village2,grass,685,33.48338504,NA,"NA",NA,no,"Este questionário não tem cordenadas geográficas, porque usou se o tablet para tirar depois da entrevista e nao se registou.","NA",yes,"c(""borrow_food"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11217226,"list(E04_res_water_field = c(""land_far"", ""land_far""), E03_crops = list(""maize"", ""maize""), E04_res_water_field_other = c(NA, NA), E05_tried_access = c(""no"", ""no""), E05_tried_access_other = c(NA, NA), E02_plot_no = 1:2)","NA",no,4
4,no,ward2,yes,no,12,2,"list(F11_no_owned = c(4, 5, 3), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:06d39051-38ef-4757-b68b-3327b1f16b9d,no,"NA","NA",yes,2,"NA",burntbricks,2,list(),"c(""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"", ""Dec"")","Compra produtos alimentÃcios
Compra vestuários
Paga despesas escolares dos filhos",3,yes,no,2017-04-09T20:08:15.000Z,no,no,2,NULL,district1,cement,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, c(""bananas"", ""tomatoes"")), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, ""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""middle""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, 1000), E15_duration = c(NA, ""month""), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""rented""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""canal""), E06_plot_no = c(1, 1))",2016-11-17,no,2017-04-09T19:48:09.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""tomatoes""), D01_curr_plot = c(1, 3), D02_total_plot = c(3, 0.5), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 2.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA,
D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 18, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1),
list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Aug"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 200, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""hand_hoe"", D24_amnt_sold = 120, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 600, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA,
D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 120, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1450)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino"", ""Construiu uma casa"", ""Comprou charua"", ""Comprou pulverizador""), F03_year = c(2002, 2008, 2008, 2009), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola"", ""Renda proveniente da produção agrÃcola""))",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"")",12,no,more_once,"c(""cow_cart"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""solar_torch"", ""table"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,no,"c(""Jan"", ""Feb"", ""Mar"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"", ""Dec"")",12,yes,NA,NULL,no,202,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_2"", ""pri_1"", ""pri_2"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_2"", ""na"", ""na"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_5""), B05_memb_age = c(41, 38, 39, 14, 7, 5, 3, 12, 17, 15, 19, 19), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"",
""Spouse"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:12,
B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,5,yes,village2,mabatisloping,705,33.48340466,yes,9,no,yes,Este questionário ja havia sido lançado no ODK e as cordenadas geográficas nao foram registadas no papel.,"NA",yes,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""limit_variety"", ""reduce_meals"", ""restrict_adults"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11218863,list(),"NA",no,12
1,yes,ward2,yes,yes,24,3,"list(F11_no_owned = c(2, 5, 4), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:c4a2c982-244e-45a5-aa4b-71fa53f99e18,yes,"NA","NA",yes,3,"NA",muddaub,2,list(),"c(""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")",Compra de insumos agrÃcolas e produtos alimentares,2,yes,no,2017-04-26T16:13:33.000Z,no,no,3,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, NA, ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, NULL, ""tomatoes""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, NULL, ""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, NA, ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""no"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, NA, ""inherited""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, NA, ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, NA, ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:3)",2017-04-26,no,2017-04-26T15:46:24.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""maize"", ""tomatoes""), D01_curr_plot = 1:3, D02_total_plot = c(2, 3, 1.5), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""July"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"",
D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 1, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"",
D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Aug"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA,
D12_harvst_amount = 2, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 1.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 250, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"",
D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 117, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 800, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 800, D12_harvst_amount = 117, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1600)),
D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou cabeças de gado bovino"", ""Comprou cabeças de gado caprino""), F03_year = 2006:2007, F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente da agricultura irrigada"", ""Renda proveniente da agricultura irrigada""))",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"")",6,no,more_once,"c(""bicycle"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"")",more_half,yes,"c(""Jan"", ""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"", ""Dec"")",24,yes,NA,NULL,yes,72,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_1"", ""pri_5"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_4"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(60, 52, 20, 11, 4, 2), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"",
""comm_farming""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:6, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,5,yes,village3,grass,716,33.48347358,yes,4,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0512699
Longetude: 7905380
Altitude: 705.3m","NA",yes,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""limit_variety"", ""limit_portion"", ""reduce_meals"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11221489,list(),"NA",no,6
