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84 lines (79 loc) · 5.44 KB

File metadata and controls

84 lines (79 loc) · 5.44 KB

1.3.6 Added getDecision() and getSheets() functions

  • Fixed bug - when constructing Glossary (none supplied) - output variables weren't being added to the Glossary

1.3.5 Made Decision optional

  • Added getGlossary() function to aid web developers

1.3.4 Made Glossary optional - Added rules within rules functionality

  • Changed test for Rules as Rows/Rules as Columns/CrossTab Rules (removed dependency on Glossary)
  • Added glossary validation for output and inputs for CrossTab Rules (must be in provided glossary or valid for assembled glossary)
  • Reserved the output Variable name 'Execute'.
    • Output cells for the 'Execute' output Variable must contain the name of a decision table
    • The named decision table will invoked/run/executed when the associated rule is triggered
    • Execution of the named decision table will occur when, normally, a value would have been assigned to the 'Execute' output variable
    • Outputs from the named decision table may overwrite outputs already assigned as part of the current rule
    • Outputs for the current rule, assigned after the named decision table has been invoked/run/execute may overwrite outputs from the named decsion table
    • A decision table can invode/run/execute itself, but there is a recursion limit of 100 - to prevent runaway rules

1.3.1 Added DMN 1.3 support

  • Added support for the new DMN 1.3 built-in functions
    • is() and the Range comparison functions
  • Added support for passing ranges as input values
    • ranges are passed as tuples of (end0, low0, high1, end1)
      where end0 must be one of '(', '[' or ']' and end1 must be one of ')', ']', '['
      and low0 and high1 must be the same data type, and a valid data type for conversion to FEEL
  • Added support for passing string litterals (@"xxx") as input values
  • pyDMNrules also inherits from pySFeel and there have been a number of enhancements to pySFeel
    • Support for literal strings (@"xxx") for dates/times/date-times/durations
    • Support for @region/location timezones for times and date-times
    • Support for attributes for date/times/date-times/durations/ranges
      @"2021-12-2".year returns 2021
    • Plus some bug fixes

1.2.8 - Bug fixed

  • fixed error message when failing input validity
  • fixed error when a Pandas dataframe has invalid column names
  • added 'strict' option to decidePandas() for forcing the return of only valid Pandas column names

1.2.7 - Bug fix

  • fixed bug in fixed value comparisons of booleans

1.2.6 - Bug fix and optimization

  • fixed and datetime.timedelta data type errors in decidePandas() function
  • fixed bug when assigning Glossary values to invalid FEEL (e.g. "string1" "string2" - typos in Variable names can create invalid FEEL)
  • added optimization for testing input values against fixed values and outputing fixed output values

1.2.5 - Updated dependencies and documentation

1.2.4 - Added Pandas functionality

  • decidePandas(dfInput) passes each row of DataFrame dfInput through the decide() function.
    • Returns (dfStatus, dfResults, dfDecision)
      • dfStatus is a Series of 'no errors' or the 'errors' from the decision
      • dfResults is a DataFrame with one row for each row of dfInput, being 'Results' of the final decision
      • dfDecision is a DataFrame describing the decision for each row of dfInput (RuleName, TableName, RuleID, DecisionAnnotations, RuleAnnotations)

1.2.3 - Another bug fix release

  • fixed/improved substitution of BusinessConcept.Attribute for Variable in input and output cells when Decision tables are parsed
  • fixed substitution of actual value for BusinessConcept.Attribute when inputs are tested and output created in decide()
  • fixed bug in parsing Excel booleans (TRUE/FALSE)

1.2.2 - Fixed bug when variable referenced in a test/output and the variable and it's Business Concept shared the same name

1.2.1 - Fixed bug in in() function

1.2.0 - First candidate for a production release

  • added lots of pytest tests
  • fixed bug preventing the re-use of a decision in the list of decision tables
  • fixed bug when assigning rule id in rules as columns decision tables
  • added check that decision tables named on the Decision worksheet exist in the workbook
  • rewrote test2sfeel
    • Added support for FEEL functions that return a boolean and have the input variable as a parameter.
      They can now be specified without the input variable as a parameter.
      e.g. "starts with("abc") will test if the input variable starts with 'abc'.
      Supported functions are
      • not()
      • odd()
      • even()
      • all()
      • any()
      • starts with(string)
      • ends with(string)
      • list contains(value)
      • matches('string')
      • matches('string', 'flags')
        Also supported is not(suportedFunction()), but definitely not not(not())
  • Fixed validity checking
  • Added support for Excel boolean cells (TRUE, FALSE) so long as they are the only value in a cell
  • Added loadTest() function for loading the Test worksheet from a different workbook
  • Added the use() function which take an openpyxl workbook object. Useful if you want to read other data from the workbook before using the rules
  • Added the useTest() function which takes an openpyxl workbook object that contains the 'Test' worksheet. Useful if you want to run the tests and record the results in a separate workbook.
  • Fixed checking of inputs and outputs against valid values

0.1.10 - the first release