layout | title | tags |
col-sidebar |
OWASP Community Pages |
community |
Community Content - Contributing
Click the triangle (or other control/character) to the left of the following headings to access an expanded list of community content pages.
{% assign control_pages = site.pages | sort: 'title' | where_exp: "page", "page.path contains '/controls/'" | where_exp: "page", " != ''" | where_exp: "page", " != ''"%}
{% for page in control_pages %}
- {{ page.title }}{% if %} by {{ }}{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% assign attack_pages = site.pages | sort: 'title' | where_exp: "page", "page.path contains '/attacks/'" | where_exp: "page", " != ''" | where_exp: "page", " != ''"%}
{% for page in attack_pages %}
- {{ page.title }}{% if %} by {{ }}{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% assign vuln_pages = site.pages | sort: 'title' | where_exp: "page", "page.path contains '/vulnerabilities/'" | where_exp: "page", " != ''" | where_exp: "page", " != ''"%}
{% for page in vuln_pages %}
- {{ page.title }}{% if %} by {{ }}{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% assign pages = site.pages | sort: 'title' | where_exp: "page", "page.path contains 'pages/'" | where_exp: "page", " != ''" | where_exp: "page", " != ''"%} {% assign already_displayed = control_pages | concat: attack_pages | concat: vuln_pages %}
{% for page in pages %}
{% assign display = true %}
{% for checkpage in already_displayed %}
{% if checkpage.url == page.url %}
{% assign display = false %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
- {{ page.title }}{% if %} by {{ }}{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% if display %}
OWASP Community Pages are a place where OWASP can accept community contributions for security-related content.
To contribute, go to the repository for this site.
Go into the pages
folder and create a new file. Save and commit the file.
Include the following front matter and include in your file (for example, see: pages/
in this repository):
{% raw %}
layout: col-sidebar
title: [title of page]
author: [author name]
contributors: [contributors]
permalink: [direct link to page, removes /pages] (this is optional and requires some care)
tags: [attack, XSS, etc]
{% include writers.html %}
{% endraw %}
Please ensure your content contribution is based on original work/thought and not plagiarised. Also, please ensure that contributions are vendor/product neutral.