2,no,ward2,yes,no,9,3,"list(F11_no_owned = c(2, 6, 12), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:ac3da862-9e6c-4962-94b6-f4c31624f207,no,"NA","NA",yes,3,"NA",burntbricks,2,list(),"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"", ""Nov"")","Compra produtos alimentares, de higiene",3,yes,no,2017-04-26T16:45:01.000Z,no,yes,3,NULL,district1,cement,"list(E12_apply_water = c(""furrows"", NA, ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(""tomatoes"", NULL, ""beans""), E09_irr_manager = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"", ""child""), NULL, c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(""far"", NA, ""far""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""yes"", ""no"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(""purchased"", NA, ""purchased""), E11_water_fields = c(""canal_gravity"",
NA, ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(""river"", NA, ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:3)",2017-04-26,no,2017-04-26T16:13:50.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""tomatoes"", ""maize"", ""beans""), D01_curr_plot = 1:3, D02_total_plot = c(0.5, 3, 0.5), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Mar"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 900, D19_pesticide = ""required_buyer"",
D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 85, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 800, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 700, D12_harvst_amount = 85, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 800)),
D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 3, D11_harvst_unit = ""kg"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1250, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 18, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA,
D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 900, D12_harvst_amount = 38, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"",
D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 3000, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 6, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 800, D12_harvst_amount = 6, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA,
D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 800)), D_curr_crop = ""beans"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Construiu sua morada"", ""Comprou cabecas de gado bovino"", ""Comprou uma motorizada""), F03_year = c(2014, 2012, 2010), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente de agricultura irrigada"", ""Renda proveniente de agricultura irrigada"", ""Renda proveniente de trabalho asalariado""))",3,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"")",7,no,more_once,"c(""cow_cart"", ""motorcyle"", ""bicycle"", ""television"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""table"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,yes,"c(""Jan"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"")",6,no,NA,"c(""cheaper"", ""less_work"", ""train_outside_org"")",no,73,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_4"", ""pri_6"", ""sec_1"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_1"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(60, 55, 15, 13, 9, 6, 3), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""other"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Occasional"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""
), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:7, B08_interviewee_activities = list(""small_scale_farm"", c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, ""Conhado"", NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA
))",province1,4,yes,village3,mabatisloping,714,33.48341488,yes,4,no,no,"Os sacos sao sacos de 50kgs
Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0512572
Longetude: 7906701
Altitude: 716.8m","NA",yes,"c(""rely_less_food"", ""limit_variety"")","NA",-19.11219747,list(),"NA",yes,7
2,yes,ward2,yes,yes,48,6,"list(F11_no_owned = c(2, 4, 6, 30), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"", ""poultry""))","NA",uuid:4178a296-903a-4a8e-9cfa-0cd6143476e8,yes,"NA","NA",yes,6,"NA",burntbricks,5,list(),"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"")","Compra vestuário, produtos alimentares e insumos agrÃcola.",3,yes,no,2017-04-26T17:26:21.000Z,no,no,6,NULL,district1,cement,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, NA, NA, ""furrows"", ""furrows"", ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, NULL, NULL, ""cabbage"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, NULL, NULL, ""du_head"", ""du_head"", ""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, NA, NA, ""near"", ""near"", ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"",
""no"", ""no"", ""yes"", ""yes"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, NA, NA, ""allocated_cus_aut"", ""allocated_cus_aut"", ""allocated_cus_aut""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, NA, NA, ""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, NA, NA, ""river"", ""river"", ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:6)",2017-04-26,no,2017-04-26T16:45:28.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""sorghum"", ""peanut"", ""cabbage"", ""tomatoes"", ""vegetable""), D01_curr_plot = 1:6, D02_total_plot = c(6, 6, 6, 3, 3, 3), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1"", ""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"",
D08_land_planted = 4, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 600, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 5, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 210, D12_harvst_amount = 40, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""local_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA,
D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""July"", D08_land_planted = 4, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 600, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 3, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"",
D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 10, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""sorghum"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(
list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Apr"", D08_land_planted = 4, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1500, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 4, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 10,
D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""peanut"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""other"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 30,
