When planning for you workload deployment updates, it's important to understand the constraints also from persistent storage perspective.
If you use Azure Disk for your persistent storage, then this part is crucial to understand:
An Azure disk can only be mounted with Access mode type
, which makes it available to one node in AKS. If you need to share a persistent volume across multiple nodes, use Azure Files.
Above taken from Dynamically create and use a persistent volume with Azure disks in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
See also Single-Instance Stateful Application and Replicated Stateful Application for more information on this topic.
Here are some tests to help you plan your application setup. Please note that below results have been achieved with very very limited testing. Your mileage will vary.
Scenario | Result |
Single node & RollingUpdate |
Downtime fraction of second or not observed |
Single node & Recreate |
10 seconds ± 5 seconds |
Two nodes & RollingUpdate & Workload stays in same node |
Downtime fraction of second or not observed |
Two nodes & Deployment & RollingUpdate & Workload moved to another node |
Deployment stuck to Unable to attach or mount volumes |
Two nodes & Deployment & Recreate & Workload moved to another node |
45 seconds ± 10 seconds |
Two nodes & StatefulSet & RollingUpdate & Workload moved to another node |
45 seconds ± 10 seconds |
Two nodes & Node failure | ~8 minutes (see workaround to get to ~2 minutes) |
If you need to support ReadWriteMany
to better manage the updates, then look for other storage options e.g., Azure Files or Azure NetApp Files.
Here are some of the tests logs to better understand how testing has been done.
Note: Below are examples without Availability Zones
Note: Using deployment monitor script for invoking the test endpoint of the application. Deployed test application was webapp-update available in Docker Hub.
Switch to different node has been enforced using kubectl cordon
e.g., kubectl cordon aks-nodepool1-10842753-vmss000001
Note: You can use both Deployment and StatefulSets, since this is single node deployment.
Using update strategy RollingUpdate
05/06/2022 07:46:10: 00:00:00.0043771
machineName : webapp-fs-tester-demo-7f94d9db-2c57s
started : 6.5.2022 4.40.56
uptime : 00:05:14.5912097
appEnvironment :
appEnvironmentSticky :
content : 1.0.8
05/06/2022 07:46:30: 00:00:19.7609413
machineName : webapp-fs-tester-demo-599dbcfb5-c2xdx
started : 6.5.2022 4.46.29
uptime : 00:00:02.0174074
appEnvironment :
appEnvironmentSticky :
content : 1.0.9
05/06/2022 07:46:54: 00:00:23.1092401
machineName : webapp-fs-tester-demo-7f94d9db-9wwtr
started : 6.5.2022 4.46.53
uptime : 00:00:00.9508691
appEnvironment :
appEnvironmentSticky :
content : 1.0.8
Using update strategy Recreate
05/06/2022 07:49:41: 00:00:07.0655824
machineName : webapp-fs-tester-demo-7f94d9db-pkvtn
started : 6.5.2022 4.49.39
uptime : 00:00:02.3469830
appEnvironment :
appEnvironmentSticky :
content : 1.0.8
05/06/2022 07:50:01: 00:00:19.7484896 -> Offline
05/06/2022 07:50:11: 00:00:09.1061795
machineName : webapp-fs-tester-demo-599dbcfb5-tn76m
started : 6.5.2022 4.50.10
uptime : 00:00:01.8536378
appEnvironment :
appEnvironmentSticky :
content : 1.0.9
Using update strategy RollingUpdate
kubectl get pod -n demos
webapp-fs-tester-demo-599dbcfb5-54cff 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 15m
webapp-fs-tester-demo-7f94d9db-2bs4j 1/1 Running 0 25m
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 16m default-scheduler Successfully assigned demos/webapp-fs-tester-demo-599dbcfb5-54cff to aks-nodepool1-13507708-vmss000003
Warning FailedAttachVolume 16m attachdetach-controller Multi-Attach error for volume "pvc-ec14e20f-64f4-42ea-b29a-57f1bc3fa788" Volume is already used by pod(s) webapp-fs-tester-demo-7f94d9db-2bs4j
Warning FailedMount 14m kubelet Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[premiumdisk], unattached volumes=[kube-api-access-f9q7s premiumdisk]: timed out waiting for the condition
Warning FailedMount 29s (x6 over 11m) kubelet Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[premiumdisk], unattached volumes=[premiumdisk kube-api-access-f9q7s]: timed out waiting for the condition
Using update strategy Recreate
05/06/2022 08:04:04: 00:00:01.0171024
machineName : webapp-fs-tester-demo-599dbcfb5-tn76m
started : 6.5.2022 4.50.10
uptime : 00:13:54.5678609
appEnvironment :
appEnvironmentSticky :
content : 1.0.9
05/06/2022 08:04:36: 00:00:31.8650062 -> Offline
05/06/2022 08:05:26: 00:00:49.6406328
machineName : webapp-fs-tester-demo-7f94d9db-ghxtq
started : 6.5.2022 5.05.23
uptime : 00:00:03.6706291
appEnvironment :
appEnvironmentSticky :
content : 1.0.8
05/06/2022 08:05:28: 00:00:01.0150013 -> Offline
05/06/2022 08:05:30: 00:00:01.0152121
machineName : webapp-fs-tester-demo-7f94d9db-ghxtq
started : 6.5.2022 5.05.23
uptime : 00:00:06.8665084
appEnvironment :
appEnvironmentSticky :
content : 1.0.8
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 6m33s default-scheduler Successfully assigned demos/webapp-fs-tester-demo-0 to aks-nodepool1-13507708-vmss000000
Warning FailedAttachVolume 6m33s attachdetach-controller Multi-Attach error for volume "pvc-ec14e20f-64f4-42ea-b29a-57f1bc3fa788" Volume is already exclusively attached to one node and can't be attached to another
Warning FailedMount 4m30s kubelet Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[premiumdisk], unattached volumes=[kube-api-access-dxbp9 premiumdisk]: timed out waiting for the condition
Warning FailedMount 2m16s kubelet Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[premiumdisk], unattached volumes=[premiumdisk kube-api-access-dxbp9]: timed out waiting for the condition
Normal SuccessfulAttachVolume 20s attachdetach-controller AttachVolume.Attach succeeded for volume "pvc-ec14e20f-64f4-42ea-b29a-57f1bc3fa788"
Normal Pulling 18s kubelet Pulling image "jannemattila/webapp-update:1.0.8"
Normal Pulled 17s kubelet Successfully pulled image "jannemattila/webapp-update:1.0.8" in 836.314823ms
Normal Created 17s kubelet Created container webapp-fs-tester-demo
Normal Started 17s kubelet Started container webapp-fs-tester-demo