Simple library written in C# to connect to HordeAI api, with cli simulating a chat
Full AI Horde API docs:
just create a HordeApiCaller object and call SendGenerateRequest to start request, then GetTextStatus to check if it has completed, once finished GetTextStatus also contains the generated text in generations[0].text.
example call: ./HordeApiCLI.exe -k 0000000000 -u Jacopo -a Alice -p "Add answers of Alice in dialogue. Generate only Alice answers. Answers should be always thoughtful and precise. \n ------------------- \n" -d true -e false
contains all CLI arguments, all have default values
- apiKey (-k): Set API key. If not set, it defaults to the guest API key:
. - user (-u): Set user nickname, defaults to
. - assistant (-a): Set assistant nickname, defaults to
. - prompt (-p): Set initial prompt to describe assistant's behavior, defaults to few sentence long description of an ai assistant role.
- showDebug (-d): Print system outputs about retrieving API calls and queue wait time, defaults to
. - showErrors (-e): Print error outputs about connection failures, defaults to
Example use on default settings should look like this