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Add option to disable autolink files  #5105



I am not sure whether this counts as a feature request or a bug.

JabRef 5.0-dev--snapshot--2019-07-06--master--add35be12
Windows 10 10.0 amd64
Java 1.8.0_211

In JabRef 3.8.2 it was possible to link previously downloaded PDFs to the database item using the "Get fulltext" button (see, if you had set a main file directory ( In current development versions that does not appear to be possible anymore. Instead, JabRef apparently starts to automatically look for all files whose names start with the bibtex key (depending on your setting) and then allow you you add these files. I would prefer that this automatic behaviour was turned off (or if people like it, that there is at least a way of turning it off) and that the manual addition becomes possible again with a dedicated button.

If you have many supporting files the automatic behaviour auto file link behaviour can become a bit annoying, especially if you have Bibtex keys like the following "Berner2013" and "Berner2013_Test" (all the supporting files of "Berner2013_Test" will automatically show up for "Berner2013").

Furthermore, I have the impression that JabRef no longer checks just the main file directory (as it did in version 3.8.2) but seems to scan the whole file system? Can you confirm this? If that is the case, can you restore the old behaviour: I don't want to link PDFs that are not found in the dedicated PDF folder.



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