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JabRef 5.10 breaks CLI export #10380



JabRef version

5.10 (latest release)

Operating system

GNU / Linux

Details on version and operating system

Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS, shell is GNU bash, version 5.1.16(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

Checked with the latest development build (copy version output from About dialog)

  • I made a backup of my libraries before testing the latest development version.
  • I have tested the latest development version and the problem persists

Steps to reproduce the behaviour

Calling jabref -n -i <bibfile>,bibtex -o <htmlfile>,tablerefsabsbib on the command line hangs indefinitely under linux.
By contrast, under version 5.9, it works perfectly.

The following is a transcript using JabRef 5.11 as downloaded from on 2023-09-14, 14:00UTC. The behavior is the same as under JabRef 5.10.

kingaa@saure:~/logos/biblios$ jabref5.11 -n -i biblios.bib,bibtex -o biblios.html,tablerefsabsbib
Messages are not initialized before accessing key: Display help on command line options
2023-09-14 10:08:28 [main] org.jabref.logic.protectedterms.ProtectedTermsLoader.update()
WARN: New protected terms resource '/protectedterms/computer_science.terms' is available and enabled by default.
2023-09-14 10:08:28 [main] org.jabref.preferences.JabRefPreferences.getFetcherKeysFromKeyring()
WARN: JabRef could not open the key store
Importing: biblios.bib
2023-09-14 10:08:30 [main] org.jabref.logic.cleanup.FieldFormatterCleanups.getFormatterFromString()
INFO: Formatter identity not found.
Exporting: biblios.html
2023-09-14 10:08:30 [main] org.jabref.cli.Launcher.main()
ERROR: Unexpected exception: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.jabref.gui.maintable.ColumnPreferences.getColumnSortOrder()" because "this.mainTableColumnPreferences" is null
        at org.jabref@5.11.142/org.jabref.preferences.JabRefPreferences.getSelfContainedTableSaveOrder(Unknown Source)
        at org.jabref@5.11.142/org.jabref.preferences.JabRefPreferences.getSelfContainedExportConfiguration(Unknown Source)
        at org.jabref@5.11.142/org.jabref.preferences.JabRefPreferences.getCustomExportFormats(Unknown Source)
        at org.jabref@5.11.142/org.jabref.preferences.JabRefPreferences.getExportPreferences(Unknown Source)
        at org.jabref@5.11.142/org.jabref.logic.exporter.ExporterFactory.create(Unknown Source)
        at org.jabref@5.11.142/org.jabref.cli.ArgumentProcessor.exportFile(Unknown Source)
        at org.jabref@5.11.142/org.jabref.cli.ArgumentProcessor.processArguments(Unknown Source)
        at org.jabref@5.11.142/org.jabref.cli.ArgumentProcessor.<init>(Unknown Source)
        at org.jabref@5.11.142/org.jabref.cli.Launcher.main(Unknown Source)

The call does not return (i.e., it hangs).

Here is the behavior under JabRef 5.9:

jabref5.9 -n -i biblios.bib,bibtex -o biblios.html,tablerefsabsbib
Importing: biblios.bib
Exporting: biblios.html

The resulting HTML file is as expected.

In case it is important, the biblios.bib BibTeX file here has been opened and saved in JabRef 5.10.


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