D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 1000, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 1600, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 1200, D12_harvst_amount = 1000, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = ""Unidades"", D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(
""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1200)), D_curr_crop = ""cabbage"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 600, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 1200, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA,
D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 550, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 1200, D12_harvst_amount = 1200, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1200)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(
""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Aug"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 600, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 4, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 550, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 880, D12_harvst_amount = 4, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"",
D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1200)), D_curr_crop = ""vegetable"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou cabeças de gado"", ""Comprou tracção animal"", ""Construiu uma habitação"", ""Pagamento de despesas escolares""), F03_year = c(1997, 2001, 2001, 2003), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente de agricultura irrigada"", ""Renda proveniente de agricultura irrigada"", ""Renda proveniente de agricultura irrigada"", ""Renda proveniente de agricultura irrigada""))",4,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats"", ""poultry"")",17,no,more_once,"c(""bicycle"", ""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_panel"", ""mobile_phone"")",more_half,yes,none,22,no,NA,NULL,yes,76,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_7"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_3"", ""sec_3"", ""pri_4"", ""na"", ""na"", ""pri_7"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_4"", ""pri_4"", ""na"", ""na"", ""pri_2"", ""na"", ""na""), B05_memb_age = c(48, 38, 35, 20, 11, 4, 5, 16, 15, 14, 11, 11, 3, 4, 8, 3, 5), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male"", ""male""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""unmarried"", ""single"", ""unmarried"", ""single"",
""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(
c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:17, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""other""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), c(""housework"",
""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""small_scale_farm"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(""Venda de cabecas de gado bovino"", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,9,yes,village3,mabatipitched,702,33.48341762,yes,22,no,no,"Ponto geográfico
Latitude: 0513829
Longetude: 7911004
Altitude: 71.8m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.11220193,list(),"NA",no,17
1,no,ward2,yes,no,22,2,"list(F11_no_owned = 1:2, F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows""))","NA",uuid:a1e9df00-c8ae-411c-931c-c7df898c68d0,no,"NA","NA",no,2,"NA",burntbricks,2,list(),"c(""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"")",Compra produtos alimentares,2,yes,no,2017-04-27T12:56:42.000Z,no,no,2,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, c(""maize"", ""other"")), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, ""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, ""Inhame""), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""allocated_cus_aut""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:2)",2017-04-27,no,2017-04-27T12:27:31.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", c(""maize"", ""other"")), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(5, 0.5), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""2""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, ""Inhame""), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 120, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"",
D24_amnt_sold = 2, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 8, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"",
D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""May"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 120, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 2, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA,
D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 5, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA), list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA,
D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 2, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = c(""maize"", ""other""), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D05_times = c(1, 1))),
D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou chapas de zinco"", ""Comprou aparelho sonora""), F03_year = c(2014, 2005), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente de agricultura irrigada"", ""Renda proveniente de agricultura irrigada""))",2,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"")",5,no,never,"c(""radio"", ""cow_plough"", ""solar_torch"")",abt_half,no,"c(""Aug"", ""Sept"", ""Oct"")",17,no,NA,NULL,no,83,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""none"", ""none"", ""sec_4"", ""sec_1"", ""pri_3""), B05_memb_age = c(60, 54, 40, 14, 10), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""small_scale_farm"",
""comm_farming""), ""artisan"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:5, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""artisan"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,33,yes,village3,mabatisloping,693,33.48349754,yes,17,no,no,"Latitude: 0512467
Longetude: 7906174
Altitude: 70.0m","NA",yes,"c(""borrow_food"", ""lab_ex_food"")","NA",-19.11231638,list(),"NA",no,5
1,yes,ward2,yes,yes,40,3,"list(F11_no_owned = 2:3, F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows""))","NA",uuid:4d0f472b-f8ae-4026-87c9-6b5be14b0a70,yes,"NA","NA",yes,3,"NA",sunbricks,3,list(),"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"")",Paga despesas de escolas e produtos alimentares,2,yes,no,2017-04-27T13:23:06.000Z,no,no,3,NULL,district1,earth,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""furrows"", ""furrows""), E08_crops = list(NULL, c(""beans"", ""tomatoes""), ""tomatoes""), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, ""du_head"", ""du_head""), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, NA, NA), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near"", ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""inherited"", ""inherited""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""canal_gravity"", ""canal_gravity""
), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""river"", ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:3)",2017-04-27,no,2017-04-27T12:58:02.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", ""beans"", ""tomatoes""), D01_curr_plot = c(1, 2, NA), D02_total_plot = c(1, 1.5, 3), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""1"", ""1""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, NA, NA), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"",
D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 13, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1700)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"",
D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Nov"", D08_land_planted = 1, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1200, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 25, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA,
D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 30, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1700), list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""spouse""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""Aug"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1600, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"",
D24_amnt_sold = 20, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 20, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""urban_market""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1700)), D_curr_crop = c(""beans"",
NA), D_repeat_times_count = c(""1"", ""1""), D05_times = c(1, 1)), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = list(""du_head""), D10_who_own = ""head_spouse_free"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""July"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""crates"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = 1000, D19_pesticide = ""own_choice"", D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = 30, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""yes"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = 550,
D22_sell = ""yes"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = NA, D12_harvst_amount = 30, D16_imprv_seed = ""no"", D23_where_sold = list(""visiting_traders""), D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""paid_fertilizer""), D14_cost_fert = 1700)), D_curr_crop = ""tomatoes"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"", D05_times = 1)), D03_unit_land_other = c(NA, NA, NA))","list(F01_item = c(""Comprou cabecas de gado"", ""Comprou chapas de zinco""), F03_year = c(2005, 2015), F02_source_income = c(""Renda proveniente de agricultura irrigada"", ""Renda proveniente de agricultura irrigada""))",2,"c(""oxen"", ""cows"")",7,no,never,"c(""radio"", ""cow_plough"")",abt_half,yes,"c(""Oct"", ""Nov"")",12,yes,NA,NULL,NA,85,"list(B06_memb_education = c(""pri_5"", ""none"", ""pri_6"", ""pri_3"", ""pri_6"", ""na"", ""pri_1""), B05_memb_age = c(40, 25, 13, 10, 14, 1, 6), B02_memb_gender = c(""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""female"", ""male"", ""male"", ""female""), B04_memb_marital_status = c(""married"", ""married"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single"", ""single""), B03_relationship_du = c(""head"", ""Spouse"", ""Child"", ""Child"", ""other"", ""Child"", ""Child""), B07_residence_status = c(""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always"", ""Always""), B09_interviewee_main_activities = list(
c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B09_interviewee_main_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), B_memb_no = 1:7, B08_interviewee_activities = list(c(""small_scale_farm"", ""comm_farming""), c(""housework"", ""small_scale_farm""), ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na"", ""na""), B03_relationship_du_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, ""Sobrinho"", NA, NA), B08_interviewee_activities_other = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))",province1,10,yes,village3,grass,697,33.48358508,no,12,no,no,"Ponto geografico
Latitude: 0513771
Longetude: 7905618
Altitude: 77.8m","NA",yes,na,"NA",-19.11235114,list(),"NA",yes,7
2,no,ward2,yes,yes,10,2,"list(F11_no_owned = c(3, 2, 5), F_curr_liv = c(""oxen"", ""cows"", ""goats""))","NA",uuid:b3b309c6-f234-4830-8b30-87d26a17ee1d,yes,"NA","NA",no,2,"NA",burntbricks,2,list(),"c(""Sept"", ""Oct"")","Compra produtos de genero alimentÃcios, de higiene e utensÃlios domésticos",3,yes,no,2017-04-27T16:41:41.000Z,yes,no,2,NULL,district1,cement,"list(E12_apply_water = c(NA, ""basin""), E08_crops = list(NULL, c(""maize"", ""beans"", ""vegetable"", ""other"")), E09_irr_manager = list(NULL, c(""du_head"", ""spouse"")), E09_irr_manager_other = c(NA, NA), E14_access_other = c(NA, NA), E08_crops_other = c(NA, ""Inhame""), E13_plot_loc = c(NA, ""near""), E16_amount_pay = c(NA, NA), E15_duration = c(NA, NA), E07_bring = c(""no"", ""yes""), E14_access = c(NA, ""inherited""), E11_water_fields = c(NA, ""bucket""), E10_water_source = c(NA, ""river""), E06_plot_no = 1:2)",2017-04-27,no,2017-04-27T16:11:23.000Z,"list(D04_crops_harvsted = list(""maize"", c(""maize"", ""beans"", ""vegetable"", ""other"")), D01_curr_plot = 1:2, D02_total_plot = c(1.5, 3), D03_unit_land = c(""hactare"", ""hactare""), D_crops_count = c(""1"", ""4""), D04_crops_harvsted_other = c(NA, ""Inhame""), D_crops = list(list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 0.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"",
D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 1250, D12_harvst_amount = 0, D16_imprv_seed = ""yes"", D23_where_sold = NA, D11_harvst_unit_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp_other = NA, D09_land_ownshp = ""owned"", D13_fertilizer = list(""none""), D14_cost_fert = NA)), D_curr_crop = ""maize"", D_repeat_times_count = ""1"",
D05_times = 1), list(D_repeat_times = list(list(D26_who_sell_harv = NA, D10_who_own = ""du"", D06_mnth_harvest = ""June"", D08_land_planted = 1.5, D11_harvst_unit = ""bags"", D19_pesticide_other = NA, D25_price = NA, D19_pesticide = NA, D07_ploughing_typ = ""ox"", D24_amnt_sold = NA, D10_who_own_other = NA, D_use_pest = ""no"", D26_who_sell_harv_other = NA, D15_cost_manu = NA, D07_ploughing_typ_other = NA, D18_cost_pestcd = NA, D22_sell = ""no"", D20_paid_labour = ""no"", D21_cost_labour = NA, D17_cost_seed = 2500,