Find a partner and begin typing the following exercises. You should alternate who types and who explains the output.
add the following code snippet to ```app.rb`` file:
get "/getname/:name" do |name|
"Welcome, #{params[:name]}!"
Type CTRL+C to terminal the running Sinatra app; and type the following command in C9 terminal to restart it:
Note: Type the following content literally, do not replace anything.
ruby app.rb -p $PORT -o $IP
In your browser, type the following URL:
http://<project-name>-<username><your name>
Try to explain what happended.
add the following code snippet to app.rb
get '/getname/:name/:city' do
"Hey there #{params[:name]} from #{params[:city]}."
In your browser, type the following URL:
http://<project-name>-<username><your name>/<your city>
Try to explain what happended.
add the following code snippet to app.rb
(right after the above code snippet)
get '/getname/:name/:city' do
"Alternative routing result: #{params[:name]} from #{params[:city]}."
Restart the server, in your browser, type the following URL:
http://<project-name>-<username><your name>/<your city>
See the result in the browser and reorganize your code to change the code snippet order as follows:
get '/getname/:name/:city' do
"Alternative routing result: #{params[:name]} from #{params[:city]}."
get '/getname/:name/:city' do
"Hey there #{params[:name]} from #{params[:city]}."
Try to explain what happended.
add the following code snippet to the end of app.rb
get '/getname/*' do
arr = params[:splat]
ret = ''
arr[0].split('/').each do |param|
ret += (param + '<br/>')
In your browser, type the following URL:
Try to explain what happended.
Go to the next page of this Tutorial