Make sure you have:
- Node
- Npm
- React
- React-native
- The Api cloned and running
Run in project directory
npm install
- Make sure the api is running
- All links in the app point to
- In AppDelegate.m - include this line
jsCodeLocation = [[RCTBundleURLProvider sharedSettings] jsBundleURLForBundleRoot:@"index.ios" fallbackResource:nil];
npm start
in project directoryreact-native run-ios
in project directory
- Make sure you are on the same wifi as api server
- Server is running on
rails server -b
- In AppDelegate.m - include this line
jsCodeLocation = [NSURL URLWithString:@'http://<API-IP-ADDRESS>:8081/index.ios.bundle'];
- All links in the app point to
npm start
in project directory- Open project in xcode and run on device