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Utilities for Janssen cloud deployment. Used in Janssen docker images.

Developer guide

Run testcases

Testcase files are available under tests directory. To run testcase suite, follow steps below:

  1. Install tox by running pip install tox
  2. Run tox executable to run all testcase suites (note, to run a single testcase suite, run tox -- tests/path/to/testfile instead; see avaiable test files under tests directory)

Check docstrings

The sourcecode of jans.pycloudlib are heavily documented internally using docstrings. To check whether they are missing docstrings, run the following steps:

  1. Install pydocstyle by running pip install pydocstyle[toml]
  2. Check docstrings by running pydocstyle jans
  3. Adjust docstrings if any error is reported by pydocstyle

Check Python types

We are adding more typehints into the jans.pycloudlib sourcecode, gradually.

  1. Run pip install -r requirements-dev.txt to install required libraries.
  2. Check typehints by running mypy --install-types jans
  3. Fix errors reported by mypy

Building internal docs

Internal docs are generated from mkdocs-based docs at docs directory. To generate/preview docs, run the following steps:

  1. Run pip install -r requirements-dev.txt to install required libraries.
  2. Preview docs by running mkdocs serve -w jans
  3. Visit http://localhost:8000 to see the generated docs (they are reloaded automatically when source code is modified)
