Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets
$ pip install pytorch torchvision
$ pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.13
- Download the preprocessed Cartoon Set and other resources here.
- The dataset is preprocessed from cartoonset100k.tgz, licensed by Google LLC.
- Using the original dataset is allowed.
- Note: the original images are 500x500, RGBA
- Preprocessed Cartoon Set Format
- Images
- 6 kinds of hair colors
- 4 kinds of eye colors
- 3 kinds of face colors
- with / without glasses
- Width, Height, Channel: 128, 128, RGB
- Note: all the 144 (=6x4x3x2) combinations will be tested
- Labels
- Images
- Both real and generated images are embedded into a feature space given by (a specific layer) of Inception Net
- Simple Baseline: FID Score <= 180
- Strong Baseline: FID Score <= 120
- See
- TAs will grade on the 144 * 5 generated images (i.e. 5 images for each of the combination of attributes)
$ python --ckpt_dir ./checkpoints/acgan_500 --eval_dir ./eval_images/acgan_500
$ python --arch resnet --ckpt_dir ./checkpoints/resnet_500 --eval_dir ./eval_images/resnet_500
$ python --arch resnet --loss hinge --ckpt_dir ./checkpoints/resnet_hinge_500 --eval_dir ./eval_images/resnet_hinge_500
$ python --arch resnet --ckpt_dir ./checkpoints/resnet_1000 --eval_dir ./eval_images/resnet_1000 --epochs 1000
- ACGAN with hidden concat
- Resnet-based ACGAN
- Adversarial Loss
- BCE Loss
- Wasserstein (WGAN)
- Hinge Loss
- Spectral Normalization
- Smaller batch size + more iterations
- Normalize the inputs
- Normalize the images between -1 and 1
- Tanh as the last layer of the generator output
- Sample Noise
- Use a Uniform distribution
- Use a Bernoulli distribution
- Use a spherical Z
- Don't sample from a Uniform distribution
- Sample from a gaussian distribution
- When doing interpolations, do the interpolation via a great circle, rather than a straight line from point A to point B
- Tom White's Sampling Generative Networks ref code has more details
- BatchNorm
- Construct different mini-batches for real and fake, i.e. each mini-batch needs to contain only all real images or all generated images.
- When batchnorm is not an option use instance normalization (for each sample, subtract mean and divide by standard deviation).
- Avoid Sparse Gradients: ReLU, MaxPool
- The stability of the GAN game suffers if you have sparse gradients
- LeakyReLU = good (in both G and D)
- For Downsampling, use: Average Pooling, Conv2d + stride
- For Upsampling, use: PixelShuffle, ConvTranspose2d + stride
- PixelShuffle:
- Train discriminator more (sometimes)
- Especially when you have noise
- Hard to find a schedule of number of D iterations vs G iterations
- More Tips
$ python --mode test_human --ckpt_dir ./checkpoints/acgan_500
$ mv ./results*.png ./eval_images/acgan_500
$ python --mode test_fid --ckpt_dir ./checkpoints/acgan_500
$ cd FID_evaluation
$ python ../sample_test/fid_images
FID score: 143.087
$ python --arch resnet --mode test_human --ckpt_dir ./checkpoints/resnet_500
$ mv ./results*.png ./eval_images/resnet_500
$ python --arch resnet --mode test_fid --ckpt_dir ./checkpoints/resnet_500
$ cd FID_evaluation
$ python ../sample_test/fid_images
FID score: 78.082
$ python --arch resnet --mode test_human --ckpt_dir ./checkpoints/resnet_hinge_500
$ mv ./results*.png ./eval_images/resnet_hinge_500
$ python --arch resnet --mode test_fid --ckpt_dir ./checkpoints/resnet_hinge_500
$ cd FID_evaluation
$ python ../sample_test/fid_images
FID score: 142.319
$ python --arch resnet --mode test_human --ckpt_dir ./checkpoints/resnet_1000
$ mv ./results*.png ./eval_images/resnet_1000
$ python --arch resnet --mode test_fid --ckpt_dir ./checkpoints/resnet_1000
$ cd FID_evaluation
$ python ../sample_test/fid_images
FID score: 68.600
Architecture | Loss | Epochs | FID Score | Note |
ACGAN | BCE | 500 | 143.087 | acgan_500 |
Resnet-based ACGAN | BCE | 500 | 78.082 | resnet_500 |
Resnet-based ACGAN | Hinge | 500 | 142.319 | resnet_hinge_500 |
Resnet-based ACGAN | BCE | 1000 | 68.600 | resnet_1000 |