FlatLaf is a modern open-source cross-platform Look and Feel for Java Swing desktop applications.
It looks almost flat (no shadows or gradients), clean, simple and elegant. FlatLaf comes with Light, Dark, IntelliJ and Darcula themes, scales on HiDPI displays and runs on Java 8 or newer (LTS and latest).
The look is heavily inspired by Darcula and IntelliJ themes from IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2+ and uses almost the same colors and icons.
FlatLaf can use 3rd party themes created for IntelliJ Platform (see IntelliJ Themes Pack):
Run demo with java -jar flatlaf-demo-<version>.jar
(or double-click it).
Requires Java 8 or newer.
FlatLaf binaries are available on Maven Central.
If you use Maven or Gradle, add a dependency with following coordinates to your build script:
groupId: com.formdev
artifactId: flatlaf
version: (see button below)
Otherwise, download flatlaf-<version>.jar
See also Native Libraries distribution for instructions on how to redistribute FlatLaf native libraries with your application.
FlatLaf snapshot binaries are available on
Sonatype OSSRH.
To access the latest snapshot, change the FlatLaf version in your dependencies
to <version>-SNAPSHOT
(e.g. 0.27-SNAPSHOT
) and add the repository
to your build (see
- IntelliJ Themes Pack - bundles many popular open-source 3rd party themes
- Extras - SVG icon, tri-state check box, UI inspectors, and more
- SwingX - support for SwingX components
- JIDE Common Layer - support for JIDE Common Layer components
- Fonts - some font families bundled in easy-to-use and redistributable JARs
To use FlatLaf, add following code to your main method before you create any Swing component:
// create UI here...
For more information and documentation visit FlatLaf Home:
- Themes
- Customizing
- How to Customize
- Properties Files
- Components UI Properties
- Typography
- Client Properties
- System Properties
The Theme Editor that supports editing FlatLaf theme properties files. See Theme Editor documentation for details and downloads.
- FlatLaf 3.1 (and 3.0) announcement on Reddit
- FlatLaf 1.0 announcement on Reddit
- FlatLaf announcement on Reddit
JFormDesigner (commercial) - Java/Swing GUI Designer (from the FlatLaf creators)
JProfiler (commercial) - the award-winning all-in-one Java profiler
install4j (commercial) - the powerful multi-platform Java installer builder
DbVisualizer (commercial) - the universal database tool for developers, analysts and DBAs
Apache NetBeans - IDE for Java, PHP, HTML and much more
Thermo-Calc (commercial) - Thermodynamics and Properties Software
Ultorg (commercial) - a visual query system for relational databases
- Jailer - database subsetting and relational data browsing tool
MagicPlot (commercial) - Software for nonlinear fitting, plotting and data analysis
Constellation - Data Visualization and Analytics (based on NetBeans platform)
Kafka Visualizer - Kafka GUI client
ZAP - the world's most widely used web app scanner
Burp Suite Professional and Community Edition (commercial) - the leading software for web security testing
Ghidra - a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework
jadx - Dex to Java decompiler
- BurpCustomizer - adds more FlatLaf themes to Burp Suite
- Total Validator (commercial) - checks your website
- JPass - password manager with strong encryption
- jclasslib bytecode viewer
- KeyStore Explorer
muCommander - lightweight cross-platform file manager
Guiffy (commercial) - advanced cross-platform Diff/Merge
HashGarten - cross-platform Swing GUI for Jacksum
- Pseudo Assembler IDE - IDE for Pseudo-Assembler
- Linotte - French programming language created to learn programming
- lsfusion platform - information systems development platform
Consulo - open source cross-platform multi-language IDE (Java, .NET, JS, etc)
- Antares - a free, powerful platform for designing, simulating and explaining digital circuits
- Logisim-evolution - Digital logic design tool and simulator
- Makelangelo Software - for plotters, especially the wall-hanging polargraph
- GUIslice Builder - GUI builder for GUIslice, a lightweight GUI framework for embedded displays
- ThunderFocus - Arduino-based telescope focuser
- RemoteLight - multifunctional LED control software
jAlbum (commercial) - creates photo album websites
MediathekView - search in media libraries of various German broadcasters
- Cinecred - create beautiful film credit sequences
- tinyMediaManager (commercial) - a media management tool
- Weasis - medical DICOM viewer used in healthcare by hospitals, health networks, etc
- Shutter Encoder (source code) - professional video converter and compression tool
- Sound Analysis - analyze sound files in time or frequency domain
- Novel-Grabber - download novels from any webnovel and lightnovel site
- lectureStudio - digitize your lectures with ease
Astah (commercial) - create UML, ER Diagram, Flowchart, Data Flow Diagram, Requirement Diagram, SysML diagrams and more
- IGMAS+ - Interactive Gravity and Magnetic Application System
Big Faceless (BFO) PDF Viewer (commercial) - Swing PDF Viewer
- PDF Studio (commercial) - create, review and edit PDF documents
- XMLmind XML Editor (commercial)
JOSM - an extensible editor for OpenStreetMap (requires FlatLaf JOSM plugin)
- Mapton (source code) - some kind of map application (based on NetBeans platform)
- MeteoInfo - GIS and scientific computation environment for meteorological community
j-lawyer - Kanzleisoftware
Jeyla Studio - Salon Software
- Fanurio (commercial) - time tracking and billing for freelancers and teams
- Jes - Die Java-EÜR
- mendelson AS2, AS4 and OFTP2 (open-source) and mendelson AS2, AS4 and OFTP2 (commercial)
Spark - cross-platform IM client optimized for businesses and organizations
Chatty - Twitch Chat Client
BGBlitz (commercial) - professional Backgammon
MCreator - software used to make Minecraft Java Edition mods, Minecraft Bedrock Edition Add-Ons, and data packs without programming knowledge
MapTool - virtual Tabletop for playing role-playing games
- MegaMek, MegaMekLab and MekHQ - a sci-fi tabletop BattleTech simulator suite handling battles, unit building, and campaigns
- ControllerBuddy - advanced gamepad mapping software
- MooInfo - visual implementation of OSHI, to view information about the system and hardware
Linux Task Manager (LTM) - GUI for monitoring and managing various aspects of a Linux system
- Rest Suite - Rest API testing
- SpringRemote - remote Linux SSH connections manager
- jEnTunnel - manage SSH Tunnels made easy
- Android Tool - makes popular adb and fastboot commands easier to use
- MEKA - multi-label classifiers and evaluation procedures using the Weka machine learning framework