Chat bot for Nord Pool REMIT UMM push notifications. Currently only handles production and transmission outages related to the Finnish market.
The bot listens of for push notifications from Nord Pool's UMM SignalR endpoint, then looks up the message details from the REST API and decides whether to send a chat message for it.
The application takes sensitive configuration via environment variables, while the rest is configured with command-line options:
$ SLACK_CHANNEL_ID=foo SLACK_BOT_TOKEN=bar node dist/umm-slack-bot.js --help
node umm-slack-bot.js [options]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-d, --databasePath The path to the database file [required]
The specified database file is created if it doesn't exist (the directory must exist though).
- Copy the provided service file to /etc/systemd/system and modify the paths to match your deployment
- Run
systemctl edit umm-bot
and add the following, providing proper values for all variables:
- Run the service
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' ''